JavaScript: 200 Practice Questions

Good day, friends!

I present to your attention a list of 200 practical JavaScript questions with detailed (as far as possible and appropriate in the context of a checklist) answers and an opportunity to test your knowledge using a quiz consisting of 30 random questions from the list.

You can view and install the application here (Netlify) and here (PWA Store) .

Application code on GitHub .

Application features:

  • The application contains the largest collection of practical exercises in the Russian Internet today
  • The questions are of varying difficulty and address all aspects of JavaScript, including the very latest features such as dynamic imports or the optional chaining operator
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  • , (Intersection Observer + ), , , , Netflix, , ,
  • There is nothing superfluous in the application: only JavaScript, only hardcore, i.e., I mean, practice

On a desktop, the application looks like this:

And on a smartphone like this: The

application is based on the following repositories:

Many thanks to the authors for the work done.

As for the application code, I tried to write it in the most understandable way (this concerns the speaking names of variables and functions, refusal to use complex constructs, including ternaries, etc.) both for debugging purposes and in order to potentially familiarize others with it developers. At the same time, I've tried to use the very latest, but widely supported features. Basically, there is nothing special about the code. You can read about Intersection Observer here .

I will be glad to any feedback, comments and suggestions. As you know, only those who do nothing are not mistaken, so I apologize for possible mistakes and typos.

I hope you enjoy the app. Thank you for attention.

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