How to avoid blocking WhatsApp in order to ...

… To send messages every 30 seconds (120 messages per hour).

Hopefully Mr. Zuckerberg is not visiting this resource.

WhatsApp is the most popular messenger in the world (over 1.3 billion users), but why can't you communicate with a large number of users in this application?

Yes, that's a problem.

WhatsApp is like a mother who is overprotective of her children, who does not want to upset her users with spam and mailings and therefore bans everything right and left, which at least remotely resembles spam.

And if you have a lot of users and do business on WhatsApp, then this can be a big problem.

From a WhatsApp perspective, bots are fine, but you should only reply to messages, never be the first to chat.

But you have no choice, you should still start communication first, and if you are familiar with this problem, then I hope that this article will be useful to you.

The easiest way is to send a regular SMS to your users with a link so that they can start communicating with you or your bot first.

After that, you have to conduct the conversation as a real person and then everything will be fine.

But if this is not possible, then you only have one way - to play with WhatsApp according to its rules.

Do not spam and follow the following rules that I brought out after a huge number of banned accounts.

Do's and Don'ts:

1. Submit interesting content, polls show that users are okay with this compared to advertising, even if they receive messages on Saturday night.

2. Add each contact to whom you send messages to your contact list.

3. Send each time as if different messages, you can make a script that would randomly put spaces in messages and insert the recipient's name.

4. After sending the first message, use a random timeout (30 to 60 seconds) before sending the next message.

5. WhatsApp expects you to use its web version on your desktop on the same network as your phone.

Therefore, if you run WhatsApp on a real phone, and the web version is hosted somewhere, then you will be blocked.

6. If you do not know how to hack registration validation (there are many tutorials on this issue on the net), then it is better to use a real phone, not an emulator.

7. Proxy must have, make sure that the real phone and the bot have the same IP addresses and these addresses are tied to the same country, the numbers of which are in your contact list.

8. Try to group contacts by country or region code, WhatsApp expects a real user to mainly communicate within one country or region, which coincides with the region of registration of your number and the region of most contacts.

9. Use some profile picture, this does not apply to Whatsapp Bots Catcher, just people can mark a contact without a photo as spam.

10. You do not need to continue sending messages to those users who have already blocked you, I suggest doing a blocking check before sending a message to a contact.

11. Although you can try to send messages to those who do not have WhatsApp, I highly recommend not doing so.

Always check if the contact has a WhatsApp account or not.

12. WhatsApp has special numbers for tests and if you send a message to - the official marketing account of Watsap, it is the same as trying to sell cocaine to the police.

13. Do not let your script make requests where the regular Whatsapp Web client does not - all the logs of such errors are saved.

14. Always send a “read” notification after accepting a message, or turn off this notification in the settings.

15. Do not reply instantly to a message - the normal response timeout is 5-10 seconds.

16. A good practice for replying to a message is to open a chat, send a “read” notification, then send a “typing ...” status, then wait a few seconds and send a message.

17. Clear the cache in your browser every time you open Whatsapp Web, yes it is a headache to enter a new QR code every time, but without this your bot will not normally reboot.

18. Avoid sending links that have already been marked as spam by someone and avoid sending links without https. It's a good idea to use link shorteners.

19. Important: It's a bad idea to send messages 24/7 without interruption.

A random delay is not enough, send a reasonable number of messages - for example, send a maximum of 4 messages per hour to each contact who replied to you, then a break for an hour and then again.

20. At the beginning of a conversation, send only one short message, there is no need to send a long text or several messages without the user's reaction to them.

21. If you need to reply with multiple messages, please send one first, then wait a few seconds and then send the second.

But even if you replied with multiple paused messages, you may still be blocked, so try to reply with one message.

22. Do not send different messages to different people at the same time, send such messages in turn.

23. Avoid using prefixes in messages.

24. Don't use yowsup-cli

25. Check online when posting.

Keep in mind

1. Every person to whom you send a message and who you are not in contact with will be asked for spam.

If you are identified as spam 5-10 times, you will be blocked.

2. Remember - WhatsApp records every move you make , to check it send a letter to their support - they can send logs.

Therefore - behave like a person.

3. No bans have been noticed when you check if there is one or another contact in the watsap or when you download profile photos, etc.

This can be done without timeouts.

4. Using applications that duplicate the watcap is also a bad idea - the watcap sees it and blocks it.

5. Try to involve in the chat from the interlocutor, and if you were not immediately marked as spam, then everything is ok and you can continue. The more often people answer you, the less likely you are to get banned.

6. Think of it as a point system - if you were added to your contact list, you got 1 point, if marked as spam, you lost 1 point, and so on.

7. Do not let your bot run for a long time - from time to time turn off WhatsApp Web, open watap on your phone, then restart the web version, etc.

8. Virtual numbers in some countries are familiar to Vatsap, so you will not be able to register there, you will receive a message “Not a valid number for country XX”

9. If for some reason watsap became unavailable on the phone, and Whatsapp Web did not notice it, then you can still send some commands, but you will be banned, thus. avoid using Whatsapp Web if your phone is offline.

10. If you have several vatsap accounts under the same IP address and you notice that one of them is blocked, immediately close other accounts, otherwise they will also be blocked.

11. If your content is pure spam, then no matter how you send messages, you will be


If you are still blocked, but you do not want to give up

1. Remove watsap and everything connected with it.

2. Do a factory reset if possible.

3. Connect with a new IP address

4. Download watsap

5. Make the first messages with the number that your watsap has for a long time - for example, with your own phone.

6. Some people say that you need to wait 12-36 hours after the first message, others say that if you do not send messages during the day, then after the first message you will be banned - I do this - I register, I send the first message, so I wait a few hours and then I send messages as usual.

What happens if you write to the WhatsApp support asking about the reasons for blocking?

There is a small chance of being unbanned, I have had several cases of unblocking after 1 day and several cases of blocking with the past months after the letter and still unblocked.

They respond quickly, but always the same:

## - WhatsApp Support - ##


Thanks for getting in touch with us!

Your WhatsApp account has been disabled because you have violated our Terms of Service when using an unauthorized app or an unsupported device.

Please remove the application and install an authorized version on a compatible device at:

Please keep in mind that we do not allow support for unofficial or jailbroken / rooted clients (including emulators) and unsupported devices.

To use WhatsApp on your computer, visit our website from your computer's browser. Then open WhatsApp and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp application on your phone (look for WhatsApp Web in the WhatsApp settings on your device). WhatsApp can only be installed on your computer if you are using Windows operating systems 8.0 and higher or Mac OSX.9 and above. If you are experiencing problems installing WhatsApp on a supported operating system, disable your anti-virus and try again.

You have the option to access WhatsApp through your browser here if you are using non-compatible operating systems.

Your account will be permanently disabled, and without the possibility of appeal if you continue to violate our Terms of Service.

Cheers, Roshan

WhatsApp Support Team

Take a look at our FAQ.

Final considerations and conclusions

After several months of testing various methods of sending messages, I can say one thing - you need to follow Whatsapp's policy, do not send spam, do not start a conversation first and send them a chat link through a regular SMS so that they respond first.

Note: I don't use the API to send spam or marketing offers, and I don't like those who do.

I always write only to those who have confirmed their desire to communicate with me, but in fact, WhatsApp does not care about it.

All of the above may stop working tomorrow and no one knows when the watsap will start to hard ban everyone who does not pay them for their official API.

But if you did not follow all the tips and everything works for you, this means that you send few messages and the watap does not notice it.

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