Vivaldi 3.2 for Android - Even closer to ideal

Hello Habr!

It just so happens in our life that the process of moving towards perfection does not have its final point. Any human invention is doomed to an endless striving to improve an existing version in order to make it even better, more convenient, more functional. And software is not only no exception - it has become one of the clearest examples of this endless development. Actually, today's release of the new stable version of the Vivaldi browser for Android is a confirmation of this. Let's take a look at what changes have taken place in the pursuit of the ideal mobile browser.

First of all, I need to say about the ad blocking and tracking feature that appeared in previous versions of the browser. This network-critical component has received a logical and actively requested improvement - now users can work with block lists by connecting various third-party collections, as well as connecting their own.

Thus, the mobile version of Vivaldi is a little closer in functionality to its desktop version. Additionally, users can set an individual blocking level for any website - the corresponding tools are in the browser settings. It remains only to remind you that switching the blocking level on the fly, while browsing the website, is also available - for this, the shield-shaped icon located in the address bar is used.

And now a small lyrical digression. It's no secret that no one works for free today - any developer must receive something in order to live on his own and feed his family. It is clear that if the browser is offered to users for free, then the developers are monetizing their product in other ways. As we have already said many times, we conclude agreements with partners in the form of search engines or online stores so that they share their income with us. This allows us to continue developing the browser. Meanwhile, we have included ad blocking tools in the browser, thereby effectively closing our own source of income from partners. But you can help us to save it - for this we have added a special setting to the browser that allows you to allow ads from our partners.If you still decide not to allow even such advertising, we will not be offended. You have every right to make this decision.

Another improvement has also been made at the request of users. Today, many are accustomed to working with the phone with one hand, demonstrating a high level of skill in this matter. And we decided to meet such professionals halfway - we started to gradually move the browser controls to the bottom of the window.

Initially, the navigation and sidebar buttons are located at the bottom of the browser, as well as the actual sidebar elements at the bottom. In the new version of the browser, we have moved down one more important panel - the panel for switching between different types of tabs: buttons for switching between open and private tabs, recently closed and opened on another device when synchronization is enabled. We plan to continue the process of moving the controls to the bottom of the window to expand the browser's one-handed controls.

Other improvements include the correction of the light background of the Express panel when choosing a dark theme and crashes when doing some actions with bookmarks or when synchronizing them. Also, several improvements have been made to the browser settings. A complete list of changes from the previous version is under the cut.

List of changes from the previous version
  • [New][Blocker] Custom blocker lists VAB-1495
  • [New][Blocker] Allow ads from Vivaldi partners VB-69655
  • [New][UI] Tab Switcher navigation to the bottom VAB-973
  • [Bookmarks] Crash in moving two bookmarks to the same folder VAB-1880
  • [Notes] Copy to note crashes Vivaldi sometimes VAB-1276
  • [Settings] Add Sync Profile Avatar to Settings main menu VAB-1617
  • [Settings] Category titles not consistent VAB-1742
  • [Settings] Rename 'Tab Strip' to 'Tab Bar' VAB-1744
  • [Tablet] There should not be bookmark icon for empty tab VAB-1797
  • [Tabs] Tab bar initiates in wrong position — does not scroll to the active tab VAB-1237
  • [Themes] Speed dial background changes to white in dark theme VAB-1569
  • [UI] Jump when opening the tab switcher VAB-1706
  • [UI] Non-merged navigation bar on horizontal view VAB-1970
  • [Crash] Crash in bookmark sync VAB-1985
  • Upgraded Chromium to 84.0.4147.108
  • Updated translations

The browser runs on Android 5 and above, as well as tablets and Chromebooks.

You can download Vivaldi 3.2 for Android from Google Play.

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