It seems to me that the point is not in the language, but in how they write in it

β€œIn the summer between the 2nd and 3rd year, I went to look for a job - and in Novosibirsk at that time, almost all vacancies for children with no experience were about PHP. I started with very simple things - WordPress, Drupal ... Then I wrote backends in Yii and many other things. I first tried Go in 2014, inspired by the talk, and then often found work related to development on it through the community.

Go is considered to be much easier to maintain than PHP. I do not agree. I've seen a lot of clean, easy-to-read and maintainable PHP code, and now from time to time I see a lot of poorly written Go code. Problems begin when we do not follow the best practices of languages ​​and systems that we develop ... Or when we choose the wrong tool for our tasks, ”- Elena Grahovats, head of GolangConf 2019 PC and co-host of the GolangShow podcast.

This Saturday afternoon, we will discuss the typical mistakes of choosing in the stream with Lena, Sasha Makarov and other wonderful people. Connect.

The pandemic left us without the usual meetups, but any crisis is an opportunity that has opened up new opportunities for cooperation between communities of different cities. The organizer of the St. Petersburg PHP-meetups wrote that β€œit is interesting to compare with someone in detail what is worth doing a project on the go and puff” , the organizer of the Yoshkar-Ola Go-meetups joined in and brought in foreign experts. The idea was supported by guys from Skyeng, PHP Russia, podcasts "Five Minute PHP" and Amorev. We phoned and decided that:

  • Let's write (in advance) two "typical" applications in PHP and Go and analyze their code on the air.
  • Let's pick up examples of 8-10 common tasks that Go developers wouldn't do in Go, and vice versa.
  • And let the viewers turn on the air with a voice with a question, comment or idea - it will be enough to have a browser, a headset and a Youtube account.

So with the help of simple devices, a loaf of black bread turned out to be an interesting online broadcast - connect on August 15 at 11 am Moscow time.

In the meantime, let's introduce other members of the stream.

Alexander Makarov, curator of the program committee of the PHP Russia conference, developer of the Yii framework

The most unusual PHP service you've come across?

Pipelines for parallel data processing on RabbitMQ, long-lived servers for online games, GUI applications for Windows. Until recently, projects for AWS Lambda - the same StyleCI - were unusual.

What do you love and dislike the most about your primary language?

Pleased with flexibility, expressiveness, infrastructure. And especially the community.

And the inconsistency in the base library is annoying: related functions have completely different arguments from each other.

How long have you been writing in PHP?

Years since 2008, straight tight - switched from Java and got involved in open source. But in parallel there was Java for Android, a little pre-release Golang, a lot of TypeScript and all sorts of little things.

What is your impression of Go - did you do something on it?

Image squeezer. Liked it for this task, but it was a long time ago - Golang was a little different then.

Ilya Shikhaleev, organizer of PHP and Go meetups in Yoshkar-Ola, developer at iSpring

How long have you been writing in PHP and Go - and how did life come about?

I write in both languages ​​for work: monolith in PHP - 10 years, microservices on Go - 6 years. Go became the main one recently, so before quarantine I actively conducted courses, seminars and other activities so that developers in the company and the city would start writing in it.

What do you love and dislike the most about your primary language?

Cool gopher mascot :) And the community is open.

Otherwise, there are little things and nuances, but they are surmountable. For example, for simple services or for the first services in a company, when there is no template or service generator yet, you have to solve a lot of little things like a graceful shutdown. Error handling is good, but reading business logic periodically gets in the way - hiding error handling in GoLand helps here. One-letter variable names sometimes make the code completely unreadable. Newbies try to use goroutines even where it is inappropriate :)

What is the most unusual service written in Go and / or PHP that you have met?

I remembered the backend of a mobile online shooter in PHP and the browser-based gopher generator in Go.

Ruslan Khanov, organizer of Symcode meetups in St. Petersburg, developer at ITMO

What's the most unusual PHP service you've come across?

Web crawler with about ~ 5 MB per second bandwidth.

How long have you been writing in PHP?

About 20 years with interruptions and overlapping with other languages. More or less thoughtfully - ten years.

What is your impression of Go - did something on it?

Looks promising, haven't tried anything useful.

What do you love and dislike the most about your primary language?

I love Composer and Symfony.

And annoying is the inconsistency of extensions in the parameters of functions / methods even within a specific extension, the absence of a strong PHP lobby among other technological stacks - and an attempt to become Java)

Anton Morev, live host - runs a development studio where they write in both languages

What's the most unusual Go or PHP service you've come across?

I even wrote: I made a PHP service for asynchronous retrieval of information from a large number of different sources in the course of one request. And with the help of Gearman, which was very unstable and inconvenient.

When a Go evangelist came to our company, he was so convincing that we made a landing page in Go. There was no experience, the project turned into hell :) After that, they began to be more careful in choosing a stack.

ps More stories about the wrong stack choice in both directions, bicycles and "how it should have been" - already on Saturday. And if there are plans for the day, the recording will be available at the same link .

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