Go language has been updated to version 1.15

The release of the Go 1.15 programming language was presented the other day . As you know, initially it was a project of Google, which went beyond the corporation and began to develop with the support of third-party developers. The project code is distributed under the BSD license.

Go has a lot of advantages, they have been written about more than once on HabrΓ©. Among others, it is worth noting that Go was originally developed as a multi-threaded programming project with the ability to create programs and services that can run on multi-core systems. Version 1.15 has a lot of expected innovations.


The full list of innovations is here , and the main ones are listed below:

  • . , . . , ELF Go- 20% . 30%.
  • , 5%. , .
  • Runtime CPU, . .
  • The -spectre flag has been added to the compiler and assembler to enable protection against attacks of the Specter class.
  • The CommonName field in X.509 certificates has been deprecated.
  • Developers can list multiple proxies with the go command in the GOPROXY environment variable.
  • The vet utility got a warning about trying to convert from string (x) if x is an integer type other than rune or byte.
  • Added the -gnu flag to objdump to support the output of disassembled dumps in GNU assembler syntax.
  • A new package time / tzdata has appeared, which makes it possible to embed a database with information about time zones into a program.
  • There are many different improvements to the standard library.

As you can see, the project is actively developing. It does not lose its main feature - hybridity, where the high performance of compiled languages ​​is combined with the advantages of scripting languages.

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