PID tuning: is the devil as scary as he is painted? Part 4. Frequency Response Based PID Tuner

The Simulink environment provides the ability to study non-linearizable systems and tune their controllers using the harmonic analysis method. One of the tools using this method is Frequency Response Based PID Tuner.

In the previous article, we looked at an incremental encoder system. Today we will add a motor control driver to the linear model that implements impulse control.



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  • , .. ;
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  • (Overshoot) 10%;
  • (Rise time) 0.8 ;

PID Tuner .

Frequency Response Based PID Tuner PID Controller Select tuning method. Tune.

, .


  1. (Number of simulations): 2 β€” , 1 β€” . , 1 .
  2. (Plant information): , ( ). .
  3. t0 tspan. , , .. . 0.2 . tspan=50tr.
  4. . , , . , 1.
  5. (Design Specifications). Ο‰b=2/tr. 4.83 /. 10% 60Β°, .

, Tune . Tuning Results.

Update PID Block, .



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