Blender for (geophysical) modeling and visualization

We recently discussed how to complement the previously built geological model of Tambora Indonesia volcano in ParaView by simulating smoke, water, lava, ... in MantaFlow and visualizing the results in ParaView: Hydrodynamic modeling (CFD) on terrain with MantaFlow and visualizing the results in ParaView Today we will see what happens if we use "real" software for working with 3D computer graphics Blender. In the latest versions of it, the same "engine" of physically correct hydrodynamic simulation MantaFlow is built, it simplifies a lot. As usual, see my GitHub repository: ParaView-Blender for instructions on how to transform data, source data and Blender project .

Tambora Volcano Plume Simulation

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, . Blender , , ParaView? , , — , - . , , 20 Autodesk 3ds Max. , 3ds Max, YouTube . — , , — - . , , . , , () . , Open Source , Blender, , MantaFlow, . , Blender "" Eevee — (Cycles). , !

, Blender . , , ParaView, , Blender, . , Blender , ( ), (, , ). , — , :) , , , , ( -, … ).


, ParaView Blender — , Python - MeshLab. , ParaView , Blender .

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, Blender:

, ParaView, , , .


Blender , . ParaView , , . 180 90 , ( , ).

, , 60 . , , . , ( MantaFlow , Blender ).

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, Blender , , ParaView, . , . MantaFlow — , . , Blender — , , , .

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— "" 15" 13", C, Python, SQL ssh EC2 . , . , Blender — . , Eevee, Cycles . , - Blender.

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