Online Zabbix meetup about information security | August 28

On August 28, we will hold the third online Zabbix meetup, where we will talk about information security.


Event program:

10:00 - "Support for black and white lists for metrics on the agent side", Tikhon Uskov, Developer, Zabbix

10:20 - "Encrypting connections to the database from the server and external interfaces", Alexander Petrov-Gavrilov, Technical Engineer support, Zabbix

10:40 - "New templates - IPMI, Mikrotik, MSSQL", Maxim Chudinov, Developer, Zabbix

11:00 - Questions and Answers The

number of places is limited, so we recommend registering in advance.

We remind you that the reports from the first online meetup, dedicated to the release of version 5.0 , and the second, dedicated to solving technical problems , can be viewed in the recording.

See you at the meetup!

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