Moscow is hi-tech and safe

But in fact, something like this:

Artificial intelligence is everywhere you look. The media report on the implementation of AI at all levels, numerous universities conduct scientific research on a global scale, Harb publishes hundreds of articles on high technologies every day ... Judging by the state tenders, our Russian national economy has long switched to AI.

Sometimes you really want to be happy for our country and do something more useful than repeating Chinese technologies ("and we could serve in intelligence ..."), but here it is like in a landing party: no one but us! For 25 years now, the provincial company Spetslab has been developing its own video processing technologies, all this time the market is full of competitors, and we are constantly surprised that no one does anything in reality - everyone imitates activity. And everyone competes in the quality of this imitation - in PR. And we, by the way, too - because they will not understand if the site is not beautiful, or the slang is not modern, or the client's logos are not cool. Even if we don't give a damn about it - we just want to be of real benefit, they will just spit on us with these phrases.

You look at all this imitation and you begin to suspect that the world is somehow unreal, not real. Here on Habré, post an article about what you created yourself in high technology - they will peck. You can't do anything of your own! Describe someone else's - how cool it is - and you'll be in the top. (Before shouting the opposite, just analyze the local archive.) Reality is not welcomed in all circles of the country from this media to our helmsmen.

This video report tells a little about how cool the Safe City of Moscow is. And this is just a preface to what technologies are in the entire capital, throughout the country. Gentlemen, someone has to make humble attempts to tell ourselves - we are not creating anything.

We imitate.

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