One of the qualities of a good employee: how much effort is required to complete the task (with 100% formulated TOR)

What makes a bad employee different from a good one? I consider one of the qualities - we formulate completely from and to the TK (technical assignment) for the task, and we look at how much it takes to spend our efforts for the employee to complete the task. Details under the cut.

Let's take the simplest TK - transfer the bag from one corner of the room to another (from one place to another). The next step is to clearly formulate the TK:

  • when to move the bag
  • where to put the bag (we directly put points on the building plan)
  • is it possible to put the bag upside down at the end or not
  • is it possible to "beat" the bag or there are fragile things in it
  • whether at the end point the bag should be leaning against something (for example, against a wall), or this should not be allowed
  • etc.

In an ideal model of the situation, we have fully described the TK. After all, we need to evaluate the employee, not the technical specification. You can come up with some kind of your simple TK.

Then we give the employee this TK, explain the TK to him, to such an extent that he understands everything.

And then we measure - how much we need to spend our efforts in order for the TK to be fulfilled.

What can happen:

  1. The employee did not complete the task - we expended efforts to remind him of the task.
  2. For example, an employee put the bag upside down, but this was not allowed - again we expended efforts.
  3. "" , — , , .

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