Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In: PHP 8 Beta 1, again on attribute syntax in PHP 8: #[Attr]
vs @[Attr]
, syntax suggestion for BigInt, PHP 8 reviews and many more videos, tools, streams, podcasts.
Enjoy reading!
News and releases
- PHP 8.0.0 Beta 1 - With the first beta release , the active development phase ends , which means that the list of new features and changes in the 8.0 branch can be considered final. (Except for attribute syntax). The next beta is expected on August 20.
- PHP 7.4.9 , 7.3.21 , 7.2.33 - Security releases of up-to-date branches with a fix for a vulnerability in phar .
- WordPress 5.5 βEckstineβ - Finally added auto-update themes and plugins to help make CMS installations safer.
PHP Internals
- [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change β PHP 8 . , - , 2- .
Tycon Andre ,#[Attr]
PHP 7. C , , ?
:@@ORM\Entity @@ORM\Table("user") class User { @@ORM\Id @@ORM\Column("integer") @@ORM\GeneratedValue private $id; @@ORM\Column("string", ORM\Column::UNIQUE) @@Assert\Email(["message" => "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email."]) private $email; } #[ ORM\Entity, ORM\Table("user") ] class User { #[ORM\Id, ORM\Column("integer"), ORM\GeneratedValue] private $id; #[ORM\Column("string", ORM\Column::UNIQUE)] #[Assert\Email(["message" => "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email."])] private $email; } @[ ORM\Entity, ORM\Table("user") ] class User { @[ORM\Id, ORM\Column("integer"), ORM\GeneratedValue] private $id; @[ORM\Column("string", ORM\Column::UNIQUE)] @[Assert\Email(["message" => "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email."])] private $email; } << ORM\Entity, ORM\Table("user") >> class User { <<ORM\Id, ORM\Column("integer"), ORM\GeneratedValue>> private $id; <<ORM\Column("string", ORM\Column::UNIQUE)>> <<Assert\Email(["message" => "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email."])>> private $email; } @:ORM\Entity @:ORM\Table("user") class User { @:ORM\Id @:ORM\Column("integer") @:ORM\GeneratedValue private $id; @:ORM\Column("string", ORM\Column::UNIQUE) @:Assert\Email(["message" => "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email."]) private $email; }
- [RFC] Named Parameters explicit opt in β , .
PHP 8 , 8.1, .// function callBar(Foo $:parameterName) { $internalName->bar(); } $x = new Foo(); callBar(parameterName: $x); // function callBar($externalName) { $externalName->bar(); } $x = new Foo(); callBar(externalName: $x); // Error: cannot call function callBar() using parameter $externalName by name.
- [Proposal] Bigint shorthand (123n) for GMP objects β RFC.
PHP JavaScript Β«nΒ»:$theBiggestInt = 9007199254740991n
GMP. GMP , , . - PHP (
php -a
), PR, . bobthecow/psysh. - [RFC] PHP Namespace Policy β .
- PHPUnit 9.3 β C PHP 8 Xdebug 3.
- sebastianbergmann/cli-parser β , PHPUnit.
- coduo/php-matcher β , .
- phpfn/phpfn β SerafimArts.
- hidehalo/nanoid-php β PHP- Nanoid β URL- .
- woohoolabs/zen β PSR-11- .
- loophp/collection β .
- PHP Codeception.
- PHP-.
- PHP.
- Method fossilisation β .
- PHP- .
- KPHPStorm β 7 KPHP. C .
, KPHP , PhpStorm, . - PHP β - RFC , .
- Highload PHP: .
- PHP 8: «» «» ( PHP 7.4)
- html- php , .
- php 8 JIT Docker 5
- PHP 8: Process & fixing insanity β PHP 8 core- George Peter Banyard. , William Pinaud.
- Type Juggling Magic: Why PHP thinks 0 and Β«passwordΒ» are the same β , PHP .
- Dutch PHP Conf 2020
- Β« PHP GOΒ» PHP Go .
- PHP #82:
. - PHP #83: ?
- Voices of the ElePHPant: β - PHP 8 Sara Golemon Garbriel Caruso β .
- PHP Internals News #66 β PHP 8 PHP .
- PHP Internals News #65 β Dan Ackroyd
PHP 8.
- - Original blue and pink elephants can be ordered by email to designer Vincent Pontier .
The grays and blacks are also available at the Symfony - now shipping worldwide.
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