Remote control for dollars: will they take me?

Remote control for dollars: will they take me?

Being removed from a good foreign company is a cool thing. Even sitting somewhere far away in the provinces, you can make big money: from $ 3,000 per month in a mid-level position in an unknown company to $ 186,000 a year in a senior programmer position at Basecamp.

Working from home, you can develop in an international environment: make useful contacts and practice English with people from all over the world. However, family and friends are still there. And if you want to move abroad in the future, you will already have relevant experience and critical communication skills.

I did the same thing: after almost two years of team leadership in an American company, I left for another country - but I still consider retirement "for dollars" a very cool employment option, in many respects it is even much better than moving abroad.

Gromov is with you , and in the first article of the series, I will help you assess your chances of getting a job as a developer in a good company where the main language is English.

Whom, where and for what money are they hired remotely?

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Jobs on StackOverflow with "remote" filter

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