Redesign of the user interface of the Omega Red emulator

Hello to all readers!

I continue with the theme of the software emulator for PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable - Omega Red. In details:

I wrote this news in connection with the decision to change the design of the user interface of my project.

Welcome to the "cat".

Since the beginning of the publication of my project, I have regularly received messages from commentators about the poor design of the program interface. Especially in one of the last posts:

Especially "pleased": "avoid switching between North American English and British English".

But, as they say, "Vox populi" is the voice of the people. And I decided to redesign the program interface. The program is written in C # in WPF using the MVVM pattern - as a result, sketching a new design is a matter of a couple of free hours.

What is the opinion of readers on the new redesign?

Regarding the similarity of the interface with Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Nintendo Switch, I will answer - do not sleep ... l, but borrowed.

The program is currently available at the link: Omega Red and presented on GitHub: OmegaRed .

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