Inventing a bicycle or writing a perceptron in C ++. Part 3

Inventing a bicycle or writing a perceptron in C ++. Part 3

Let's implement training a multilayer perceptron in C ++ using the backpropagation method.


Hello everyone!) Before we get down to the basis of this article, I would like to say a few words about the previous parts. The implementation I proposed is a mockery of the computer's RAM, tk. the three-dimensional vector rapes memory with an abundance of empty cells, for which memory is also reserved. Therefore, the method is far from the best, but I hope it will help beginner programmers in this area understand what is β€œunder the hood” of the simplest neural networks. This time. In describing the activation function in the first part, I made a mistake - the activation function does not have to be limited in the range of values. It all depends on the goals of the programmer. The only condition is that the function must be defined on the entire number axis. It is two


-, . backpropagation β€” . , !


backpropagation β€” .

, , , .


, , . , , . , , . : djIn the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”=f(netjIn the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”)(1-f(netjIn the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”))kβˆ‘In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”dkIn the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”wkjIn the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ” (1), j β€” , , k β€” , , .. .

, . "O". n6 d6 = (O β€” y)*( f(in) )*(1 β€” f(in) ) (2), in β€”

n6, f(in) β€” .

(1), . n4 :

d4 = d6 * w46 *( f(in4) ) * (1 β€” f(in4)), w46 β€” n4 n6, in4 β€” n4.

d5 = d6 * w56 *( f(in5) ) * (1 β€” f(in5)), n5.

d1 = (d4 * w14 + d5 * w15) *( f(in1) ) * (1 β€” f(in1)), n1, , β€” .

n2 n3 :

d2 = (d4 * w24 + d5 * w25) *( f(in2) ) * (1 β€” f(in2))

d3 = (d4 * w34 + d5 * w35) *( f(in3) ) * (1 β€” f(in3))

, , :

Ξ”w46 = d6 * A * f(in4), w46 β€” n4 n6 , f(in4) β€” n4, A β€” , β€” , .

Ξ”w56 = d6 * A * f(in5), n5 n6.


Ξ”w14 = d4 * A * f(in1)

Ξ”w24 = d4 * A * f(in2)

Ξ”w34 = d4 * A * f(in3)

Ξ”w15 = d4 * A * f(in1)

Ξ”w25 = d4 * A * f(in2)

Ξ”w35 = d4 * A * f(in3)

? . .

void NeuralNet::learnBackpropagation(double* data, double* ans, double acs, double k) {  //data -   , ans -     , k -   , acs-  

, - :

for (uint32_t e = 0; e < k; e++) {
		double* errors = new double[neuronsInLayers[numLayers - 1]]; //      
                // "Do_it"    "Forward"
		Forward(neuronsInLayers[0], data);//    
		getResult(neuronsInLayers[numLayers - 1], errors);//     


for (uint16_t n = 0; n < neuronsInLayers[numLayers - 1]; n++) {
			neurons[n][2][numLayers - 1] = (ans[n] - neurons[n][1][numLayers - 1]) * (neurons[n][1][numLayers - 1]) * (1 - neurons[n][1][numLayers - 1]);

, :

for (uint8_t L = numLayers - 2; L > 0; L--) {
			for (uint16_t neu = 0; neu < neuronsInLayers[L]; neu++) {
				for (uint16_t lastN = 0; lastN < neuronsInLayers[L + 1]; lastN++) {
					neurons[neu][2][L] += neurons[lastN][2][L + 1] * weights[neu][lastN][L] * neurons[neu][1][L] * (1 - neurons[neu][1][L]);
					weights[neu][lastN][L] += neurons[neu][1][L] * neurons[lastN][2][L + 1] * acs;


void NeuralNet::learnBackpropagation(double* data, double* ans, double acs, double k) {  //k -    acs-  
	for (uint32_t e = 0; e < k; e++) {
		double* errors = new double[neuronsInLayers[numLayers - 1]];
		Forward(neuronsInLayers[0], data);
		getResult(neuronsInLayers[numLayers - 1], errors);
		for (uint16_t n = 0; n < neuronsInLayers[numLayers - 1]; n++) {
			neurons[n][2][numLayers - 1] = (ans[n] - neurons[n][1][numLayers - 1]) * (neurons[n][1][numLayers - 1]) * (1 - neurons[n][1][numLayers - 1]);
		for (uint8_t L = numLayers - 2; L > 0; L--) {
			for (uint16_t neu = 0; neu < neuronsInLayers[L]; neu++) {
				for (uint16_t lastN = 0; lastN < neuronsInLayers[L + 1]; lastN++) {
					neurons[neu][2][L] += neurons[lastN][2][L + 1] * weights[neu][lastN][L] * neurons[neu][1][L] * (1 - neurons[neu][1][L]);
					weights[neu][lastN][L] += neurons[neu][1][L] * neurons[lastN][2][L + 1] * acs;

. :

#include <stdio.h>
#include "neuro.h"
int main()
    uint16_t neurons[3] = {16, 32, 10}; //        , -       
/*        ""  
    NeuralNet net(3, neurons);
    double teach[4 * 4] = {//  ""  "4"  , - : 4*4 = 16
    double test[4 * 4] = {//  "4",  -
    double ans[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,};//       , "1"    ,       "4"
    double output[10] = { 0 };//      
    net.Forward(4*4, teach); //    
    net.getResult(10, output); 
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d: %f \n", i, output[i]*100); //  
    net.learnBackpropagation(teach, ans, 0.50, 1000); //    "test",  : 0.5
    net.Forward(4 * 4, test);//     
    net.getResult(10, output);
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d: %f \n", i, output[i]*100);
    return 0;


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, , - , . . . , , .


. , .

Thank you for the attention paid to this article and for the comments on the previous publication. I will duplicate the link to the library files .

Leave your comments, suggestions. See you later!

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