I have the Coronavirus. Review and testing, pros and cons and comparison with competitors from the same price range

The epidemic is already on the decline, but I managed to catch the infection at the end of the pandemic. As recently as the day before yesterday, news came about the registration of a vaccine for a newfangled virus, but my body considered that the vaccine was for weaklings and wanted to test the infection on itself.

I caught this virus just five days ago. It seems that during these days I have not developed incurable pneumonia, although, looking ahead, I want to say that this infection is not a joke. I went to the doctors, talked to staff from several government agencies, fell around with a temperature and go through an incredible number of checks, checks, telephone interviews, visits from no one knows who and from where, and I already have something to tell. I will try to show all the "delights" of treating this disease at home.

Unboxing and first impressions

It began with the fact that on Thursday evening I had a weakness, but I did not attach any importance to this.

Then I started to hurt quite sharply: my head, all the muscles and bones, throat, stomach, the temperature rose, a cough began and, for some reason, my eyes began to hurt badly from the inside.

At the beginning of the disease, while I still had strength, I called the clinic: "what to do?" To which they asked me if I had a fever, and when they heard that it was 37.3, and when the doctor was so low they did not call the doctor at home, they said: “Come to the doctor on duty.” I didn’t insist on a doctor's visit at home or ask something extra on the Coronavirus Hotline, and I thought that now it would be easiest to visit the doctor in person.


Already good. And what if I have it, the same? So, the course of action is clear even in this case. Never mind, the clinic will help me, they will tell me what to do now, because there is an epidemic in the country! They have clear instructions prepared by a doctor and already have experience! There was a chance that they would put me in quarantine, but what to do: without the help of a doctor, I could not now.

Every time I enter the clinic, I think: “Where did the whole“ scoop ”in the internal structure and the rudeness of the staff go? It can't just disappear. "

All the nurses are polite, everyone is smiling, but a few years ago you were openly cursed and forced to run the patient from floor to floor in search of his medical card!

I remember how they wrote complaints about the rudeness of the staff, about the negligence of doctors, about the scandalous receptionists. And I remember how measures were taken: new-fangled courses for clinic staff and that the cards were replaced with electronic ones. Did you manage to improve something?

First try

I go to the clinic, ask to make an appointment with the doctor on duty.

- What about you?

- I got sick.

- Give me the policy, I wrote it down, sit, wait.

I waited in a huge queue for exactly 1.5 hours. At the end, the girl who came after me was called into the office.

- How so? I've been sitting for 1.5 hours, and she came after, why didn't they call me at first? - I asked a question.

- Oh, and here we are ... And, here, the doctor forgot to call us, and the record ran out, and you signed up at all?

Let me remind you that I was sitting there with a temperature that I had measured in advance and felt that I had it.

Second attempt

"Give me the policy again!" - why did she ask me for a policy 1.5 hours ago? “Now you go, I understand that you are not feeling well, what to do, you see what the queue is. Wait another 15 minutes. "

I come to the doctor. “Tell”. I tell my adventures with my last strength.

- Oh, and you have a temperature? So this is not for me.

- How not to you?

It turns out that for those with fever, the polyclinic has a separate door from the front entrance, which no one told me either on the phone or at the reception.

Third attempt

On the second floor, a nurse cleaning the floor and a bored doctor greeted me. The doctor measured the level of blood oxygen saturation with a nozzle on his finger, listened to the lungs, looked down the throat. The nurse took a throat and nose swab. The doctor asked about the state of health and the course of the disease. She said that now they rarely get sick, but I have all the symptoms. She warned that there was a high likelihood that the smear would be positive.

From that moment on, they asked me to consider myself infected, gave me a pen and a piece of paper and asked me to sign a decree, which said:

  • that I have a suspicion of COVID-19
  • that I agree to quarantine at home for 2 weeks
  • do not infect anyone by wearing a mask and gloves

The doctor's wife warned that I could refuse the Decree on Isolation:

- Look, below the signature: "I refuse the Decree." Only we don't know what it will be, hee hee.

It took me another half hour to fill out the Resolution, because:

  • I felt really bad
  • you need to read everything, but there are several pages in small print
  • after each paragraph you must write in full: your name, patronymic and surname, in total on each sheet you need to write your full name 7 (seven!) times, and do it in 2 (two!) copies, only fourteen times!

Have registered:

  • Azithromycin 500mg 1r / d 6 days
  • Arbidol, which was immediately issued in the amount of 2 packs
  • gargle with chamomile decoction

That's all the treatment. If you ask me why I was given only Arbidol, and Azithromycin and dried chamomile were not given, then I have no idea.

Just a few hours of torture. Listen, do you have a conscience? A man with a high fever, who can barely stick to his chair, is sitting and writing these endless documents, each time re-entering all of his own by hand: passport data ten times, registration address in several places, some numbers that the doctor was too lazy to write and endlessly writes his full name everywhere.

I understand that this was done to make it easier for the medical staff. However, the convenience of the patient was simply not at all close here. I understand that fourteen timesit is necessary to write in full the surname, name and patronymic of a person with a temperature so that the operator can accurately parse the name and enter it into the computer. But you already have it in your computer, and you have my entire medical record in front of your eyes! Why turn a doctor's appointment into a pain? You have this data on the computer, which is nearby, why not just print it inserted into the form?

But no! This is not our way! Here fatigue is considered the measure of work; those who have not suffered enough will not receive medical assistance!

Two-week quarantine

On the first day the bell rang:

- Good morning, I'm from the clinic, are you such and such? How do you feel, what are your symptoms?

Hurray, the doctors are taking care of me, checking that I am alive and even interested in the course of my illness! What can I say, it's nice.

I begin to tell in detail how I fell ill, what I felt and how it developed, named my temperature, and told me about my health. He asked in detail what I was prescribed, what I was taking, in what dosages and at what hours, how I was tolerating.

At the other end of the tube they said that they understood everything and did not answer questions.

I continued to take my medication and started sleeping more.

Three hours later the bell rings again.

- Good morning, I'm from the clinic, are you such and such? How do you feel, what are your symptoms?

- Excuse me, you just called.

- Yes? And, well, it's not me, it's from the clinic, I guess.

It turned out that he was not from the clinic, but from somewhere else. I told him all the symptoms from the first conversation, complained about my health, told him what medications I was taking.

Without saying anything, he hung up. Who called it, I do not know.

On the second day, they called in the morning and said that my smear was positive.

Loneliness in the crowd

Well, quarantine is quarantine. Yes, getting worse is scary. But I already felt better. After 4 days with a temperature of 38.5, the body temperature has settled down to 37.2 and is now holding that way, slightly rising in the evening.

They started calling again:

  • From the clinic, but not a doctor
  • Polyclinic doctor
  • The doctor is not from the clinic
  • Some kind of Telemedicine
  • Department of Health
  • Social Monitoring that monitors that I am at home

Every day there were at least 3 and maximum 5 calls, plus a few SMS. They all ask the same questions over and over again. At first I did not distinguish, and because of the high temperature, my consciousness was cloudy, and there was no time for that.

Why can't you call once and transfer data to other services? No, you can't! You have not suffered! This does not count as a cure.

Treatment - it should be through torment. Here, the pills are all bitter too - why? Because they are useful. So is torment. They heal by themselves, you can also say thank you that we exhausted you so qualitatively, called, asked - in addition to your temperature!

Royal attention

Then the visits began.

Once the doctor came and changed my paper Order for Self-Isolation for another piece of paper, because it indicated that the smear was definitely positive.

The doctor was without a bio-protective suit, only a T-shirt and a mask. He said it was hot. The doctor took a picture of me, my passport and the isolation order.

The second time the doorbell rang without warning: "Open, we came with the police to check that you are at home!"

Why? What did I do, that you brought the police, was I going to escape?

I open the door, there are two in protective suits. The police were gone. On one, the mask is pulled down to the chin. They took a picture of me, my passport and the isolation order.

All do not answer questions or answer reluctantly, trying to quickly leave.

Social Monitoring App

At first, I didn't want to install a tracking application for a long time. Do you know why? Because I have been honestly sitting at home for several days now and have not gone out anywhere. When they demanded to install it, I agreed, but as soon as I took the phone in hand, I was not pleased. I realized: they don't trust me! No, I all understand that there are many irresponsible people, and I am a priori considered for this. After all, think: I treated them with confidence, but they did not treat me. And monitor these irresponsible people!

The application was installed, but there was an embarrassment: in the clinic, I accidentally indicated two numbers, and they write me an SMS on the second that a fine will come, and the support told me to use the first number. They also said in support that if I do not have a phone to install the application, they will bring it to me along with a SIM card. I decided not to mess with and install their program on my mobile. But SMS still come to the wrong number. The application writes on the second day: "The number is being checked," they said, it can take up to three days.

Comparison with competitors

The virus is terrible, it is not pleasant to get sick, many people lose their taste and smell, which I do not see now. Compared to the flu or SARS, it looks like the most severe flu when you can't take your head off the pillow. The difference is that the eyes did not hurt with the flu.

And for the IT health care system used in the fight against Coronavirus, I will put three with a

minus, because it is better than nothing, but I see that the number of specialists per person is clearly excessive. There is no consistency of actions. I have the impression that they are simply "working off" the money that they have already spent on the patient, but they have not come up with an application. And when more or less significant questions arise, everyone tries to quickly end the conversation or kick off to another structure.

Devastation, rudeness, indifference - they are no longer in registries, they are now in IT healthcare. Why should ten organizations call and ask the same thing? Why is everything still filled in by hand? The Health Department, when asked why they call so many times, claims that it transfers all the data to the clinic, but from the clinic I only hear “We can't see anything,” and they ask again. The most technologically advanced automation that I have seen in the entire history of quarantine is an application on a tablet computer from one of the doctors, which in half a second recognized all the text from my passport.

Those who tried VHI treatment felt the organization of paid clinics. Nobody calls ten times, all information is visible in all branches of the clinic. Decisions are made quickly, answers to questions are provided on time and, if necessary, from those specialists who need to be contacted on this issue. Would you say that such IT systems are much more expensive? I doubt.

Further developments

What's next? I do not want to get worse and do not want to go to the hospital. Many write that at first it became easier for them, and then they were taken to the hospital.

Since all the forces of the body are spent on fighting the infection, they will not remain for several days. If the infection is not killed, and the strength is already running out, the infection wins. Therefore, it is necessary that the infection be quickly defeated, even with drugs, even with immunity. It seems to me that this plays an important role here.

One of the doctors who came said that the immunity to this thing is not stable, since he had been ill with it for a long time, and his antibodies remained for only a few months.

Despite the seemingly increased attention, I had a feeling of abandonment, because:

  • no medicine
  • there are only two options for the development of events: either it will pass by itself, or they will be taken to the hospital
  • Doctors seriously say, they say, drink a placebo and gargle with chamomile

I asked the doctor who came to the house first: where are the drugs about which the news was repeating 24/7: Favipiravir, other antiviral, some other novelty relieving symptoms that we, according to statements, are already registered and produced? To which he only smiled and said that they did not and never had.

And what they do is only demand. They demand that I be at home, that I talk about my illness over and over again, they demand a signature, install the application, demand to be photographed when they come to your apartment.

The whole treatment is that you don't infect others.



  • three days of high temperature, when you lie and cannot get up
  • possible prospect of lying in hospital
  • constant extra attention is not clear from whom with endless conversations and visits
  • the whole process of treatment is made so that it is easier for doctors and not for the patient


  • if you recover, you may become immune to this infection

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