Free eBook in Russian: Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers

Hello, Habr! As many people know, we are very active in developing the Blazor framework, a front-end web interface framework based on C # rather than JavaScript. With Blazor, you can write your own client-side logic and UI components in C #, compile them into regular .NET assemblies, and then run them directly in the browser using the new open web standard, WebAssembly.

To help you better understand how the framework works, we have created the free Blazor for ASP.NET Web Forms Developers book . It is still in the process of being finalized, but is already available in many languages. The original in English can be downloaded as PDF, and the translation into Russian is available on our website with documentation.

Under the cut you will find all the useful links, and you can also read the introduction. Join us!

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.NET has long supported the development of web applications through ASP.NET, a comprehensive set of frameworks and tools for building any type of application. ASP.NET has its own line of web platforms and technologies, starting with the classic ASP. Platforms such as ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web Pages, and later ASP.NET Core provide an efficient and functional way to create server -rendered web applications  where UI content dynamically generated on the server in response to HTTP requests. Each ASP.NET platform targets a specific audience and approach to building applications. 

ASP.NET Web Forms ships with the original release of the .NET Framework and web development support using many of the patterns familiar to desktop developers, such as reusable UI controls with simple event handling. However, none of the ASP.NET offerings provide a way to execute code that runs in the user's browser. This requires writing JavaScript code and using any of the many JavaScript frameworks and tools that have gained and lost popularity over the years: jQuery, Knockout, Angular, React, and more.

Blazor Is a new web platform that extends the capabilities of building web applications using .NET. Blazor is a front-end web interface framework based on C #, not JavaScript. With Blazor, you can write your own client-side logic and UI components in C #, compile them into regular .NET assemblies, and then run them directly in the browser using the new open web standard, WebAssembly. 

In addition, Blazor allows you to run .NET frontend components on the server and flexibly manage all interactions with the frontend through a real-time browser connection. When used with a .NET framework running on a server, Blazor allows you to develop in .NET web applications across the entire stack. While Blazor shares many similarities with ASP.NET Web Forms, such as a reusable component model and simple custom event handling, it also leverages the fundamentals of .NET Core to create a modern, high-performance web development environment.

This book introduces ASP.NET Web Forms developers to Blazor in a familiar and easy-to-use format. Blazor concepts are introduced here in comparison to similar concepts in ASP.NET Web Forms, and new concepts that may be less familiar are explained. The book covers a wide range of topics and issues, including component creation, routing, layouts, customization, and security. While it primarily helps with new development, it also provides guidelines and strategies for modernizing and porting existing ASP.NET Web Forms applications to Blazor.

Who is this book for?

The book is intended for ASP.NET Web Forms developers who want to become familiar with Blazor in the context of their knowledge and skills. She can help you quickly get started on a new Blazor project or plan to modernize an existing ASP.NET Web Forms application.

How to use the book

The first part of the book describes the Blazor framework and compares developing on that platform to developing web applications using ASP.NET Web Forms. The book then describes different aspects of Blazor in separate chapters, with each Blazor concept either correlating with a similar concept in ASP.NET Web Forms, or providing a full explanation of fundamentally new concepts. The book also regularly cites a sample complete application, implemented in both ASP.NET Web Forms and Blazor, to demonstrate the functionality of Blazor and provide an example of migrating to Blazor from ASP.NET Web Forms. Both the sample app implementations (ASP.NET Web Forms and Blazor versions) can be found on  GitHub .

Topics beyond the scope of this book

This book is an introduction to Blazor, not a comprehensive guide to migration. While it provides guidelines for migrating a project from ASP.NET Web Forms to Blazor, it does not seek to cover all the nuances and details. For general guidance on migrating from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core, see the  migration guide  in the ASP.NET Core documentation.

Additional Resources

The official Blazor home page and documentation for that platform can be found  here .

to send the comment

This book and examples are constantly being updated, so we welcome your feedback. If you have comments on how you can improve this book, please use the feedback section at the bottom of any page, generated from  GitHub issues .

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