How to increase productivity

I work as an art copywriter, I write texts for theaters and exhibitions.

The launch of the project and my earnings depend on the delivery of my texts on time. And it took two whole years to find the best ways to increase productivity in order to not feel sick or an urgent trip to prevent the deadline.

I want to save your time. Therefore, I will share three health management techniques that have already helped me and my colleagues.

3 steps to increase productivity

1. Be honest with yourself

Learn to say no to projects that need to be completed in too short a time. At the beginning of my work as an art copywriter, I agreed to any project. I took on all the topics in a row, plowed to the point of exhaustion. I believed that this is the only sure way to achieve success.

Emotional burnout was not long in coming! After a week of such tough work, I could not write the texts carefully, despite my great desire. Lost concentration, the brain boycotted. Do not bring yourself to such a state, it will be very difficult to get out of it.

Gradually, I began to allow myself to pause at work, simplified the schedule to 3 articles a day, and accompanied the lunch break with meditation.

You are your main employee. Try to simply monitor your performance for one week. Write down each action, and look at the result at the end of the week. This is your quiescent routine. Focus on her, not ephemeral achievements.

2. Let the idea take shape

Any idea, like a piggy bank, can fill up. If you shake a coin out of it every day, don't expect to save up for a project. When I get the task to write an article, I divide all the time until the deadline into several intervals. Each of them corresponds to a stage of work.

I plan based on my understanding of my writing rhythm. On the most productive day, I will plan to think through the idea of ​​the article and write a draft version. On days with less uptime, I will revise and edit the article. In moments of special workload, I will not even approach the text, so as not to lose attention to detail. If you haven't set a deadline yet, take your time to move from idea to action.

3. Remove distractions from work

Like any article, an idea requires editing. In order to correct less later, I try to "cleanse" my actions and during working hours do only business, not be distracted by Instagram, music and even coffee. Many people know about these recommendations, but do not follow them. Until you focus your attention on the project, you will not get results. If it's hard not to be distracted, use popular methods of concentrating your thinking: various checklists, timers for 20 minutes, or just wear your favorite watch while working. In a couple of weeks, you’ll learn to focus on the task at hand, and you’ll be able to stay focused without extra effort.

There are many more ways to increase productivity. My main secret is a healthy pursuit of success without being violent. If we are more relaxed about our work, the result will surprise in the next few days.

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