Type-safe matrices in Haskell

Type-safe matrices are a perennial topic. They argue about their relevance, and entire languages are written to implement lists with long at the type level . It struck me as odd that there is still no variant in Haskell that meets the sane criteria of convenience and safety. Are there any reasons for the lack of ready-made libraries, or are they just not_necessary? Let's figure it out.

The surest way to understand why something (which certainly should be!) Is not - is to try to do it yourself. Let's try ..


The first thing comes to mind (at least to me) article on of the type level haskell , where, with the aid of DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures(a brief description of where and why they are used - below) are introduced inductive natural numbers, and behind them and vectors parameterized length:

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

data Vector (n :: Nat) a where
  (:|) :: a -> Vector n a -> Vector ('Succ n) a
  Nil :: Vector 'Zero a

infixr 3 :| 

KindSignaturesis used to indicate that it nmay not be any type with a kind *(such as a parameter in the same example), but a value of type Nat raised to the level of types. This is possible by extension DataKinds. GADTsthey are needed so that the constructor can influence the value type. In our case, the constructor will Nilconstruct exactly the Vector of length Zero, and the constructor will :|attach a type element to the vector in the second argument aand increase the size by one. For a more detailed and correct description, you can read the article I referred to above or the Haskell Wiki.

What. This seems to be what we need. It remains only to enter the matrix:

newtype Matrix (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) a = Matrix (Vector m (Vector n a))

And this will even work:

>>> :t Matrix $ (1 :| Nil) :| Nil
Matrix $ (1 :| Nil) :| Nil :: Num a => Matrix ('Succ 'Zero) ('Succ 'Zero) a

>>> :t Matrix $ (1 :| 2 :| Nil) :| (3 :| 4 :| Nil) :| Nil
Matrix $ (1 :| 2 :| Nil) :| (3 :| 4 :| Nil) :| Nil
  :: Num a => Matrix ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)) ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)) a

The problems of this approach are already emerging from all cracks, but you can live with them, we will continue.

, , , , , :

(*|) :: Num a => a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n a
(*|) n = fmap (n *)

--        fmap

instance Functor (Matrix m n) where
  fmap f (Matrix vs) = Matrix $ fmap f <$> vs

instance Functor (Vector n) where
  fmap f (v :| vs) = (f v) :| (fmap f vs)
  fmap _ Nil = Nil

, :

>>> :t fmap (+1) (1 :| 2 :| Nil)
fmap (+1) (1 :| 2 :| Nil)
  :: Num b => Vector ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)) b

>>> fmap  (+1) (1 :| 2 :| Nil)
2 :| 3 :| Nil

Ξ» > :t 5 *| Matrix ((1 :| 2 :| Nil) :| ( 3 :| 4 :| Nil) :| Nil)
5 *| Matrix ((1 :| 2 :| Nil) :| ( 3 :| 4 :| Nil) :| Nil)
  :: Num a => Matrix ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)) ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)) a

Ξ» > 5 *| Matrix ((1 :| 2 :| Nil) :| ( 3 :| 4 :| Nil) :| Nil)
Matrix 5 :| 10 :| Nil :| 15 :| 20 :| Nil :| Nil


zipVectorWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vector n a -> Vector n b -> Vector n c
zipVectorWith f (l:|ls) (v:|vs) = f l v :| (zipVectorWith f ls vs)
zipVectorWith _ Nil Nil = Nil

(|+|) :: Num a => Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n a -> Matrix m n a
(|+|) (Matrix l) (Matrix r) = Matrix $ zipVectorWith (zipVectorWith (+)) l r

: , , . , :

-- transpose               :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
-- transpose []             = []
-- transpose ([]   : xss)   = transpose xss
-- transpose ((x:xs) : xss) = (x : [h | (h:_) <- xss]) : transpose (xs : [ t | (_:t) <- xss])

transposeMatrix :: Vector m (Vector n a) -> Vector n (Vector m a)
transposeMatrix Nil = Nil
transposeMatrix ((x:|xs):|xss) = (x :| (fmap headVec xss)) :| (transposeMatrix (xs :| fmap tailVec xss))

, GHC ( ).

    β€’ Could not deduce: n ~ 'Zero
      from the context: m ~ 'Zero
        bound by a pattern with constructor:
                   Nil :: forall a. Vector 'Zero a,
                 in an equation for β€˜transposeMatrix’
        at Text.hs:42:17-19
      β€˜n’ is a rigid type variable bound by
        the type signature for:
          transposeMatrix :: forall (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) a.
                             Vector m (Vector n a) -> Vector n (Vector m a)
        at Text.hs:41:1-79
      Expected type: Vector n (Vector m a)
        Actual type: Vector 'Zero (Vector m a)
    β€’ In the expression: Nil
      In an equation for β€˜transposeMatrix’: transposeMatrix Nil = Nil
    β€’ Relevant bindings include
        transposeMatrix :: Vector m (Vector n a) -> Vector n (Vector m a)
          (bound at Text.hs:42:1)
   | transposeMatrix Nil = Nil

? , m Zero n Zero.

, , e Nil, Nil' n. n , , n .

, , - , . Haskell , .

- . . ?

Haskell : linear laop, :

  • linear
  • laop

linear laop. ? , , : , Succ Zero:

Matrix $ (1 :| 2 :| 3 :| 4 :| Nil) :| (5 :| 6 :| 7 :| 8 :| Nil) :| (9 :| 10 :| 11 :| Nil) :| Nil

    β€’ Couldn't match type β€˜'Zero’ with β€˜'Succ 'Zero’
      Expected type: Vector
                       ('Succ 'Zero) (Vector ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero)))) a)
        Actual type: Vector
                       ('Succ 'Zero) (Vector ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ 'Zero))) a)
    β€’ In the second argument of β€˜(:|)’, namely
        β€˜(9 :| 10 :| 11 :| Nil) :| Nil’
      In the second argument of β€˜(:|)’, namely
        β€˜(5 :| 6 :| 7 :| 8 :| Nil) :| (9 :| 10 :| 11 :| Nil) :| Nil’
      In the second argument of β€˜($)’, namely
        β€˜(1 :| 2 :| 3 :| 4 :| Nil)
           :| (5 :| 6 :| 7 :| 8 :| Nil) :| (9 :| 10 :| 11 :| Nil) :| Nil’

, GHC, - . ?

Template Haskell

TemplateHaskell (TH) β€” , -, , . .


v = [1 2 3]
m = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 10]


matrix := line; line | line
line := unit units
units := unit | Ξ΅
unit := var | num | inside_brackets

  • var β€”
  • num β€” ( )
  • inside_brackets β€” Haskell ( ). Haskell haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta

( , !). :

matrix :: Parser [[Exp]]
matrix = (line `sepBy` char ';') <* eof

line :: Parser [Exp]
line = spaces >> unit `endBy1` spaces

unit :: Parser Exp
unit = (var <|> num <|> inBrackets) >>= toExpr

Exp β€” AST Haskell, , ( AST ).

c , ,

data Matrix (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) a where
  Matrix :: forall m n a. (Int, Int) -> ![[a]] -> Matrix m n a


expr :: Parser.Parser [[Exp]] -> String -> Q Exp
expr parser source = do -- parser    matrix   
  let (matrix, (m, n)) = unwrap $ parse source parser 
  --  AST
  let sizeType = LitT . NumTyLit
  --  TypeApplication  ,       ,        
  let constructor = foldl AppTypeE (ConE 'Matrix) [sizeType m, sizeType n, WildCardT]
  let size = TupE $ map (LitE . IntegerL) [m, n]
  let value = ListE $ map ListE $ matrix
  pure $ foldl AppE constructor [size, value]

parse :: String -> Parser.Parser [[a]] -> Either [String] ([[a]], (Integer, Integer))
parse source parser = do
  matrix <- Parser.parse parser "QLinear" source --   
  size <- checkSize matrix --  
  pure (matrix, size)

: QuasiQuoter

matrix :: QuasiQuoter
matrix =
    { quoteExp = expr Parser.matrix,
      quotePat = notDefined "Pattern",
      quoteType = notDefined "Type",
      quoteDec = notDefined "Declaration"

! :

>>> :set -XTemplateHaskell -XDataKinds -XQuasiQuotes -XTypeApplications
>>> :t [matrix| 1 2; 3 4 |]
[matrix| 1 2; 3 4 |] :: Num _ => Matrix 2 2 _

>>> :t [matrix| 1 2; 3 4 5 |]
<interactive>:1:1: error:
    β€’ Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
        All lines must be the same length
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at src/Internal/Quasi/Quasi.hs:9:19 in qlnr-
      Code: template-haskell-
              matrix " 1 2; 3 4 5 "
    β€’ In the quasi-quotation: [matrix| 1 2; 3 4 5 |]

>>> :t [matrix| (length . show); (+1) |]
[matrix| (length . show); (+1) |] :: Matrix 2 1 (Int -> Int)

TH , c . , hackage

>>> [operator| (x, y) => (y, x) |]
>>> [operator| (x, y) => (2 * x, y + x) |] ~*~ [vector| 3 4 |]

Haskell , . ? . , ( ), .

, . : .

Duplicate links to repository and hackage

Comments, suggestions and pull requests are welcome.

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