Writing a telegram bot in R language (part 2): Adding command support and message filters to the bot

In the previous post, we figured out how to create a bot, initialized an instance of the class Botand got acquainted with the methods of sending messages using it.

In this article, I continue this topic, so I recommend starting reading this article only after reading the first part .

This time we will figure out how to revive our bot and add command support to it, as well as get to know the class Updater.

In the course of the article, we will write several simple bots, the latter will, according to a given date and country code, determine whether a day in a given country is a weekend or a work day according to the production calendar. But, as before, the purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the package interface telegram.botfor solving your own problems.

All articles from the series "Writing a telegram bot in the R language"

  1. We create a bot and send messages to telegram with it
  2. Add command support and message filters to the bot
  3. How to add keyboard support to your bot
  4. Building a consistent, logical dialogue with the bot
  5. Bot user rights management


telegram youtube . R.

  1. Updater
  2. Handlers —
  3. ,


Updater — , , Dispetcher. Updater , ( getUpdates()), Dispetcher.

Dispetcher , .. Handler.

Handlers —

Dispetcher . telegram.bot :

  • MessageHandler —
  • CommandHandler —
  • CallbackQueryHandler — Inline
  • ErrorHandler —


, , , / .

, .. /hi.


#    Updater
updater <- Updater('  ')

say_hello <- function(bot, update) {

  user_name <- update$message$from$first_name

                  text = paste0(" , ", user_name, "!"), 
                  parse_mode = "Markdown")


hi_hendler <- CommandHandler('hi', say_hello)

updater <- updater + hi_hendler


, ' ' , BotFather ( ).

start_polling() Updater, , .

, /hi.

/hi, .


  1. Updater;
  2. , .. . say_hello(). , — bot update, — args. bot, , , , . update , , , getUpdates(). args , ;
  3. , .. - . , - . /hi, hi_hendler <- CommandHandler('hi', say_hello). CommandHandler() , hi, . , say_hello, ;
  4. Updater. , , +, .. updater <- updater + hi_hendler. add_handler(), Dispatcher, : updater$dispatcher$add_handler();
  5. start_polling().

, , , - , . — MessageHandler.

MessageHandler . . /hi, , : , , , , .

- , .. . .


#    Updater
updater <- Updater('  ')

say_hello <- function(bot, update) {

  user_name <- update$message$from$first_name

                  text = paste0(" , ", user_name, "!"),
                  parse_mode = "Markdown",
                  reply_to_message_id = update$message$message_id)


MessageFilters$hi <- BaseFilter(function(message) {

  # ,      : , , , , 
  grepl(x           = message$text, 
        pattern     = '||||',
        ignore.case = TRUE)

hi_hendler <- CommandHandler('hi', say_hello) #   hi
hi_txt_hnd <- MessageHandler(say_hello, filters = MessageFilters$hi)

updater <- updater + 
             hi_hendler +


, ' ' , BotFather ( ).

, :

, , . reply_to_message_id, sendMessage(), id . id : update$message$message_id.

, — BaseFilter():

MessageFilters$hi <- BaseFilter( 

  function(message) {

    # ,       
    grepl(x           = message$text, 
          pattern     = '||||',
          ignore.case = TRUE)


, MessageFilters, . MessageFilters hi, .

BaseFilter() . , — , TRUE FALSE. , , grepl() , |||| TRUE.

hi_txt_hnd <- MessageHandler(say_hello, filters = MessageFilters$hi). MessageHandler() — , , — . MessageFilters$hi.

, , hi_txt_hnd.

updater <- updater + 
             hi_hendler +

, telegram.bot MessageFilters , :

  • all —
  • text —
  • command — , .. /
  • reply — ,
  • audio —
  • document —
  • photo —
  • sticker —
  • video —
  • voice —
  • contact —
  • location —
  • venue —
  • game —

|, & . , , :

handler <- MessageHandler(callback, 
  MessageFilters$video | MessageFilters$photo | MessageFilters$document

, , . , .

, .

API isdayoff.ru.

3: ,

#    Updater
updater <- Updater('  ')

check_date <- function(bot, update, args) {

  day     <- args[1]  # 
  country <- args[2]  # 

  if ( !grepl('\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}', day) ) {

    # Send Custom Keyboard
                    text = paste0(day, " -  ,     --"),
                    parse_mode = "Markdown")

  } else {
    day <- as.Date(day)
    #    POSIXtl
    y <- format(day, "%Y")
    m <- format(day, "%m")
    d <- format(day, "%d")


  ##     ru
  if ( ! country %in% c('ru', 'ua', 'by', 'kz', 'us') ) {

    # Send Custom Keyboard
                    text = paste0(country, " -   ,  : ru, by, kz, ua, us.    ."),
                    parse_mode = "Markdown")

    country <- 'ru'


  #    API
  #  HTTP 
  url <- paste0("https://isdayoff.ru/api/getdata?",
                "year=",  y, "&",
                "month=", m, "&",
                "day=",   d, "&",
                "cc=",    country, "&",

  res <- readLines(url)

  out <- switch(res, 
                "0"   = " ",
                "1"   = " ",
                "2"   = "  ",
                "4"   = "covid-19",
                "100" = "  ",
                "101" = "  ",
                "199" = " ")

                  text = paste0(day, " - ", out),
                  parse_mode = "Markdown")


date_hendler <- CommandHandler('check_date', check_date, pass_args = TRUE)

updater <- updater + date_hendler


, ' ' , BotFather ( ).

, check_date, .

, , , . , , .

, pass_args = TRUE CommandHandler(), , bot, updateargs. , . , .

, .

— .


  1. R. RStudio File, Save As....
  2. bin, R Path, .
  3. , 1 : R CMD BATCH C:\Users\Alsey\Documents\my_bot.R. C:\Users\Alsey\Documents\my_bot.R . , , .. . , txt bat.
  4. Windows, , %windir%\system32\taskschd.msc /s. .
  5. " ...".
  6. "" , " ".
  7. "", "". " " "", bat , .
  8. , .
  9. , "".

, , , .

, , . .

, , .

telegram youtube .

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