3 ways to customize Windows Terminal

Hello, Habr! From the announcement at Microsoft Build 2019 to the 1.0 , 1.1, and 1.2 releases , Terminal has generated a lot of interest from the developer community. We are very happy about this and are trying to implement more and more useful and interesting functions.

Today we present to your attention 3 ways to customize Windows Terminal . Among them are color scheme settings, tab settings, cursor settings. Look under the cut!


Windows Terminal is a new, modern, fast, efficient, powerful and productive terminal application for users of programs and command line shells such as Command Prompt, PowerShell, and WSL.

Its main features include support for multiple tabs, panels, Unicode and UTF-8 characters, a GPU-accelerated text rendering engine, and the ability to create your own themes and customize text, color, background, and key bindings.

Today we're going to take a look at three options for customizing Terminal to suit your color, cursor, and tabs preferences.

Choose your colors

Windows Terminal includes the following color schemes in the defaults.json file:

  • Campbell
  • Campbell Powershell
  • Vintage
  • One half dark
  • One half light
  • Solarized dark
  • Solarized light
  • Tango Dark
  • Tango Light

This file can be accessed by holding the Alt key and pressing the "Settings" button.

For clarity, the Vintage schema is shown below:


To customize the schema within one of the command line profiles, add the colorScheme property with the name of the color scheme as a value.

“colorScheme”: “COLOR SCHEME NAME”

Each parameter, except for the name, accepts a color value as a string in hexadecimal format ("#rgb" or "#rrggbb"). The cursorColor and selectionBackground parameters are optional.

Property name: theme

Necessity: Optional

Accepts: “system”, “dark”, “light”

Default value: “system”

Create your cursor

Regardless of whether you are an adherent of the "old school" or "modern", the Terminal offers a full set of parameters (responsible for shape, color and height), allowing you to create a cursor for every taste.

Do you prefer a horizontal or vertical cursor? Line or "box"? Just tell the Terminal.

This parameter sets the shape of the cursor for the profile. Possible cursors are “bar” (┃), “vintage” (), “underscore” ((), “filledBox” (█), “emptyBox” (▯).

Property name: cursorShape

Necessity: Optional

Accepts: “bar”, “vintage”, “underscore”, “filledBox”, “emptyBox”

Default value: “bar”

You can override cursorColor set in color scheme when set to colorScheme. Accepts a color value as a string in hexadecimal format (“#rgb” or “#rrggbb”).

cursorHeight sets the percentage height of the cursor, starting from the bottom. This will only work if the cursorShape parameter is set to “vintage”. Integers from 25 to 100 are accepted.

Customize tabs to your liking

In Windows Terminal, you can easily rename and recolor tabs. Just right click on a tab and select "Rename Tab" to rename the tab for the current session. This option will change the title of the tab to a text box where you can enter your name.

Do the same to recolor the tab. Select a color from the predefined list, or click Custom to select a color from the palette or specify the desired color using RGB / HSV or hexadecimal values.

Tip: use the same shade as the background color for a beautiful seamless window!


For more information on tab options, we recommend that you read this guide.

We also recommend downloading the Windows Terminal Preview from the Microsoft Store or the releases page on GitHub . Thanks to it, you can get involved in the development of Windows Terminal and use the latest features as soon as they are developed.

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