200 IT Jobs & Supervisory Non-Rubber Office from WFH *

* WFH - Work From Home

Reload office

Previously, I devoted time to several articles on work during a pandemic. About what has changed in our work processes, about how to live with it and what conclusions we have drawn for ourselves.

Since then, a couple of months have sunk into oblivion. And now we have already adapted to the new life. Without ties, without morning traffic jams on the way to work, and even more so without that very feeling of inevitability when a crowd of people eager to work brings you into the subway car, despite the fact that this is your station and you actually wanted to get out.

Moreover, not only developers with office occupants have adapted to the new way of life, but the office itself. Someone will say that today it does not even look like an office - ottomans and soft armchairs overlooking the white-stone surroundings.

The fact is that, at some point in time, it became clear that the constant growth in the number of IT specialists in our ranks gives rise to the issue of jobs, which should not be solved using ZIP-like methods. Of course, the pandemic provided an opportunity to test WHF and taste its benefits, but for this topic to go so far, we definitely did not expect.

The office was kept warm even at a time when the distance was already fixed. By the way, during the pandemic, we increased our staff. So the number of developers increased to 700 people. There were thoughts that the people would seek refuge from the hustle and bustle of the home and remember about the office, but it is like Moscow - non-rubber. When the wind dispelled the last worries about the demand for "shelter", the hand of managers did not flinch, releasing the sins of old-school workplaces.


The virtual office has become almost limitless. There are a bunch of IT projects, and the desire of the business to bring them to life is even greater. Well, why wait? That's right - nothing! With WFH, we also recruit developers, and even without restrictions on the place of residence.

I am writing and most wondering how long it will take to close vacancies for specialists in React, Go, DevOps, Mobile developer, Database developer in the amount of 200 people. How much time it took I will write in one of the following articles. In the meantime, your opinion is interesting - comments will endure.

Now to one of the main questions: why are there so many programmers? On the one hand, there are really many ideas that have yet to be thought out and implemented. On the other hand, we got accustomed to one undertaking in the form of project implementation by several independent development teams. The latter get good experience, and the business gets the best solution.

Effective? Yes!

Expensive? Definitely yes, but the end justifies the means!

But what about the team spirit?

We used to work in an office and sometimes wanted to work remotely. WFH inverted this into the exact opposite: we work remotely and sometimes want to work in the office. For those who are sometimes nostalgic for communicating with the team live, the opportunity to work in the office still remains. The only remark - deprecated inpatients. As I wrote earlier, the issue is closed by issuing laptops.

Moreover, there is an opportunity to break the ridges of project tasks while sitting with your team in the same room, somewhere in Sochi. The bustle of the house is not distracted and the atmosphere sets you up for productive work on the project. This tradition was introduced relatively recently, but we are already seeing its effectiveness.

So what?

Yes, we all “scold” the covid, and the situation that happened around him, but thanks to the availability of a remote location, it is possible to realize your desires and hold, conditionally, tomorrow's meeting not in the office, and not even at home, but go to the nearest square or to the sea, and be a little happier. At the same time, not forgetting about the current work tasks, which is also important for a good emotional state, and this is what we should strive for.

We managed to realize all these opportunities, and we need people who think in the same direction. Those who know how to understand their desires and apply skills.

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