PHP 8: "Before" and "After" code (comparison with PHP 7.4)

There are only a few months left until PHP 8 is out, and there is really a lot of good stuff in this release. Under the cut, we'll tell you how these innovations have already begun to change the author's approach to writing code.

Event subscribers with attributes

I will try not to overuse attributes, but in the case of setting up event listeners, for example, they are very useful.

Recently I have been working on systems where there was a lot of such a setting. Let's take an example:

class CartsProjector implements Projector
    use ProjectsEvents;

    protected array $handlesEvents = [
        CartStartedEvent::class => 'onCartStarted',
        CartItemAddedEvent::class => 'onCartItemAdded',
        CartItemRemovedEvent::class => 'onCartItemRemoved',
        CartExpiredEvent::class => 'onCartExpired',
        CartCheckedOutEvent::class => 'onCartCheckedOut',
        CouponAddedToCartItemEvent::class => 'onCouponAddedToCartItem',

    public function onCartStarted(CartStartedEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartItemAdded(CartItemAddedEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartItemRemoved(CartItemRemovedEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartCheckedOut(CartCheckedOutEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartExpired(CartExpiredEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCouponAddedToCartItem(CouponAddedToCartItemEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }


Attributes in PHP 8 have two advantages:

  • The code for setting up event listeners and handlers is in one place, and I don't have to scroll to the beginning to see if the listener is set up correctly.
  • I no longer need to worry about writing and manipulating method names as strings (when the IDE cannot autocomplete them, there is no static analysis of typos and renaming of methods does not work).

class CartsProjector implements Projector
    use ProjectsEvents;

    public function onCartStarted(CartStartedEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartItemAdded(CartItemAddedEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartItemRemoved(CartItemRemovedEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartCheckedOut(CartCheckedOutEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCartExpired(CartExpiredEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }

    public function onCouponAddedToCartItem(CouponAddedToCartItemEvent $event): void
    { /* … */ }


Static instead of doc blocks

This is not such a big change, but I see it every day. I often find that I still need doc blocks when I need to specify that a function has a static return type.

If in PHP 7.4 I needed to write:

 * @return static
public static function new()
    return new static();

PHP 7.4

Then it's enough now:

public static function new(): static
    return new static();


DTO, passing properties and named arguments

I've written quite a bit about using the PHP type system and the DTO ( data transfer objects ) pattern . Naturally, I use DTOs a lot in my own code, so you can imagine how happy I am to now be able to rewrite this:

class CustomerData extends DataTransferObject
    public string $name;

    public string $email;

    public int $age;
    public static function fromRequest(
        CustomerRequest $request
    ): self {
        return new self([
            'name' => $request->get('name'),
            'email' => $request->get('email'),
            'age' => $request->get('age'),

$data = CustomerData::fromRequest($customerRequest);

PHP 7.4

Here, that's better:

class CustomerData
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public string $email,
        public int $age,
    ) {}

$data = new CustomerData(...$customerRequest->validated());


Note the use of passing constructor properties as named parameters. Yes, they can be passed using named arrays and the Spread operator.

Enumerations and match

Are you using an enum with some methods that return a result depending on the specific value from the enumeration?

 * @method static self PENDING()
 * @method static self PAID()
class InvoiceState extends Enum
    private const PENDING = 'pending';
    private const PAID = 'paid';

    public function getColour(): string
        return [
            self::PENDING => 'orange',
            self::PAID => 'green',
        ][$this->value] ?? 'gray';   

PHP 7.4

I would say that for more complex conditions you are better off using the State pattern, but there are cases where an enumeration is sufficient. This weird array syntax is already a shorthand for a more cumbersome conditional expression:

 * @method static self PENDING()
 * @method static self PAID()
class InvoiceState extends Enum
    private const PENDING = 'pending';
    private const PAID = 'paid';

    public function getColour(): string
        if ($this->value === self::PENDING) {
            return 'orange';
        if ($this->value === self::PAID) {
            return 'green'

        return 'gray';

PHP 7.4 - Alternative

But in PHP 8 we can use match instead.

 * @method static self PENDING()
 * @method static self PAID()
class InvoiceState extends Enum
    private const PENDING = 'pending';
    private const PAID = 'paid';

    public function getColour(): string
        return match ($this->value) {
            self::PENDING => 'orange',
            self::PAID => 'green',
            default => 'gray',


Joins instead of doc blocks

This works in a similar way to what was described earlier for the static return type.

 * @param string|int $input
 * @return string 
public function sanitize($input): string;

PHP 7.4

public function sanitize(string|int $input): string;


Throwing Exceptions

Previously, you could not use throw in an expression, which meant that you had to write, for example, the following checks:

public function (array $input): void
    if (! isset($input['bar'])) {
        throw BarIsMissing::new();
    $bar = $input['bar'];

    // …

PHP 7.4

In PHP 8, throw became an expression, which means you can use it like this:

public function (array $input): void
    $bar = $input['bar'] ?? throw BarIsMissing::new();

    // …


Nullsafe operator

If you are familiar with the null coalescing operator, you are aware of its disadvantages: it does not work with method calls. Therefore, I often needed intermediate checks or framework functions suitable for this purpose:

$startDate = $booking->getStartDate();
$dateAsString = $startDate ? $startDate->asDateTimeString() : null;

PHP 7.4

With the introduction of the nullsafe operator, I can solve this problem much easier.

$dateAsString = $booking->getStartDate()?->asDateTimeString();


What innovations in PHP 8 do you consider important?


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