Typical Continuous Integration Situations

Have you studied Git commands but want to imagine how Continuous Integration (CI) happens in reality? Or maybe you want to optimize your daily activities? This course will give you hands-on continuous integration skills using a GitHub repository. This course is not meant to be a wizard that you can simply click, on the contrary, you will perform the same actions that people actually do at work, the same way they do it. I will explain the theory as you go through the related steps.

What do we do?

As we go along, we will gradually create a list of typical CI steps, which is a great way to remember this list. In other words, we will create a list of actions that developers take when performing continuous integration, performing continuous integration. We will also use a simple test suite to bring our CI process closer to reality.

This GIF schematically shows the commits in your repository as you progress through the course. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here and only the most necessary things.

Continuous integration steps

You will go through the following standard CI scripts:

  • Work on features;
  • Application of autotests for quality assurance;
  • Implementation of the priority task;
  • Resolving a conflict when merging branches (merge conflict);
  • An error occurs in a production environment.

What do you learn?

You can answer the following questions:

  • What is Continuous Integration (CI)?
  • CI, ?
  • pull request ?
  • (Test Driven Development, TDD) CI?
  • (merge) (rebase)?
  • ?

"pull request", . " " "" , .


, CI, , , , .

. , . , . , , " " , , .

, C++ , , , , . (, (unit), ) . , , , , " + ", , , .

(Continuous Delivery, CD) , - .


  1. Pull in the latest code. Create a branch from master. Start working.
  2. Create commits on your new branch. Build and test locally. Pass? Go to the next step. Fail? Fix errors or tests and try again.
  3. Push to your remote repository or remote branch.
  4. Create a pull request. Discuss the changes, add more commits as discussion continues. Make tests pass on the feature branch.
  5. Merge/rebase commits from master. Make tests pass on the merge result.
  6. Deploy from the feature branch to production.
  7. If everything is good in production for some period of time, merge changes to master.

Continuous Integration Process (Option)


Node.js Git-.

Git-, .

, Git-,

Git-, , .

(fork) - GitHub. .

? , continuous-integration-team-scenarios-students, GitHub, URL

https://github.com/<    GitHub>/continuous-integration-team-scenarios-students

<URL >.

<> , .

GitHub actions . , , , , , Actions GitHub.

, , GitHub Actions .

Enable Github Actions for the course repository

GitHub Markdown , ,

https://github.com/<your GitHub user name>/continuous-integration-team-scenarios-students/blob/master/ci.md

โ€” , .

, , solution, .

, solution master . , , , Git. , master solution , .


git add .
git commit -m "Backing up my work"

  • master master-backup;
  • solution master;
  • (checkout) master ;
  • "solution" "master" ( "solution") "solution".

git branch -m master master-backup
git branch -m solution master
git checkout master -f
git branch solution

git log master , .


git reset --hard <the SHA you need>

, - (remote). .

git push --force origin master

, git push --force. , , , , .

Starting working

Continuous Integration: Getting Started

CI. , , .

๏ธ : , master,

  1. <URL >.
  2. npm install ; Jest, .
  3. feature. .
  4. ci.test.js .

    it('1. pull latest code', () => {
    it('2. add commits', () => {
    it('3. push to the remote branch with the same name', () => {
    it('4. create a pull request and continue working', () => {

  5. 4 ci.md.

    1. Pull in the latest code. Create a branch from `master`. Start working.    
    2. Create commits on your new branch. Build and test locally.  
    Pass? Go to the next step. Fail? Fix errors or tests and try again.  
    3. Push to your remote repository or remote branch.  
    4. Create a pull request. Discuss the changes, add more commits  
    as discussion continues. Make tests pass on the feature branch.  

git clone <repository URL>
cd <repository name>

#  npm install    ;   Jest,      .
npm install

#      feature.     .
git checkout -b feature

#  ci.test.js   .
#  ci.md   


, .


  • :

    • ;
    • ( JIT- );
    • ( );
    • ;
    • .

  • (build server) :

    • / .
    • .
    • ( master).
    • /

, , . .

  • โ€” , CI
  • , โ€” , CI
  • โ€” CI
  • , โ€” CI/CD, // , , - .


, npm test. git hook . : Git hooks GitHub . hook, install_hook.sh repo/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/.

, , , .

  1. , npm test . , .
  2. hook (pre-commit hook), install_hook.sh.
  3. .
  4. , .


Continuous integration: first commit

#  pre-commit hook  install_hook.sh.  

#     .  "Add first CI steps"     .
git add ci.md ci.test.js
git commit -m "Add first CI steps"

# ,     .  

, , . GitHub (personal fork, ), .

, .



  • ,

git push --set-upstream origin feature

pull request

pull request Steps review. feature "head branch" master "base branch".

, master "base branch", .

GitHub "base branch" โ€” , , "head branch" โ€” , .


Pull request(PR)

Pull request(PR) โ€” , (code review) . Pull request . . (pull) , , , (merge) . , , merge request.

pull request GitHub . , , , pull requests . :

  • , ;
  • , ;
  • ;
  • , .

pull request - . , , , , . , pull request , - , . PR : . , @ , pull request'.

PR .

  • , .
  • , . :

    • - , , - , # ;
    • @ , , @ ;
    • - - .

PR , . , , .

, . PR GitHub. .

๏ธ CI

, , , .

๏ธ : pull request

  1. master.
  2. bugfix.
  3. ci.md.

    > **GitHub flow** is sometimes used as a nickname to refer to a flavor of trunk-based development  
    when code is deployed straight from feature branches. This list is just an interpretation  
    that I use in my [DevOps courses](http://redpill.solutions).  
    The official tutorial is [here](https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/).
  4. .
  5. bugfix .
  6. pull request Adding a remark bugfix master.

, master "base branch", .


Continuous Integration Hotfix

#    master.   bugfix.
git checkout master

#   bugfix-remark.
git checkout -b bugfix

#     ci.md.

git add ci.md
git commit -m "Add a remark about the list being opinionated"

#   bugfix   .
git push --set-upstream origin bugfix

#  pull request    GitHub   

pull request "Adding a remark"


  1. pull request.
  2. "Merge pull request".
  3. "Confirm merge".
  4. "Delete branch", .


Continuous Integration: Merging a Fix with a Master


pull request . , , CI.

. " "(contribution guidelines). .

. pre-commit hook , , , . : , - . , , , , , . , , , .



  1. .
  2. , .
  3. .
  4. , , .
  5. .
  6. .

, , , โ€” , "--"(red-green-refactor).


, CI. , ("").

, GitHub , PR.

  1. feature.
  2. ci.test.js it (...);.

    it('5. Merge/rebase commits from master. Make tests pass on the merge result.', () => {
    it('6. Deploy from the feature branch to production.', () => {
    it('7. If everything is good in production for some period of time, merge changes to master.', () => {

  3. . pre-commit hook , .
  4. ci.md.

    5. Merge/rebase commits from master. Make tests pass on the merge result.  
    6. Deploy from the feature branch with a sneaky bug to production.
    7. If everything is good in production for some period of time, merge changes to master. 
  5. .
  6. feature.


Continuous Integration: Continuing Work

#   feature
git checkout feature

#    ci.test.js   

#    ci.test.js   
git add ci.test.js

#   .  pre-commit hook ,   .
git commit

#     ci.md   

git add ci.md
git commit -m "Add the remaining CI steps"

#     feature
git push

Steps review.

, , , feature master. , bugfix master PR.

, master , , feature. - HEAD master feature. (merge), feature (rebase) master. GitHub , . , ci.md. (merge conflict), .

Merge rebase


  • (merge commit) .

    • .
    • SHA .
  • .
  • .

    • - ( IDE).
    • , , git bisect โ€” .


  • .

    • SHA, GitHub pull requests, .
    • .
  • .
  • .

    • , .
    • : git bisect, .
  • --force .

, . "" "" - , , (git rebase -i) , , (merge) "" .



  1. , master .
  2. feature.
  3. master. , ci.md.
  4. , CI, .
  5. feature.
  6. pull request' GitHub, .

# ,      `master`    .
git checkout master
git pull

#    feature
git checkout feature

#     master 
git merge master

# A merge conflict related to concurrent changes to ci.md will be reported
# => Auto-merging ci.md
#    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in ci.md
#    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

#   ,      CI,       .
#  ci.md       
git add ci.md
git merge --continue

#       feature.
git push

#         GitHub,      .


, pull request master.

๏ธ : pull request "Steps review"

  1. pull request.
  2. "Merge pull request".
  3. "Confirm merge".
  4. "Delete branch", .

Continuous integration: feature integration

, ยซ , , ยป. , , , .


  • , ;
  • master , .


""(rolling back) โ€” (revert) , . " "(fixing forward) โ€” master . API , , , , , .

, ,

  • ;
  • master .


  1. master .
  2. .
  3. PR Steps review master.
  4. .

Continuous integration: undo a merge

#    master.
git checkout master

#      .
git pull

#    PR Steps review  master.
#    ,      ,    
git show HEAD

# ,  ,      master  ,     
git revert HEAD -m 1

git push


, ci.md "sneaky bug" .

CI master

feature. , master. , . , , feature master .


  • (revert) , feature master;
  • feature.

, pull request .


  1. feature-fix .
  2. feature . , .

    Continuous integration: returning feature commits

  3. ci.test.js:

    it('does not contain the sneaky bug', () => {
    expect( /.*sneaky\s+bug.*/gi.test(fileContents)).toBe(false);

  4. , , .
  5. " with a sneaky bug" ci.md.
  6. .
  7. .


Continuous Integration: fixed feature

#     feature-fix    .
git checkout -b feature-fix

#       feature   .   ,    .
#      :
# -      : C0
# -    : C2
git log --oneline --graph
git cherry-pick C0..C2
# -  ci.md / ci.test.js
# -    
# -  "git cherry-pick --continue",     

#     ci.test.js
#   ,  ,     .

#   " with a sneaky bug"  ci.md.

#            .
git add ci.md ci.test.js
git commit -m "Fix the bug in steps list"

#     .
git push --set-upstream origin feature-fix

pull request.

pull request Fixing the feature. feature-fix "head branch", master "base branch".

, , . PR.

, master "base branch", .

pull request "Fixing the feature"

! , master pull request.


  1. "Merge pull request".
  2. "Confirm merge".
  3. "Delete branch", .


Continuous Integration: fix integrated into master


, .

If you notice any problems with the course or know how to improve it, create an issue in the repository with the course materials . This course also has an interactive version using the GitHub Learning Lab as a platform.

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