Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 356 (August 3 - 9)

In this issue, we deal with RAM and subscriptions, with security and ambitious projects, with good habits and the very best applications, how design can kill your product and much more!

From year to year, Android manufacturers are pushing the hardware side of smartphones: 108 MP, 8K video recording, 12GB of RAM ... But wait, the iPhone has only 4GB of RAM. And this does not prevent him from working at the level or even faster than his competitors! And how did Apple manage to achieve this result?Every year the requirements for in-app subscriptions in mobile applications in the App Store and Google Play change, it becomes more and more difficult to take them into account the first time and not receive a series of rejections, thereby postponing the release sometimes for several months. If there are already a lot of publications about the requirements for the App Store, then sometimes questions arise with the rules of in-app subscriptions for Google Play.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


(+48)  Is your iPhone so secure? Overview of vulnerabilities and secret passages in iOS

(+26)  How Apple uses non-market methods to extort from developers

(+8)  Avito iOS meetup materials # 8: videos and presentations

(+7)  Creating a calculator on Swift 5

(+6)  AppCode 2020.2: support for Swift Package Manager, improved performance, Change Signature for Swift and much more

(+ 4)  Implementation of Grid Layout on SwiftUI

Apple effectively banned streaming Stadia and xCloud games

Apple published requirements for browsers and email clients by default

Phil Schiller will stop marketing Apple

Apple bought Canadian fintech Mobeewave

Thousands of applications removed from the Chinese App Store

Make a sticky header in ScrollView on SwiftUI

Make a draggable card on SwiftUI

Apple could lose a crowd of developers

MatchGeometryEffect from SwiftUI in iOS 14

Modern modular apps with Xcode 12 and Swift Package Manager

Why SwiftUI makes you a better programmer

Text recognition on iOS- device using SwiftUI

Pure AppDelegate

Make your SwiftUI application scalable and responsive to different screen sizes

iOS development in VSCode

SwiftFortuneWheel: "Wheel of Fortune" in Swift

YouTag: music player for iOS


(+17)  Composite build as an alternative to buildSrc in Gradle

(+11)  Android from the inside: comparison of Dalvik and ART

(+7)  Transformation of Android development with Jetpack Compose and Coroutines

(+7)  RecyclerView.ItemDecoration: Making the most of

(+7)  RxRelay is magic? Subject vs RxRelay

(+6)  Implementation of barcode scanning function using HMS Core Scan SDK

(+5)  Top most important Android functions for the blind - opinion of blind experts

Xiaomi has abandoned the Android One program

Google has become a seller of ALL applications in Europe

Android Broadcast: tube get-togethers. Artem Zinnatullin @ Lyft

Union, Intersect, Subtract in Kotlin

ViewPager2 - digging into internal APIs for working with DiffUtil

How to stay a modern Android developer

Reverse engineering of Android applications

Implementing a search filter using Kotlin Channels and Flows

Using In -App Review API for reviews on Google Play

Template Repository in Android

Material Components for Android 1.2.0

GraphView: Graphs for Android

Scrcast: screen recording in an Android application


(+25) A  tale about the development of an ambitious project by a 16-year-old guy (file547)

(+13)  What skills can be pumped on a project with a large code base

(+10)  Protecting ourselves from trackers on mobile platforms

(+8)  FigmaExport: how to automate the export of a UI-Kit from Figma to Xcode and Android Studio projects

(+6)  Managing scenes in Unity without pain and suffering

(+5)  Testing for mobile developers: useful videos with Android meetup

make sense: About Jobs-To-Be-Done practice, different application levels, myths and dangers of product centricity

Podlodka # 175: simulation modeling

Google launched handwriting recognition in ML Kit

Application design: examples for inspiration # 12

5 things, which is better to understand before starting an internship in a startup

The Case of Small and Capital Letters

Testing the service without swearing with the programmer

Why will fast design kill your product?

Rules of a good interface: learning UI design with LEGO

How to make a multiplayer (.io) web game

Slack loses developers, Discord gains

I made Plague Inc. for a calculator

How the ringtone industry paved the way for app stores and then disappeared

How Flutter will win desktops

4 key factors it takes to become a successful developer

Configuring VS Code like a pro

What makes Godot engine great for advanced GUI applications

How I improved the performance of the software system by 35,000%

The only factor that will make you a Senior developer

My 2 cents about cross-platform

The myth about the cost of software quality

Localize your Flutter app in 3 steps

Lessons learned from building the first 10 commercial Flutter apps

6 tips for developers to combat Impostor Syndrome

FigmaToCode: Layout to Code for Flutter and SwiftUI

Analytics, Marketing & Monetization

(+13)  [ A framework for forming good habits] and maximizing user engagement through learning English

(+1)  How IDFA and customer data control will lead to trust marketing

LOVEMOBILE # 08: Adjust

Top downloaded apps in July 2020

Top earning apps in July 2020

Radish: micro-reading fiction

Mobile gaming revenues hit a new record in Q2

How did One Guy Run get 100,000+ installs in 2 days?

Mobile Video Replaces TV

iOS 14 & IDFA & Mobile Traffic Attribution: A Global Change in the Mobile Advertising Market

Pricing Testing for Subscription Apps

How to Develop an App That Promotes Itself

Paid Apps Are Dead. What's next for monetization?

12 rules of virality I learned while creating a video app with explosive growth in

AI, Devices, IoT

(+32) Language models as an engine of progress: unusual applications for GPT-3

(+20)  How machine learning saves trees in Yekaterinburg

(+14)  Azure RTOS. Part 1: Review and Launch (STM32 + CubeIDE + HAL)

Researchers have made AI to turn selfies into normal portraits

Google introduced Pixel 4A

Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found an error, please send it to the mail .

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