Why does an IT specialist need a second passport?

And really, why? Let's try to figure it out, at the same time answering related questions. For example, about why people use passports, what gives alternative citizenship, how to get it (spoiler alert: there are as many as 5 ways) and what to do with it.

Not all citizenships are the same. Numerous perks are offered to citizens of some countries: lack of control, tending to zero tax burden, no need to serve in the army and further down the list. In other states, the picture is sadder.

A striking example is the United States. There, the authorities do not just want to impose high taxes on citizens, as Pavel Durov recently noted., and "milk" taxpayers throughout their rest of their lives, even in the case of permanent residence of such citizens outside the homeland of fast food. Indeed, in the States, tax residence is determined on the basis of a passport, and not a place of residence, as in other countries.

Entrepreneurial skills and other talents of people are of less interest to those in power than their ability to pay taxes in full and on time. Unsurprisingly, many Americans renounce US citizenship of their own accord.

Some do it successfully, with the support of competent lawyers. For example, Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin (holder of a Brazilian passport and a US citizen until 2011), who saved about US $ 700 million in taxes thanks to abandoning his American passport.

Others take risks and don't drink champagne. For example, the co-founder of Tinkoff Bank, Oleg Tinkov (a US citizen from 1996 to 2013, holder of Russian and Cypriot passports), due to fraud, may lose a quarter of its assets or go to jail in the States for 6 years.

That is why every strategically minded person seeking to reduce the tax burden and gain additional rights should consider obtaining a second passport and citizenship, guided by the help of experts.

And it's better sooner rather than later. After all, it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain alternative citizenship, and the “window of opportunity” is about to close. The authorities of the same States recently announced the termination of the issuance of work visas and made it difficult to issue green cards.

Why do people use passports?

If the institution of citizenship existed even before the First World War, then standardized and internationally recognized passports became widespread only after the global war. People began to use them en masse to confirm identity when crossing borders and solving other problems.

Today, the passport still performs a similar function, helping people go through identification procedures and limiting the list of places where you can visit, live, invest, and even move to permanent residence without a preliminary visa application.

But there is one problem. The authorities can easily annul such a document if they declare its owner a criminal or simply a source of threat to the political system (perhaps having previously fabricated evidence). And this person will be "locked" in his homeland.

To avoid becoming a "slave" of the government of a particular state just because of the fact of birth in the relevant jurisdiction, you can issue a second passport and additional citizenship.

Benefits of a second passport and bipatrid status

Increasing your own wealth, caring for your family and business, and finding and using all the available opportunities to hedge risks is hard work. This work is greatly simplified by the second passport. Here are the key benefits of bipatrid status:

  • Taxes: Obtaining bipatrid status does not guarantee tax cuts, but gives the freedom to live in low-tax jurisdictions, optimizing the fiscal burden.
  • Freedom: Bipatrid is free to live, work, rest or study in more countries, and also gains additional peace of mind when traveling to "hot spots" and places where guests from his historical homeland are not welcome.
  • "Alternate airfield": We are talking about the ability to quickly and reliably evacuate to a quiet place if the situation in the home state has deteriorated sharply.

How to get bipatrid status

Here are five ways to get these benefits and more:

  1. Origin: Option for the winners of the "genetic lottery". Can you prove your relationship with citizens of other countries? In some cases, this entitles you to a second passport based on origin with a minimum of effort, money and time spent. Where is this possible? For example, in Israel, Italy, Ireland or Poland.
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Yes, there are also cheaper routes. But, as noted above, in the absence of Nobel, Oscar or Olympic gold, relatives abroad, a desire to change lives, endure long-term naturalization, and also marry a person with foreign citizenship, an investor passport becomes the best choice. Here are the countries that grant citizenship by investment:

  • Antigua and Barbuda - US $ 0.1 million
  • Vanuatu - US $ 0.145 million
  • Grenada - US $ 0.15 million
  • Dominica - US $ 0.1 million
  • Egypt - US $ 0.16 million
  • Jordan - US $ 0.75 million
  • Cyprus - € 2.15 million
  • Malta - € 0.88 million
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis - US $ 0.15 million
  • Saint Lucia - US $ 0.1 million
  • Turkey - US $ 0.25 million
  • Montenegro - € 0.35 million

Received a second passport and bipatrid status? What's next?

Nobody forbids expanding the collection. You can add a third, fourth or even fifth passport to it. There are people who have more than a dozen such documents in their collections. Most importantly, jurisdictions of citizenship should allow bipatrism.

Like an investor who creates a portfolio of diverse assets in order to minimize risks and maximize income, a person with a collection of passports provides himself and his family with more opportunities and guarantees.

Perhaps one passport will provide additional opportunities for traveling around the planet, the second will help reduce taxes, and the third will help develop business and make investments with profit. Over time, active use of the passport collection may show that creating one was one of the best decisions in your life for you.

Alternative citizenship and fraudulent schemes

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  7. Bank Passport: Such documents, as the name suggests, are needed to work with banks. The scammers selling them do not recommend accepting bank passports for travel, since falsification is easily revealed by employees of the immigration department of almost any country.

It is foolish to think that it will be possible to constantly use a document issued by fraud with impunity. Renewing fraudulent passports is extremely difficult (or impossible). Each of them may be subject to cancellation at any time, as a result of which the holder of such a document will become a target for law enforcement officers at the next border crossing.

Remember that the authorities are using ever more sophisticated tools to verify and validate the legality of passports. Therefore, avoid illegal offers in order to gain what you want and then not lose. Do you doubt the legality of the proposal? Please note that when obtaining bipatride status, you can count on only two of the following three factors: ease of procedures, cheapness or high speed. Do they offer everything at once? Trust me, it sounds too good to be true.

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