"I did something and everything fell": failures in Python development at Russian Python Week 2020

It is customary to talk about success at conferences: “We trained a neural network with five million Terabytes of data to distinguish a red car from a white one and sold the project to Amazon for $ 5 billion.” It is not customary to talk about mistakes. The maximum that occurs: "We messed up a bit, but we figured it out in half an hour, nothing special."

When there are only stories of “successful success” around, even seniors and tech leads feel insecure - after all, they compare the speaker's success with their mistakes. And the comparison is not in favor of the participants. We decided to break this trend and at Russian Python Week we are launching a whole section, code-named "FailPy". It will focus on the failures of Python developers. We will tell you why and for whom it is needed.

What is FailPy? This is a mini conference about bugs, failures, and disasters in Python development. To be held during Russian Python Week 2020 .

What's the use? Sharing mistakes, failures, and failures is scary but rewarding.

  • Mistakes are quick feedback for changes for the better.

  • Telling about failures is more valuable than about successes - you learn faster from mistakes.

  • Hearing about other people's failures is always fun and exciting. And you can and should learn from them in order to know what can happen, to prevent or save a project, a company or yourself from dismissal, using an already familiar solution.

How will it go? Participants will tell their stories of failures during the conference in several possible formats (stories).

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  • An interactive quest based on a real problem. Everything is broken, the production is down, and right now we need to somehow diagnose and fix the error. The audience uses a vote to choose the next step, the presenter tells what happened several times. Some actions can exacerbate the failure and increase the damage. After each choice, we learn about the state of the system and the loss in money.

What stories do we want to hear? Stories from the world of technology in the genre of detective, drama or thriller, in which there is at least a little Python:

  • floating bugs;

  • fatal deployments;

  • a fire in the data center;

  • a rocket explosion due to an error in the code;

Tell us what you changed to avoid repeating a similar failure . We discourage blame-seeking and blame-shifting.

What stories don't fit? Non-technical:

  • failures of startups or businesses;

  • hiring mistakes or team conflicts;

  • failed design changes that caused users to rebel;

  • failure in PR and public scandal.

Anonymity . If you wish, FailPy will be completely anonymous - a special person will read the story. But first, agree with the company what you want to share.

We will not record or distribute FailPy.

Online is just the right place here. Online with anonymity is easier, and a couple of skeletons in the career closet will not hurt your reputation.

How to participate? In the submission form, select the "FailPy" section and describe the essence of the story in the field for the Program Committee. The PC will add drama and help tell it even more interesting. Leave your application before September 1 and help others to avoid their mistakes!

We have already unearthed several instructive disasters - you will learn about them at Russian Python Week. The conference will take place in a month on September 14-18. And FailPy itself will be on September 16 at 18:30 Moscow time and until the evening!

Prices will go up from 14 August - book tickets at the current price.

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