What's new?
Welcome to the new NuGet search experience! You now have access to a host of new options to customize your searches, including packet type filtering and additional sorting options.
An advanced search bar will allow you to sort by Downloads to see results in descending order of total downloads, and Recently Updated to find the most current matching packages.
In addition, a preview switcher will continue to be available to help you find the latest and greatest package versions.
For a detailed explanation of all the advanced search filter settings and how to use them to find the package you want, refer to our package search documentation .
What's next?
While this feature adds several new options to customize your searches, we know that packet filtering for framework compatibility (that is, filtering for .NET Core or .NET Framework compatibility) would greatly improve package searches. If compatibility filtering is important to you, or if you'd like to contribute to the discussion, check out the issue on GitHub and vote for it!
In the near future, we also plan to add the same level of search capabilities to Visual Studio to help you take advantage of advanced search without leaving your development context. If you like the advanced package search in Visual Studio and want to stay informed, please vote up and follow the issue on GitHub .
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For wider NuGet feedback and suggestions:
- Check out our documentation on submitting bugs and suggestions.
- Set up a time for Talk to NuGet .
- Contact us on twitter - mention @nuget in your tweets.