Experience Converting C # Code to Rust Code

Formulation of the problem

The C # code needs to be translated into Rust code. More precisely, such a translation procedure is required (development continues in C #) so that at any time you can get a working code in Rust. I solved this problem for Java, Python, JavaScript and PHP by writing a converter from C # to these languages. The concept of such conversion was outlined in the UniSharping article a couple of years ago. I was developing this converter to translate the code of my Pullenti SDK project (linguistic text analysis). And I thought: why not try Rust? Yes, I heard different responses that the language is unusual, etc., but this is not a torture attempt ... Moreover, one of the customers has a group of programmers who enthusiastically write in it.

I must say right away that it did not work out in full, as for other languages, - there was not enough strength. Maybe I'll come back to this problem. A month and a half was spent fighting with myself and the language, we managed to bring the converter to the point that the morphological block began to translate and even compile (and therefore work) in Rust. Of course, during this time, the morphology module could be written from scratch, but behind it were about 500 more C # classes, created and debugged for almost 10 years, and it is not so easy to rewrite them. In this article I want to share my impressions of the Rust language, as well as describe the techniques that I used to convert.

Impression of the Rust language

They say that the master is not looking for easy ways. This fully applies to Rust, since much that is simple and familiar in other languages ​​becomes complex, while the complex does not become simple. You seem to find yourself in another world with at first glance absurd logic, which becomes far from immediately understandable after mastering the basic concepts. It doesn't matter what you have written so far: C ++, Java, Python, etc., but when it turns out that after adding an object to the list, you cannot use:, it = new ...(); list.add(it); it.val = ...but you can it = new ...(); it.val = ...; list.add(it);do it like this:, then it is discouraging. Or, to implement cross-references between objects of the Foo class, you need to use the construction Option<Rc<RefCell<Foo>>>, and to access the val field of this class, call foo.unwrap().borrow().val.

: , , . Rust , . ( Rust 20-). ? .

Rust β€” C# 2 . , , ( ). , , Rust C/C++ . . , Rust /C++, , ...

Rust , "" 50 , - , . 80- ( ), , . . - , trait- ( interface Java C#), - , . , , ? , Rust , .

Rust β€” (heap). β€” new/delete. \++, , . , delete . , . , , new. : Java, C#, Python, JavaScritp, PHP .

Rust , , , . , { ... let x = Foo {... }; ... }, . β€” - . , , (mut) , , . , , C# buf stream.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length) , buf mut-, buf . : int len = buf.Length; stream.Read(buf, 0, len);.

, C# Rust. , β€” .


, SDK C# Java. , , . , , β€” C# , . . UniSharping. , . , C#, . , Java yield, C# β€” !

C# . Java DLL, Java . Python , , . JavaScript long ( byte, short, int, float, double, long- ), SDK C# long int, . PHP string utf-8 i- . , mb_, - . Rust , -.

C#, - : #if JAVA || PYTHON… #else… #endif β€” .

β€” . , , ? . Rust , .

, .

C#, , , β€” Rust , . for(...; ...; ...) while β€” . byte, int, float . , . .

T C# Rust : T ( ), &T ( ) &mut T ( ). , C# β€” C# , Rust , .

var obj = new T(); //    T
FuncNotModif(obj); //    
FuncModif(obj); //   
list.Add(obj); //    List<T>
var obj2 = obj; //      
var obj3 = obj; //      


let obj = T { }; //    T (   )
func_not_modif(&obj); //   ,   obj   
func_modif(&mut obj); //    
list.push(&obj); //       Vec<&T>,   obj 
let obj2 : &T = &obj; //    
let obj3 : T = obj; //      obj3,  obj  obj2   

, Rust , : =, return &. , .

C# , : T, &T &mut T? , :

&T &mut T , ( ), , property { get; set; } &T, β€” T. C# /*&*/ /*&mut*/ . , List<T/*&*/>, , List<T/*&*/>/*&*/.

: , , , . , . β€” , . , .

Rust utf-8 ( PHP). , 2 . C#, Java . char 16 ( 8 , ++ 8 16), Rust. Unicode 32-, 64-? . β€” , 7- ASCII.

str[i]. ?

β€” (struct Rust), , string.

pub struct NString {
    pub chars : Vec<char>,
    pub string : String,
    _is_null : bool
impl NString {
    pub fn from_string(s : &String) -> NString {
        NString { chars : s.chars().collect(), string : s.clone(), _is_null : false }
    pub fn from_str(s : &str) -> NString {
        NString { chars : s.chars().collect(), string : s.to_string(), _is_null : false }
    pub fn from_chars(s : &Vec<char>) -> NString {
        NString { chars : s.clone(), string : s.into_iter().collect(), _is_null : false }

, chars, β€” String. C# , Rust. , Substring(int start, int len) :

    pub fn substring(&self, pos : i32, len : i32) -> NString {
        let length : i32 = if len <= 0 { self.chars.len() as i32 - pos } else { len };
        let sub = self.chars[pos as usize .. (pos + length) as usize].to_vec();

- , &STR_HELLO STR_HELLO.clone() :

static STR_HELLO : Lazy<NString> = Lazy::new(|| { NString::from_str("Hello!") }); 
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;

, Rust , . , , C# , Vec HashMap . 3 : , &T T. array[] Rust , List.


Rust null object, . , C# "" object "" β€” Rust . , .

object, object. , , , /*=*/ object.

            object/*=ObjValue*/ obj = "Hello";
            obj = 10;
            if (obj is int)
                int ii = (int)obj;
            obj = cnt.First; //   Item
            if(obj is Item)
                Console.WriteLine((obj as Item).Str);

#if RUST  //  C#   
        //RUST object_class
        class ObjValue
            public string Str;
            public int Int;
            public Item/*&*/ Item;

, object int, string Item, , Item β€” .

ObjValue, C#, .

        let mut obj : ObjValue = ObjValue::from_str_(STR_HELLO.clone());
        println!("{}", &obj.to_nstring());
        obj = ObjValue::from_int(10);
        if obj.is_class("i32") {
            let mut ii : i32 = obj.int;
            println!("{}", &NString::from_string(&ii.to_string()));
        obj = ObjValue::from_item(Some(Rc::clone(cnt.borrow().get_first().as_ref().unwrap())));
        if obj.is_class("Item") {
            println!("{}", obj.item.as_ref().unwrap().borrow().get_str());

pub struct ObjValue {
    pub str_ : NString, 
    pub int : i32, 
    pub item : Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>, 
    _typ : &'static str

impl ObjValue {
    pub fn from_str_(val : NString) -> ObjValue {
        ObjValue { str_ : val, int : 0, item : None, _typ : "NString" }
    pub fn from_int(val : i32) -> ObjValue {
        ObjValue { str_ : NString::null(), int : val, item : None, _typ : "i32" }
    pub fn from_item(val : Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>) -> ObjValue {
        ObjValue { str_ : NString::null(), int : 0, item : val, _typ : "Item" }
    pub fn null() -> ObjValue {
        ObjValue { str_ : NString::null(), int : 0, item : None, _typ : "" }
    pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool { self._typ.len() == 0 }
    pub fn is_class(&self, typ : &str) -> bool { self._typ == typ }
    pub fn to_nstring(&self) -> NString {
        if self._typ == "NString" { return self.str_.clone(); }
        if self._typ == "i32" { return NString::from_string(&self.int.to_string()); }
        if self._typ == "Item" { return NString::from_str("Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>"); }

, . ! , .

: obj = cnt.First Rust obj = ObjValue::from_item(Some(Rc::clone(cnt.borrow().get_first().as_ref().unwrap()))). , ? , ! , , .

C# Rust struct, β€” trait. , β€” . . C# , : . .

- - , .

. A, , trait, , get set ( property). struct B A (struct B { base : A, }), B trait A. A, self.base.x.


    //RUST RefCell
    class Item
        public Item(int val) { Val = val; }
        public int Val { get; set; }
        public string Str;
        public Item/*&*/ Prev { get; set; }
        public Item/*&*/ Next { get; set; }
        public virtual void Inc() { Val += 1; }
    //RUST RefCell
    class ItemChild : Item
        public ItemChild(int val) : base(val) { }
        public override void Inc() { Val *= 2; }

( ). trait.

pub trait IItem {
    fn get_val(&self) -> i32;
    fn set_val(&mut self, value : i32) -> i32;
    fn get_str(&self) -> &NString;
    fn set_str(&mut self, value : NString) -> &NString;
    fn get_prev(&self) -> &Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>;
    fn set_prev(&mut self, value : Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>) -> &Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>;
    fn get_next(&self) -> &Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>;
    fn set_next(&mut self, value : Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>) -> &Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>;
    fn inc(&mut self);
    fn get_base_class(&self) -> &dyn IItem;
    fn is_class(&self, name : &str) -> bool;
    fn as_item(&self) -> &dyn IItem;
    fn as_mut_item(&mut self) -> &mut dyn IItem;


pub struct Item {
    pub _val : i32, 
    pub m_str : NString, 
    pub _prev : Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>, 
    pub _next : Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>, 

impl IItem for Item {
    fn get_val(&self) -> i32 {
        return self._val;
    fn set_val(&mut self, mut value : i32) -> i32 {
        self._val = value;
        return self._val;
    fn get_prev(&self) -> &Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>> {
        return &self._prev;
    fn set_prev(&mut self, mut value : Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>>) -> &Option<Rc<RefCell<dyn IItem>>> {
        self._prev = utils::clone_opt_ref(&value);
        return &self._prev;
    fn inc(&mut self) {
        self.set_val(self.get_val() + 1);
    fn as_item(&self) -> &dyn IItem { self }
    fn as_mut_item(&mut self) -> &mut dyn IItem { self }
    fn get_base_class(&self) -> &dyn IItem { self }
    fn is_class(&self, name : &str) -> bool { name == "Item" }

impl Item {
    pub fn new(mut __val : i32) -> Item {
        let mut self_result = Item {  _val : 0,  _prev : None,  _next : None,  m_str : NString::null() };


pub struct ItemChild {
    pub base : Item, //   
impl IItem for ItemChild {
    fn get_val(&self) -> i32 {
        self.base.get_val()  //      base
    fn set_val(&mut self, value : i32) -> i32 {
    //   -     
    fn inc(&mut self) {
        self.base.set_val(self.get_val() * 2);

impl ItemChild {
    pub fn new(mut __val : i32) -> ItemChild {
        ItemChild {  base : Item::new(__val) };

Item ItemChild ITrait, inc() , trait β€” ! .

&T (lifetime), , , . , : struct A<'a> { ref : &'a Item, ... }. , 'a. . , , lifetime-hell, . , Rust !

: Option<Rc<RefCell<T>>>. . β€” , . , Option<Weak<RefCell<T>>>. " , , ! β€” , ..."

, , . SDK , 10% . , , . " " , , C# β€” Rust . .

, Rust , … , . Rust β€” , , , - ! !

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