Optimization. Story loop "Layer property"

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Private layer ac: rgf: 000295743102

09:00 June 10, 2120 The

kitchen was illuminated by the warm rays of the June sun. The whole Molk family gathered at the table. Katya Molk laid out on the plates everyone's favorite waffles with chocolate and fresh strawberries. Foul, nine, poured orange juice for his little sister, Ellie. The father of the Rig family with a proud smile looked from the news layer to the picture of the perfect breakfast.

"Foul, do you have your history test today?" - As a result, looking up from watching the news, Rig turned to his son.

- Yes, but I was preparing all yesterday evening, - he answered proudly. - I can answer any question for you.

- I have no doubt, but then came the screencast, and now finish your breakfast quickly, otherwise you won't be in time for school, - Rig patted his son on the head and turned to his wife. - Darling, what are your plans for today?

- You need to figure out the design of the guest room, but don't worry, you can concentrate on your work. But here's lunch with you, - Katya, putting down her apron, kissed her husband's forehead and also sat down at the table.

After breakfast, Katya started getting the children to school, and Rig went to his office and plunged into code.

A minute later, always such a noisy process of discussing plans for the day was suddenly interrupted.

- Katya? - no answer. - What happened to you?

Puzzled, Rig rolled up the data and looked out of the office. There was no one in the hallway by the door.

- Katya? Children?

Rig walked briskly around the rooms of the house, but they were all empty. Then he sat down in an armchair in the living room and for a minute just sat still.

β€œCall the debug console,” said Rig into the void in front of him. - Full check of the state of the layer.

On a screen in the space in front of his face, graphs of the scanning process ran.

β€œIf only not to damage the nucleus, just not this,” whispered Rig, peering into the projection.

- Darling, what are you doing? - Kati looked puzzled at her husband, leaning against the door frame of the entrance to the living room.

- Katy, how ... - Rig folded the console. - Where have you been?

- I put the children to bed. Rig, are you all right?

- Sleep? What time is it now? - Rig looked out the window on the evening street. - What? I seem to be working. You lie down too, I want to look at the children and I will come to you, love.

After making sure that Ellie and Foul were sleeping in their beds, Rig went into his parents' bedroom, lay down next to his wife, and for a long time could not sleep, staring aimlessly at the ceiling.

Private layer ac: rgf: 000295743102

07:30 June 11, 2120

The alarm did not ring, Rig woke up out of habit at 7:30. At the same moment, the smell of dampness hit my nose. Rising up, he looked around in confusion. Katya was not in the bedroom. The smell was coming from the side of the corridor.

Rig jerked his head to one side and then also sharply to the other. Somewhere in the periphery of the vision, part of the room faded. Frowning, Rig got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. Looking out the threshold, he saw how, after a couple of meters, the new wallpaper of the corridor was replaced by dirty walls, absorbed by black mold. Rig turned and looked at the bedroom room, a similar picture was revealed to him - the paint on the walls in the back of the room faded and peeled off, the lamp with the bedside table was covered with dust. But as soon as Rig approached the center of the bedroom, the overlap of the layer gave the elements a whole new and clean look.

Realizing that it was pointless to call his wife or children, Rig called the debug console. And she immediately lit up with warning messages.

- Adaptive layer rendering mode? And what about power consumption? .. It's impossible, the power unit can work autonomously for another twenty years, - Rig approached the projection so close that it flew away from his face at a distance convenient for reading. β€œOkay, there's a spare in the basement.

Rig left his bedroom and headed downstairs, oblivious to the ever-changing interior of the house. The decayed parquet floor underfoot became smooth and glossy again. Photo frames on the walls gradually appeared during the descent of Riga from the second floor. Bulbs appeared in the lamps, and the holes in the curtains, on the contrary, disappeared. Only the smell of mold and rotten wood did not disappear, to which, however, the man did not pay any attention.

The dull rhythmic sound of the cooling system could be heard from the half-open door to the basement entrance. Rig walked through the doorway and walked down to the local car, which took up almost the entire surrounding area. Next to the cubes, there was a table with a chair for the convenience of working with the console. Rig walked past him and walked over to the shelves of equipment in case of repair. The spare power unit was not in place. Rig looked towards the car rack with the battery installed in it. At this moment, another segment on the charge indicator faded out, and all the remaining layer overlap disappeared. Rig decided to go to the work table, but, turning around, froze in place for a few seconds.

β€œIt looks like you didn't want to show it until the last moment,” he grinned, looking at his corpse sitting at the table.

In the hands of the skeleton was a spent power unit.

- Its overlap was processed separately in the system, so I didn't see anything yet when I entered the basement.

Rig continued to stare at his remains against the backdrop of the dying cooling system. After turning it off, the battery charge should be enough for another couple of minutes.

I thought it would be a small cycle of a maximum of five stories, but it turns out twice as many. Therefore, I decided to move his creation to a more suitable thematic platform.

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