FOSS News # 28 - free and open source news digest for August 3-9, 2020


We continue to digest news and other materials about free and open source software and a little about hardware. The most important thing about penguins and not only, in Russia and the world. Who replaced Stallman, an expert review of the Russian GNU / Linux distribution Astra Linux, the SPI report on donations for Debian and other projects, the creation of The Open Source Security Foundation, why people refuse to piracy, and much more.

Table of contents

  1. Main news

    1. Jeffrey Knout Elected New President of the Free Open Source Foundation
    2. TAdviser has tested the Astra Linux operating system. Expert Product Review
    3. SPI donation report for Debian, X.Org, systemd, FFmpeg, Arch Linux, OpenWrt and others
    4. Creation of The Open Source Security Foundation
    5. No more yo-ho-ho: why people are giving up online piracy
  2. In a short line

    1. Events
    2. FOSS organizations news
    3. DIY
    4. Legal issues
    5. Kernel and distributions
    6. Systemic
    7. Safety
    8. DevOps
    9. For developers
    10. Custom
    11. Games
    12. Iron
    13. miscellanea
  3. Releases

    1. Kernel and distributions
    2. System software
    3. For developers
    4. Special software
    5. Custom software

Main news

Jeffrey Knout Elected New President of the Free Open Source Foundation

OpenNET writes: “ , , , . (Geoffrey Knauth), 1998 GNU 1985 . , , Lycoming. GNU Objective-C. , . ( ) ".

Details ( 1 , 2 (en) )

TAdviser has tested the Astra Linux operating system. Expert Product Review

The analytical center of TAdviser continues a series of expert reviews of software products, this time attention was attracted by the "Russian operating system" (perhaps the "Russian GNU / Linux distribution kit" will be more correct) Astra Linux, namely its Common Edition. The Special Edition is going to be disassembled in early September, there should be more interesting. The presence of Astra Linux OS in government agencies is described, the methodology and testing scenarios are indicated ("Typical civil servant" and "Departmental IT administrator"), conclusions are given. In short - a mature product, suitable for import substitution.


SPI donation report for Debian, X.Org, systemd, FFmpeg, Arch Linux, OpenWrt and others

OpenNET writes: “ SPI (Software in the Public Interest), a not-for-profit organization that oversees donations and legal issues (trademarks, asset ownership, etc.) for projects such as Debian, Arch Linux, LibreOffice ... has published a report with financial performance for 2019. The total amount of funds collected amounted to 920 thousand dollars (in 2018, 1.4 million were collected) . " Most of all collected Debian (343,000 dollars). For comparison, The Apache Software Foundation raised $ 2.2 million, I referred to their report in a previous release .


Creation of The Open Source Security Foundation

Becoming the worldwide foundation for FOSS software development, projects require special attention to their security. This reflects the recent merger of many large companies into The Open Source Security Foundation for a higher level of FOSS security. "OpenSSF's founders include GitHub, Google, IBM, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, NCC Group, OWASP Foundation, and Red Hat. Participants included GitLab, HackerOne, Intel, Uber, VMware, ElevenPaths, Okta, Purdue, SAFECode, StackHawk and Trail of Bits. ... OpenSSF's work will focus on areas such as coordinated vulnerability disclosure and patch distribution, developing security tools, publishing secure development best practices, identifying security threats in open source software, conducting critical security audits and hardening important open source projects, creating tools to verify the identity of developers, ”says OpenNET.

Details ( 1 ,2 (en) )

No more yo-ho-ho: why people are giving up online piracy

An article was published on Habré showing examples of refusals from "pirated use" both in the field of software products and creative works. Not quite directly related to our FOSS topic, but very close, therefore, included in the digest. In terms of the prevalence of piracy, Russia is currently in second place in the world. Although if we take not the general study of Muso, but only the report on the software made by the BSA, then our country is already 48th. ... However, there are enough of those who go over to the "bright side of power". Knowing that behind each number there are specific people with their own stories, we, together with ALLSOFT, easily found them and found out what prompted everyone to give up piracy, although the freebie, it would seem, is always somewhere nearby"- write the authors. The stories of a network engineer, an iOS developer, a co-owner of a digital agency, a managing partner in a web studio and a meteorologist are presented. The comments to the article are very interesting.


In a short line


  1. GNOME and KDE to Host Linux App Summit in Virtual Format [→]

FOSS organizations news

  1. First meeting after 26 years of joint development of FreeDOS [→ (en)]


  1. Free web encyclopedia for any IT projects on its own engine [→]

Legal issues

  1. The GPL code from Telegram was taken by the messenger without observing the GPL [→]

Kernel and distributions

  1. Proposal for blocking interlayer drivers that provide access to GPL calls to the Linux kernel [→ 1 , 2 ]
  2. Fedora 33 [→]
  3. FreeBSD 13-CURRENT 90% [→]
  4. , , : Clear Linux — x86-64? [→]

  1. GRUB2 [→]
  2. OpenBSD-current LLVM 10 [→]

  1. Firefox [→]
  2. FreeBSD [→]


  1. Zabbix JavaScript [→]
  2. Prometheus [→]
  3. OpenShift, 2: chained builds [→]
  4. TARS ( ): Open Source [→ (en)]
  5. Ingress Kubernetes [→ (en)]
  6. Cerberus – [→ (en)]
  7. IaC Pulumi [→ (en)]

  1. - PHP 8 [→]
  2. Facebook Pysa, Python [→]
  3. ARM x86 Qt [→]
  4. QML Online, KDE QML- , [→]
  5. NLP Python NLTK [→ (en)]
  6. NLP Python NLTK [→ (en)]
  7. Linux [→ (en)]
  8. Rust Capsule [→ (en)]
  9. 5 Open Source [→ (en)]

  1. Firefox Reality PC Preview [→]
  2. fdisk Linux [→]
  3. Ubuntu [→]
  4. GNU/Linux GNU bc [→ (en)]

  1. - - Itch Ubuntu GNU/Linux [→]

  1. AntexGate + 3G-. - [→]

  1. - KDE [→]
  2. NextCloud [→]
  3. USB- Linux [→]
  4. C YouTube [→ (en)]
  5. Open Source [→ (en)]
  6. 5 Kubernetes Raspberry Pi [→ (en)]
  7. Arch Linux Raspberry Pi 4 [→ (en)]

  1. Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS [→ 1, 2 (en)]
  2. Elementary OS 5.1.7 [→]
  3. BSD Router Project 1.97 [→]
  4. ReactOS 0.4.13 CE (Coronavirus Edition) [→]

  1. Glibc 2.32 [→]
  2. AMD Radeon 20.30 Linux [→]
  3. Wayfire 0.5, Wayland [→]
  4. http- Apache 2.4.46 [→]

  1. Vala 0.49.1 [→]
  2. Julia 1.5 [→]

  1. Mastodon 3.2, [→]
  2. QVGE 0.6.0 ( ) [→]

  1. Pinta 1.7, Paint.NET [→ 1, 2 (en)]
  2. LibreOffice 7.0 [→ 1, 2, 3, 4 (en)]
  3. Pale Moon 28.12 [→]

That's all, until next Sunday!

Many thanks to OpenNET , a lot of news and announcements about new releases were taken from their site.

If anyone is interested in compiling reviews and has the time and opportunity to help - I will be glad, write to the contacts indicated in my profile, or in private messages.

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Also, you may be interested in the digest from with the news of the last two weeks, it largely does not overlap with mine. In addition, a new issue of a review close to us from like-minded people from the Penguinus website has been released.

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