Digest of IT events in the first half of September

The vacation time is coming to an end, and we are returning to our regular reviews of activities that help programmers to develop after hours. The first academic month begins with a landmark - an abundance of training courses in development and other disciplines. Cybersecurity experts are also actively discussing old and new problems, and large conferences are slowly finding their way back to offline.

Intensive on Android development on Kotlin

When: September 1 - October 31

Where: online

Participation conditions: free, registration required

A good (and free) opportunity to master everything about the basics of Kotlin development for Android in the fall. The course is designed for beginners, but basic familiarity with Java syntax will make life easier for students. The organizers are aimed primarily at giving knowledge that will definitely be needed in practice: an overview of modern tools, popular patterns, architectural solutions. The program includes nine modules (introductory lesson, platform components, architecture, Material Design, networking, ORM Room, Socket.io and other topics); the ratio of theory and practice is approximately one to three.

Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity Conference 2020

When: September 2-4

Where: online

Participation conditions: free, registration required

A major international forum on industrial cybersecurity and the protection of critical infrastructures will be held this year behind closed doors, in a narrow circle of participants - but with the opportunity to follow the discussions online for everyone. The site will bring together over forty experts on cyber threats, including Dale Peterson (founder of Digital Bond and S4 Events), Patrick Miller (Archer International), researcher Marina Krotofil. The main topics of the conference are: emerging trends, the current threat landscape, regulation and best practices in cyber defense. Fresh solutions for information security will be presented by Kaspersky Lab, Arinteg, ICL System Technologies, MOXA, Jet and PcVue. Registration for remote participation will open on 17 August.

Playnesis Academy

When: September 7 - October 12

Where:Novosibirsk, st. Engineering, 4A

Conditions of participation: free, registration required

A deep, one and a half month immersion in the world of mobile applications for everyone who wants to work with them. Graduates of universities are invited to complete a full course in one of four directions and, if the stars converge, immediately get a job. The Academy offers courses for iOS developers (Swift, layout, animation, multithreading, memory management), Unity programmers (working with code and engines, libraries, using physics, creating interfaces), marketers of mobile applications and games (monetization, ASO, communications, research and analytics) and product managers (Agile, SCRUM, goal setting, motivation, teamwork). Classes will be held twice a week at the organizer's office. As a result - certificates for everyone and employment for the best.


When: September 8-10

Where: online

Terms of participation: Free, registration required

Three-day event for mobile developers of all stripes. Areas of interest are neatly divided by day: first iOS, then Android, and finally Flutter. Thanks to the online format, the composition of the participants is mixed - practicing specialists from Russia and Europe will speak. The program is at the stage of formation, you can familiarize yourself with the reports already submitted on the website.

Administration of the Kafka cluster

When: September 9-11

Where: Moscow, st. Ilimskaya, 5/2

Terms of participation: 54,000 rubles.

A concise course for system administrators, bigdata system developers and DevOps engineers who want to be familiar with Apache Kafka. Participants will master the installation, configuration and support of the cluster, study security settings, work out administration methods, learn how to integrate Kafka with other frameworks and external systems. Practical exercises, which take more than half of the classroom time, involve deploying your own cluster with configuration, security and monitoring. Minimum Unix experience is required to participate.

XIII Interdisciplinary Forum CISO FORUM: Cybersecurity Music

When: September 10-11

Where: Moscow, st. Lesnaya, 15.

Conditions of participation: on request

The largest cybersecurity forum with hot topics and music. The program also contains enough classics (best practices, basic security measures, audit and information security management), but the central place is occupied by threats and complications that have arisen during the pandemic: new types of attacks, protection of remote access channels, and more. Over two days, more than seventy experts from different countries will speak at the site (reports are divided into three streams), four master classes, five interactive discussions, as well as a game "Guess the melody" and a karaoke battle will be held. An extensive program is already available on the event website.

IT city

When: September 11-12

Where: information is being specified

Terms of participation: information is being specified

A multidimensional conference for everyone involved in the IT business - from executives to analysts, from programmers to marketers. The second day is of the greatest interest for the technical ones - the corresponding tracks are planned for it: mobile and web development, machine learning, VR&AR, big data, gamedev. Separate sections are dedicated to Python and C ++ developers. In the remaining time, you can take part in numerous activities: listen to the revelations of speakers on the darkside, contribute to the ennobling of the city at placemaking, talk about the life of IT companies on talk shows or enjoy live music.

Russian Python Week

When: September 14-18

Where: online

Participation conditions: from 4 900 rubles.

The traditional conference for Python developers from all over the world is preparing a lot for the participants this time, in addition to the online format. In addition to numerous reports and master classes from experienced developers and large specialists, they will also receive brochures with recommendations on burning issues (how to speed up code and which vulnerabilities to look for), a list of useful books and tips for using new language features. Among the activities, an expert zone with consultations, blitz reports, a Python championship and FailPy are announced - a special section where speakers share their analysis of failed cases.

TestCon Moscow 2020

When: September 15-17

Where: online / a. Moscow, Izmailovskoe shosse 71, 3B

Terms of participation: 47,000 rubles.

The cosmopolitan meeting of testers is also being virtualized this year, but not canceled. The conference will be attended by experts from a dozen countries; Keynote speakers - Neil Malotaux (NR Malotaux - Consultancy), Egor Bugaenko (Zerocracy), Bjorn Boysschot (CTG), Ron Werner (Joyn). The first day will be busy with master classes, reports will be held in the second and third in three streams. Those who are determined to get the most out of TestCon can take part in the quiz and chat with the speakers in designated areas.

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