Autoscaling Kubernetes applications with Prometheus and KEDA

Balloon Man by Cimuanos

Scalability is a key requirement for cloud applications. With Kubernetes, scaling an application is as easy as increasing the number of replicas for an appropriate deployment, orReplicaSet- but it's a manual process.

Kubernetes allows applications to auto-scale (i.e. Pods in deployment orReplicaSet) in a declarative manner using the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler specification. The default criterion for auto scaling is CPU usage metrics (resource metrics), but custom metrics and externally provided metrics can be integrated. Kubernetes aaS

team from Mail.rutranslated an article on How to Use External Metrics to Scale Your Kubernetes Application Automatically. To show how everything works, the author uses HTTP access request metrics, they are collected using Prometheus.

Instead of horizontal autoscaling of pods, Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) is an open source Kubernetes operator. It integrates natively with the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to provide smooth autoscaling (including to / from zero) for event-driven workloads. The code is available on GitHub .

System Operation Brief

The diagram shows a short description of how everything works:

  1. The application provides metrics for the number of HTTP requests in Prometheus format.
  2. Prometheus is set to collect these metrics.
  3. The Prometheus scaler in KEDA is configured to automatically scale the application based on the number of HTTP requests.

Now I will tell you in detail about each element.

KEDA and Prometheus

Prometheus is an open source system monitoring and alerting toolkit, part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation . Collects metrics from various sources and saves as time series data. To visualize data, you can use Grafana or other visualization tools that work with the Kubernetes API.

KEDA supports the scaler concept - it acts as a bridge between KEDA and the external system. The scaler implementation is specific to each target system and extracts data from it. KEDA then uses them to control autoscaling.

Scalers support multiple data sources like Kafka, Redis, Prometheus. That is, KEDA can be used to automatically scale Kubernetes deployments using Prometheus metrics as criteria.

Test application

The Golang test application provides HTTP access and serves two important functions:

  1. Uses the Prometheus Go client library to instrument the application and provide the http_requests metric that contains a hit counter. The endpoint for which Prometheus metrics are available is located by the URI /metrics.

    var httpRequestsCounter = promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
           Name: "http_requests",
           Help: "number of http requests",
  2. In response to the request, the GETapplication increments the key ( access_count) value in Redis. This is an easy way to get the job done as part of an HTTP handler, and also check Prometheus metrics. The metric value must be the same as the value access_countin Redis.

    func main() {
           http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
           http.HandleFunc("/test", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r 
    *http.Request) {
               defer httpRequestsCounter.Inc()
               count, err := client.Incr(redisCounterName).Result()
               if err != nil {
                   fmt.Println("Unable to increment redis counter", err)
               resp := "Accessed on " + time.Now().String() + "\nAccess count " + strconv.Itoa(int(count))
           http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

The app is deployed to Kubernetes via Deployment. A service is also created ClusterIPthat allows the Prometheus server to receive application metrics.

Here is the deployment manifest for the application .

Prometheus Server

The Prometheus deployment manifest consists of:

  • ConfigMap - to transfer the Prometheus config;
  • Deployment - for deploying Prometheus in a Kubernetes cluster;
  • ClusterIP - service for accessing UI Prometheus;
  • ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBindingand ServiceAccount- for the auto-detection of services in Kubernetes (Auto-discovery).

Here is the manifest for running Prometheus .

KEDA Prometheus ScaledObject

The scaler acts as a bridge between KEDA and the external system from which metrics need to be obtained. ScaledObjectIs a custom resource, it needs to be deployed to synchronize the deployment with the event source, in this case Prometheus.

ScaledObjectcontains deployment scaling information, event source metadata (such as connection secrets, queue name), polling interval, recovery period, and other information. It results in the appropriate autoscaling resource (HPA definition) to scale the deployment.

When an object ScaledObjectis deleted, its corresponding HPA definition is cleared.

Here is the definition ScaledObjectfor our example, it uses a scaler Prometheus:

kind: ScaledObject
 name: prometheus-scaledobject
 namespace: default
   deploymentName: go-prom-app
   deploymentName: go-prom-app
 pollingInterval: 15
 cooldownPeriod:  30
 minReplicaCount: 1
 maxReplicaCount: 10
 - type: prometheus
     metricName: access_frequency
     threshold: '3'
     query: sum(rate(http_requests[2m]))

Consider the following points:

  1. He points to Deploymentwith a name go-prom-app.
  2. Trigger type - Prometheus. The Prometheus server address is mentioned along with the metric name, threshold, and the PromQL request to be used. PromQL request - sum(rate(http_requests[2m])).
  3. According to pollingIntervalKEDA, it requests a target from Prometheus every fifteen seconds. At least one pod ( minReplicaCount) is supported , and the maximum number of pods does not exceed maxReplicaCount(in this example, ten).

Can be set minReplicaCountto zero. In this case, KEDA activates the zero-to-one deployment and then provides HPA for further automatic scaling. The reverse order is also possible, that is, scaling from one to zero. In the example, we did not select zero because this is an HTTP service and not a system on demand.

The magic inside autoscaling

The threshold is used as a trigger to scale the deployment. In our example, the PromQL query sum(rate (http_requests [2m]))returns the aggregated value of the HTTP request rate (requests per second), measured over the last two minutes.

Since the threshold is three, there will be one under as long as the value is sum(rate (http_requests [2m]))less than three. If the value increases, an additional under is added each time it sum(rate (http_requests [2m]))increases by three. For example, if the value is from 12 to 14, then the number of pods is four.

Now let's try to configure!


All you need is a Kubernetes cluster and a customized utility kubectl. This example uses a cluster minikube, but you can use any other. There is a guide for installing the cluster .

Install the latest version on Mac:

curl -Lo minikube \
&& chmod +x minikube
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
sudo install minikube /usr/local/bin/

Install kubectl to access your Kubernetes cluster.

Install the latest version on Mac:

curl -LO 
"$(curl -s"
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubectl version

Installing KEDA

You can deploy KEDA in several ways, they are listed in the documentation . I am using monolithic YAML:

kubectl apply -f

KEDA and its components are installed in the namespace keda. Command to check:

kubectl get pods -n keda

Wait, when under KEDA Operator starts - goes to Running State. And then continue.

Installing Redis with Helm

If you don't have Helm installed, use this tutorial . Command to install on Mac:

brew install kubernetes-helm
helm init --history-max 200

helm initinitializes the local CLI and also installs Tillerinto the Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep tiller

Wait for the Tiller pod to enter the Running state.

Translator's Note : The author uses Helm @ 2, which requires the Tiller server component to be installed. Helm @ 3 is currently relevant, it does not need a server part.

After installing Helm, one command is enough to start Redis:

helm install --name redis-server --set cluster.enabled=false --set 
usePassword=false stable/redis

Verify Redis has started successfully:

kubectl get pods/redis-server-master-0

Wait for under Redis to go into state Running.

Deploy the application

Command for deployment:

kubectl apply -f go-app.yaml

deployment.apps/go-prom-app created
service/go-prom-app-service created

Check that everything started:

kubectl get pods -l=app=go-prom-app

Wait for Redis to transition to state Running.

Deploying Prometheus Server

The Prometheus Manifest uses Kubernetes Service Discovery for Prometheus . It allows you to dynamically discover application pods based on a service label.

   - role: service
   - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_run]
     regex: go-prom-app-service
     action: keep

For deployment:

kubectl apply -f prometheus.yaml

//output created
serviceaccount/default configured created
configmap/prom-conf created
deployment.extensions/prometheus-deployment created
service/prometheus-service created

Check that everything started:

kubectl get pods -l=app=prometheus-server

Wait for under Prometheus to go into state Running.

Use kubectl port-forwardto access the Prometheus user interface (or API server) at http: // localhost: 9090 .

kubectl port-forward service/prometheus-service 9090

Deploying the KEDA autoscaling configuration

Command to create ScaledObject:

kubectl apply -f keda-prometheus-scaledobject.yaml

Check the logs of the KEDA operator:

KEDA_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -n keda 
kubectl logs $KEDA_POD_NAME -n keda

The result looks something like this:

time="2019-10-15T09:38:28Z" level=info msg="Watching ScaledObject:
time="2019-10-15T09:38:28Z" level=info msg="Created HPA with 
namespace default and name keda-hpa-go-prom-app"

Check under applications. One instance should be running because it minReplicaCountis 1:

kubectl get pods -l=app=go-prom-app

Verify that the HPA resource has been successfully created:

kubectl get hpa

You should see something like:

NAME                   REFERENCE                TARGETS     MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
keda-hpa-go-prom-app   Deployment/go-prom-app   0/3 (avg)   1         10        1          45s

Health check: access to the application

To access the REST endpoint of our application, run:

kubectl port-forward service/go-prom-app-service 8080

You can now access the Go app using the address http: // localhost: 8080 . To do this, run the command:

curl http://localhost:8080/test

The result looks something like this:

Accessed on 2019-10-21 11:29:10.560385986 +0000 UTC 
Access count 1

Check Redis at this point as well. You will see the key access_countincreased to 1:

kubectl exec -it redis-server-master-0 -- redis-cli get access_count

Make sure the metric value http_requestsis the same:

curl http://localhost:8080/metrics | grep http_requests
# HELP http_requests number of http requests
# TYPE http_requests counter
http_requests 1

Load creation

We will use hey , a utility to generate the load:

curl -o hey 
&& chmod a+x hey

You can also download the utility for Linux or Windows .

Run it:

./hey http://localhost:8080/test

By default, the utility sends 200 requests. You can verify this using Prometheus metrics as well as Redis.

curl http://localhost:8080/metrics | grep http_requests
# HELP http_requests number of http requests
# TYPE http_requests counter
http_requests 201
kubectl exec -it redis-server-master-0 -- redis-cli get access_count

Confirm the actual metric value (returned by the PromQL query):

curl -g 

In this case, the actual result is equal 1,686057971014493and displayed in the field value. This is not enough for scaling as the threshold we set is 3.

More load!

In the new terminal, keep track of the number of application pods:

kubectl get pods -l=app=go-prom-app -w

Let's increase the load using the command:

./hey -n 2000 http://localhost:8080/test

After a while, you will see HPA scaling the deployment and launching new pods. Check the HPA to make sure:

kubectl get hpa
NAME                   REFERENCE                TARGETS         MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
keda-hpa-go-prom-app   Deployment/go-prom-app   1830m/3 (avg)   1         10        6          4m22s

If the load is not constant, the deployment will be reduced to the point where only one pod works. If you want to check the actual metric (returned by the PromQL query), then use the command:

curl -g 


//Delete KEDA
kubectl delete namespace keda
//Delete the app, Prometheus server and KEDA scaled object
kubectl delete -f .
//Delete Redis
helm del --purge redis-server


KEDA allows you to automatically scale your Kubernetes deployments (to / from zero) based on data from external metrics. For example based on Prometheus metrics, queue length in Redis, consumer latency in Kafka theme.

KEDA integrates with an external source and also provides metrics through the Metrics Server for the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.

Good luck!

What else to read:

  1. Best practices and guidelines for running containers and Kubernetes in production environments .
  2. 90+ useful tools for Kubernetes: deployment, management, monitoring, security and more .
  3. Our channel Around Kubernetes in Telegram .

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