Web developer: 10 useful tools

The article, the translation of which we publish today, is dedicated to 10 useful tools that are aimed at web developers. The author of the material believes that these are just such tools that allow, as they say, "to work with the mind, and not until nightfall."

1. Website Vulnerability Scanner

Website Vulnerability Scanner is a website vulnerability scanner developed by Pentest-Tools.com. This tool needs to be given a link to a site that needs to be checked for vulnerabilities, after which a report will be generated.

Website Vulnerability Scanner results

2. Nibbler

Nibbler is a tool for comprehensive analysis of web projects. The report he generates includes assessments of the accessibility of the site's content, assessments of how positive the user experience can be from working with it. Nibbler analyzes sites for search engine optimization and how well they are designed and built.

Nibbler gives high marks to dev.to

3. Meta Tags

Meta Tags is a simple online tool that can be used to quickly check the meta tags of websites.

Validating Meta Tags with Meta Tags

4. Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is an open source, automated system for evaluating the quality of web projects.

It displays ratings related to various aspects of the design and functioning of sites. In particular, it can be used to assess the performance, accessibility, search engine optimization of the site, receiving, in addition to the final results, detailed reports and recommendations for improving the site.

Site analysis in Google Lighthouse

5. Endtest

Endtest (I'll tell you right away that I work there) is an intelligent test automation platform that allows you to create complex tests and run them in all major browsers. 

I automated the Sign In test for the DEV Community site and ran this test in the cloud, in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Internet Explorer 11.

It turned out that this site, despite the fact that many of the "best Practitioner ”does not work particularly well in Internet Explorer 11. Here's what the test results look like.

Test results in Chrome

Test results in Internet Explorer 11

6. Loom

Loom is a free Chrome extension that lets you take videos while capturing your screen and webcam at the same time.

Such recordings can be considered as an alternative to video calls, when the interlocutors can write down comments on a certain project at a convenient time for them and send them to each other.

Loom Chrome Extension

7. Pexels

Pexels is a site where you can find free photos and videos for your projects. This is one of the few sites where you don't even need to register to download materials.

This site always helps me out in situations when I need to make a prototype, and the marketing department has not sent official materials yet.

Pexels website

8. Figma

Figma is a website prototyping tool well suited for teamwork on projects. Figma not only supports prototyping tools, but also allows development teams and other professionals to discuss projects and their individual details.


9. Funkify

Funkify is a Chrome extension that allows a developer to look at the web from the perspective of people with disabilities. This helps to develop sites that will be convenient for all categories of users.


10. PerfectPixel

PerfectPixel is a Chrome extension that lets you place a semi-transparent image on top of an HTML page that represents a designer-prepared page layout. This helps to make a pixel-by-pixel comparison of what is created with what should be.

Compare Page and Layout with PerfectPixel

What tools for web developers would you add to this list?

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