Lose weight without self-torture and SMS

me and my wife at our first open

This will be a very short article. I opened “Just to Lose Weight” - it's not easy and I read it exactly to the words “Sport does not lead to weight loss. Dot." What ???

Personally, my maximum weight is 104kg, which with my height of 175 gives a Body Mass Index of 34, simply speaking obesity. And I'm not diabetic, so no excuses. Personally, my minimum weight, received without any food restrictions and held for several years, is 91 kg, which is just above the norm, and is normal for a person squeezing 230 kilograms with his legs without ever swinging in his life.


I have never been complex about my weight, because by nature I am quite strong and thought that I was fine. At around 104, I noticed shortness of breath when trying to walk up the escalator. It is also inconvenient to tie shoelaces. I decided to do something about it and all sorts of small dietary restrictions and regular cycling knocked down to 96-97. It was summer when I went to work every day and from work for 45 minutes on the bike, but I still did not go below 96. Attempts to influence nutrition more aggressively directly and specifically influenced my performance, and not just the pleasure of life and gave only 95.

It should be noted that I am the development leader in game development, so lack of sleep, stress and a huge amount of sweets are constantly present in my life, and if you can somehow refuse from free cookies in the office, at the cost of considerable psychological discomfort, then get rid of the first two points you can only change jobs.

At some point in my life, I went to study hustle at the Movement school in a group with White, who no longer teaches, but there are many other good teachers and at least half of them do not look like metrosexuals. Firstly, unlike sports in a rocking chair, this is not work but pleasure. Secondly, there are a huge number of girls at social dances, and there you will be taught how to be interesting for them at least for a couple of dances (further on yourself). Thirdly, if you are good at social dancing, then in the summer you can dance at least every day on the waterfront near Gorky Park. By the way, this place is located very close to Moscow State University, so you have a good chance of meeting a smart girl there. For example, I met my wife there, who is now a candidate of economic sciences. Fourth, as one friend of mine, the owner of his own business, said:"When you are over 40, fizukha remains one of the few ways to have fun, not related to money, social status, and the like, a Method that depends only on you."

And yes, I did not control my nutrition in any way and that year I did not spend a second on fighting weight, but at the same time I weighed 91. Which is what I wish for you. Thank you for attention.

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