How to choose the right character for video ads on social networks

choose a character for video advertising

Talking about the importance of creating a potential buyer profile and creating a character according to it is a favorite topic of marketers for an advertising story. Research, testing, hypothesis testing - all this useful work will not be considered in this publication.

What is the role of the advertising character

A good piece is, first of all, a product of inspiration.

The author ☞ of the ad has a few seconds to engage the audience with the commercial proposal and launch the story.

Even with a well-tuned targeting, it is not a fact that at a given moment in time, having entered the news feed or approached the outlet, a person is ready to hear a purchase offer.

Therefore, the first episode of the ad will be all about the call to action.

There may be no other option to inform the audience about gifts, discounts, bonuses.

The first six seconds are the moment of truth. All cards are on the table.

For clicking on the link, mountains of gold are promised. In a moment, a person will either go to the advertiser's website for gifts, or even lose interest in the message altogether.

Or or.

At this moment, between failure and defeat, a good character will be needed for the viewer to watch the advertisement to the end and reinforce the incipient desire to purchase with emotion.

What is the character's role here? - Home.

character kills zombies

What advertising story can be told in one minute

The character is a timer on a bomb that counts down the last seconds before the explosion. If the focus is right, all attention will be attached to it.

☞ In the promotional video it can happen anywhere. The animals β€” they say the cereal β€” are dancing. The romantic relationship between a washcloth and a sink makes a lawn mower left at the window of a house jealous.

In a promotional video, it is possible to knock a planet into an asteroid, and then turn it into a huge chunk of platinum and make half of humanity rich. The second half, let it die of envy.

An advertising character is a brilliant communicator. He exists simultaneously in several worlds, therefore, winking slyly, he can safely offer the viewer to buy the garden shears, with which he cut off the zombie's head a second ago.

The hero of advertising is throwing a bridge between the latest achievements of science of the future and the dark superstitions of the past in order to sell consumer goods on the Internet. This is his goal.

What can a character do in one minute of advertising time? - Anything.

There are no restrictions.

In Adobe After Effects, anyone can turn the world inside out. Rip open the belly of the moon and release the tail from the iridescent entrails, turning it into a comet always circling above our heads. Easy.

What would sell such a plot?

Sunglasses, for example.

Why not.

We will definitely be noticed, with such and such a miracle in orbit.

Earthlings are now celebrities in the universe and must look cool.

Such a story can be told in one minute.

character david

The role of the character in the advertising story

The story should evoke emotion. This will require a non-standard scenario and an atypical character.

Advertising competes with news, and this is a serious adversary. Life is more inventive than any Teletubbies author. The good news is that journalists and PR people, with the advent of social media, have lost their exclusive rights.

Anyone can write down the news or express their own opinion about a world event, and show their work to an audience of thousands for a few dollars.

The main thing is that there is no direct allusion to politics in the advertisement.

For example, a couple of cans of canned meat, in a strong string bag, is perfect for a friendly company that has decided to spend time outdoors.

The viewer's brain will draw its own conclusions from the scattered information. And believe me, the plot, where wooden boxes are smashed into chips for a fire with this can in a string bag, will get deeply stuck in his memory.

My recommendation: not to invent characters, but to take them straight from life and arm them with your goods.

Convert yesterday's overproduction into today's abundance.

Any character who clears the alarm for tomorrow at least briefly will sell anything.

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