FOSS News # 29 - free and open source news digest for August 10-16, 2020


We continue to digest news and other materials about free and open source software and a little about hardware. The most important thing about penguins and not only, in Russia and the world. The Tamagotchi for Hackers project raises a decent amount of crowdfunding and encourages the community to work together, Mozilla fires 250 employees and looks for new ways of development, 15,000 Elbrus and Baikals with Altas go to Russian Railways, Facebook is on the platinum list Linux Foundation contributors, cool animal art from Ubuntu version names, and more.

Table of contents

  1. Main news

    1. Flipper Zero - let's cut together. Inviting Developers
    2. Mozilla announces layoffs of 250 employees and seeks new ways to grow
    3. Large delivery of "Elbrus" and "Baikals" with "Altas" in Russian Railways
    4. Facebook Linux Foundation
    5. Ubuntu Open Source

    1. FOSS
    2. DevOps

    1. DevOps
    2. Web

Flipper Zero – .

If anyone else does not know, Flipper Zero is a pocket multitool project for hackers in the Tamagotchi form factor, which gained $ 1 million on Kickstarter in the first day. One of the developers writes on HabrΓ©: β€œ Frankly speaking, none of the team even came close to expecting such popularity. In the early days, my phone was torn from notifications, calls were made from Forbes magazine to Channel One. I still haven't completely recovered from the shock and have not fully answered all the letters. I have never experienced anything like this in my life ”and encourages the community to work together, statingβ€œ All Flipper Zero firmware will be fully open and published on Github, ”but a little later to limit the appearance of fakes.


Mozilla announces layoffs of 250 employees and seeks new ways to grow

OpenNET writes: β€œ Mozilla (). 250 , 60 . , 900 , 30% . , COVID-19. , , , . -, ".

Details ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 (en) )

Large delivery of "Elbrus" and "Baikals" with "Altas" in Russian Railways

On the official website of Rostec it is written: β€œThe State Corporation Rostec will supply 15 thousand automated workstations (AWPs) on the Russian processors Elbrus and Baikal for the benefit of Russian Railways. The corresponding contract in the amount of 1.08 billion rubles was signed by the National Informatization Center of Rostec and Transinform (a branch of Russian Railways). In accordance with the contract, the customer will be supplied with 1,000 computers based on the Elbrus processor and 14,000 machines based on the Baikal processor. In accordance with the terms of reference, computers are preinstalled with an operating system based on the Linux kernel "Alt Workstation", included in the register of domestic software of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications ".


Facebook is among the platinum members of the Linux Foundation

OpenNET writes: β€œ The Linux Foundation, a non-profit organization that oversees a wide range of work related to the development of Linux, announced that Facebook has become a platinum member, who will receive the right to become a representative of the company on the board of directors of the Linux Foundation, while paying an annual fee of 500 thousand . dollars ... In addition to Facebook, the Linux Foundation's platinum partners include Fujitsu, AT&T, Google, Huawei, IBM, Hitachi, Microsoft, Intel, NEC, Qualcomm, Oracle, Samsung, VMware and Tencent . "


The artist draws pictures based on Ubuntu and uses Open Source programs

As you know, the name of each GNU / Linux release of the Ubuntu distribution is formed according to the "epithet + animal name" scheme. For example, the next release of 20.10 will be "Groovy Gorilla" (loosely translated from English - "Tough Gorilla"). And there is the artist Sylvia Ritter, who draws cool art by name for each issue. The drawing for the future release is above (was published on August 4th, but I missed it and only saw it recently, so sorry for the little outdate), and below are a few more examples. In her work, the artist uses the free and open source software Krita, Blender, Inkscape and GIMP. In my opinion, cool!

Gallery with all pictures for Ubuntu

Few details

In a short line


  1. Online Zabbix meetup about information security on August 28 [β†’]

FOSS organizations news

  1. Mozilla Google Firefox 2023 [β†’]
  2. Linux Foundation Β«2020 Open Source Jobs ReportΒ» [β†’ (en)]
  3. OpenShift 4.5, edge- . , , RedHat [β†’]

  1. KDE neon Ubuntu 20.04 LTS [β†’]
  2. Elementary OS 6. , , … [β†’]

  1. GNOME 23 [β†’]

  1. [β†’]
  2. Multi-Target Albumentations ( ) [β†’]
  3. Β«BPF LinuxΒ» [β†’]
  4. BPF , : extended BPF [β†’]
  5. Linux [β†’]

  1. Open Source 430% [β†’]
  2. «» Linux [β†’]
  3. Tor, [β†’]
  4. Ghostscript, PostScript- [β†’]


  1. Lynis Linux [β†’ (en)]
  2. VPS Linux : X2Go Ubuntu 18.04 [β†’]
  3. Nginx json Vector Clickhouse Elasticsearch [β†’]
  4. MySQL Ubuntu 20.04 [β†’]
  5. Ubuntu Server 20.04 [β†’]

  1. printf [β†’ (en)]
  2. RTS: OpenRA [β†’]
  3. 9 AngularJS Angular [β†’ (en)]
  4. .gitignore [β†’ (en)]
  5. [β†’ (en)]

  1. Linux [β†’]
  2. file Linux [β†’]
  3. parted Linux [β†’]
  4. Β«Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packagesΒ» Ubuntu GNU/Linux [β†’ (en)]
  5. Β«topΒ»: 7 - [β†’ (en)]
  6. Photoflare: [β†’ (en)]
  7. GIF ( GUI ) [β†’ (en)]
  8. Firefox 81 [β†’]
  9. 422 LibreOffice 7.0 [β†’]
  10. Python Β«concentrationΒ» [β†’ (en)]
  11. [β†’ (en)]
  12. tcsh [β†’ (en)]
  13. Android , [β†’ (en)]
  14. Jupyter Python [β†’ (en)]
  15. Linux Android [β†’ (en)]
  16. Mac Open Source [β†’ (en)]

  1. PinePhone Linux [β†’]
  2. Pocket P.C. [β†’ 1, 2]

  1. Microsoft [β†’]

  1. LTS- Ubuntu 18.04.5 16.04.7 [β†’]
  2. CAELinux 2020 [β†’]
  3. GhostBSD 20.08 [β†’]
  4. Finnix 121, Live- [β†’]
  5. KDE Neon Ubuntu 20.04 [β†’]

  1. GNOME 3.36.5. [β†’]
  2. - AMD Radeon Software 20.30 Linux [β†’]
  3. Wine 5.15 DXVK 1.7.1 [β†’]
  4. Mcron 1.2, cron GNU [β†’]
  5. KDE 20.08 [β†’]

  1. VeraCrypt 1.24-Update7, TrueCrypt [β†’]


  1. GitLab 13.2 [β†’]


  1. nginx 1.19.2 njs 0.4.3 [β†’]
  2. web- WordPress 5.5 [β†’]

  1. Go 1.15 [β†’]

  1. QEMU 5.1 [β†’]
  2. Akira, Linux [β†’]
  3. Pinta 1.7 5 [β†’]
  4. Darktable 3.2, [β†’ 1, 2]

  1. RetroArch 1.9.0 [β†’]

  1. GNU Emacs 27.1 [β†’ 1, 2]

That's all, until next Sunday!

Many thanks to OpenNET , a lot of news and announcements about new releases were taken from their site.

If anyone is interested in compiling digests and has the time and opportunity to help, I will be glad, write to the contacts indicated in my profile, or in private messages.

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