RUB 860,000 subsidies from Moscow taxpayers

We learned about the subsidy on April 1, 2020, April Fools' Day. There was a lot of propaganda news with clickbait headlines about how to help businesses and people in a crisis. In fact, it turned out that not all businesses and not all people would be helped. But I basically monitored all packages of support measures, and I was already frankly enraged by the inconsistency of the content with the headers. In our office, the last working day was March 13, and we are still far away with the exception of data center engineers. There was no hope of getting real support. We are used to the fact that the state usually only creates problems.

Over the past 10 years, there have been 7 moves. In 2012 we were kicked out of the empty MNIRTI . The state had a policy neither for itself nor for the people, despite the fact that we paid for rent at market prices. In 2015, we were denied production premises in Technopolis Moscow on the territory of the former AZLK (Moskvich plant), although it was stated in the statutory documents that this was a technopark for small businesses. And we were told that take 1000 meters, but 300 - no. I am very sorry that I did not think to go to court then. Now applying for a subsidy, they were determined that they would refuse, but there was a willingness to go to court and fight to the end. This is already a principled position as with VTB Bank . And they are already 99% sure of a victory over VTB, even if they have to go to the Supreme Court.

Conditions for obtaining a subsidy

In the second package of support measures , we were interested in the 1st item:

1. Thus, SMEs - hotels and residents of the Moscow Innovation Cluster will have access to subsidies to reimburse part of the costs when purchasing new equipment.

Participants of the Moscow Innovation Cluster working in the spheres of industry, science and IT, as well as the hotel business, when purchasing imported equipment at their own expense, can reimburse up to 25 percent of expenses. For Russian-made equipment, the compensation rate was increased to 35 percent.

So it is not immediately clear what this is about us. We are not hotels and not residents of the Moscow Innovation Cluster. But it turned out that we may well become these residents. There, almost anyone can become a participant . By the way, there are measures to support IT companies . It took us 3 days to register as a participant. But we were already an accredited IT company in the Ministry of Communications.

There is no link to the process of getting help on the April 1 news page. We ourselves need to find a page with measures to support small and medium-sized businesses to overcome the consequences of the new coronavirus infection .

We were faced with a choice to buy on credit and receive compensation for a loan, or to buy for our(by the way, you can also have time to submit before 08/28/2020). It turned out to be much more profitable to buy for your own and get 25-35% of the cost of the equipment. Getting a loan is still a huge problem. Although in the spring they trumpeted about preferential rates at 7% per annum, no one really offered us money at 7%. Interest rates on deposits are already 4%, the state keeps money in American securities at 1-2%, and business loans are offered at 20+ percent.

There are many conditions listed on the equipment cost compensation page , but the essential ones are:

  1. purchase of equipment no earlier than 12 calendar months before the date of application;
  2. equipment of the fourth - tenth depreciation groups (except for vehicles);
  3. activity under one of the specified OKVED;
  4. operation of equipment in Moscow.

Preparation of documents

A number of requirements and some documents have already been listed on the links above. There is also a separate memo on the documents , which helped us a lot. We were pleasantly surprised by the high-quality phone consultations. I had a bad experience with the usual support about the fact that the ability to enter readings of cold and hot water meters is closed there, if it has not been added for more than three months. There was hell.

However, it should be noted that general specialists sit on incoming calls and a specific specialist called us back to receive an answer on a specific subsidy. Here is a small fly in the ointment. For some reason, the specialists always called back after working hours (after 19:00 Moscow time). If we left a corporate city number, we no longer received a call. Therefore, requests had to be submitted several times already indicating personal numbers.

As a result, we have collected the following general documents for the organization:

  • the charter as amended;
  • OGRN certificate;
  • TIN certificate;
  • decision and order on the appointment of the general director;
  • order on the appointment of the chief accountant;
  • latest financial statements with tax authority marks;
  • RSV report with the marks of the tax authority;
  • an act of reconciliation with the tax authority with documents confirming the sending and receiving of the act;
  • information letter with details.

For each item of fixed assets (equipment):

  • delivery contract;
  • bill for payment;
  • UPD (Or invoice + certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment);
  • payment order for payment;
  • unified Form OS-1 (Act on acceptance and transfer of fixed assets further OS);
  • unified Form OS-6 (Inventory card of the object).

There were no problems with organization documents. The documents were either already there, or they could be requested electronically from the tax authority and received on the next business day.

We started purchasing equipment. The final result was purchased:

  • diesel generator;
  • telecommunication racks;
  • switches;
  • routers.

And problems began with the required documents. Either the suppliers do not provide an Equipment Acceptance Certificate, or delivery contracts are not drawn up. In addition, the factor of mandatory self-isolation played a role. Suppliers provided documents with errors: either the signer is one, and the power of attorney is for another, then the signature and power of attorney for one employee, and in the decryption in the document template, the supplier puts the decryption from another.

Half of the documents had to be done or altered by ourselves and given to suppliers for signature. As always, there is only one comment: “You need it, you do it. We will sign if we agree with the text ”.

DGU under this subsidy was reimbursed by 35%, since produced in Russia, but the supplier did not have time to provide a passport and had to declare 25%.

We had some of the documents on paper (scanned and certified), some in EDF (downloaded in pdf with marks about the electronic signature).

The final package of documents:

Preparation of documents took two months and the documents were sent on the last day of accepting applications (01.06.2020). Then they published a new subsidy of the same kind with a filing date until the end of the summer. We did not manage to submit the documents for some of the equipment on time, although we could have received another 100+ thousand rubles.

The next working day, a representative of the department called and said: "You are the only one who went through the documents." The task with documents is really dreary and requires wild care and diligence.


Ideally, of course, they would be held through a tender. Although the tender topic is also far from unambiguous. We have had different experiences. Some of the purchases were successful, and for example, the same diesel generator set, though used, we could not purchase through a tender.

This time we did not have time for the tender. I had to buy new ones on the basis of proposals from suppliers. We also faced the problem that different suppliers have different delivery times, and even the network equipment was not available from one supplier in the configurations and volumes we required.

The approval and verification process of our application

In mid-June, representatives of the expert group called us and agreed on an on-site examination for June 22.

The equipment is located in our data center Tushino, so the experts were invited there, not to the office.

Experts warned that the address must have documents confirming the conduct of activities: 2 contracts: with suppliers, with buyers, labor. They asked in advance if the copies would fit - they answered yes. (We were still working remotely, the originals from the office had to be arranged in advance).

On the day of the check, it turned out that the originals were still needed, I had to urgently go to the office, drive the courier from the office to the data center.

They also requested confirmation of the reasons why the equipment was accepted for depreciation groups 4 and 5. Here a mistake has surfaced, made in a hurry on some OS-6. (The useful life was indicated as 60 months, instead of 61, which already determined the OS to the 3rd group), which aggravated the lack of proof of assignment to the groups.

At that moment, we all understood that such jokes do not work with the state, and we are left without compensation. But they still did not give up and wrote a letter that the error had come out and hastily began to look for evidence of the useful life. If everything was still clear with the DGS and the block of wiring cabinets (by that time we had already received the equipment passport from the supplier for the DGS, and there was a warranty card for the cabinets, which itself exceeded 61 months), then there were problems with the switches. The equipment is foreign, assembled by components, there are no passports for them. We rummaged through the technical documentation on the site, found a rationale, entered it into the cover letter . The experts accepted the documents.

All this time, the status of the application could be monitored at You can see the stages through which the application goes: (verification, examination, formation of a contract, signing, etc.).


At the beginning of July, the status of the application changed to “A decision has been made to provide a subsidy. Formation of the draft agreement ”.

On July 27, 2020, the text of the agreement appeared on the portal with the deadline for signing by our side until 08/03/2020.

We signed the contract on July 31, 2020 (it was not without panic, when, when signing on the portal, the service issued a “signature error”, and the possibility of signing the contract itself was lost. We called the TP, explained the situation. The application was accepted.

08/03/2020 status the application for a subsidy changed to “Signed by the department.”

08/13/2020 We received 860,000 rubles of subsidies (25% of the purchase amount excluding VAT) to our current account.

In the Tushino data center, there are new rows of racks, a new diesel generator set, client connections.

Slack has ~ 400 posts on this topic since April 1. ~ 250 man-hours to spend 4.3 million. A total of 4.5 months.

How do you get a subsidy

If you meet the criteria, then you can make it by 28 August. It is possible that the application will be extended. Ask questions in the comments.

Why from taxpayers in Moscow?

Our business pays more taxes per quarter than the subsidy it receives. So we can say they returned theirs.

Tell us in the comments about your experience whether you managed to get something from the state: help or problems.

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