Integration in access control systems

One of the main trends in the market of access control systems is the simplification of integration with other systems: video surveillance systems, security and fire alarm systems, enterprise management, ticket systems.

Integration principles

One of the integration methods is to transfer the software SDK to third-party software for managing ACS controllers. When using Web technologies, the implementation of SDK functions in the JSON API format allows to simplify the integration process. For integration, you can also transfer the controller SDK to third-party controller management software.Another way to integrate into the ACS is to use additional controller inputs / outputs to connect additional equipment: video cameras, sensors, alarm devices, external verification devices.

Building an integrated security system

An integrated security system is built on a combination of four sequential lines of defense: containment, detection, assessment and response. Deterrence presupposes prevention of the emergence of a threat, detection and assessment - weeding out false threats, response - counteraction to real ones.

For the implementation of the first stage, turnstiles and barriers are installed. Access to the controlled area is carried out strictly by identifiers - access cards, fingerprints, smartphones, face recognition. Integration with video surveillance systems makes it possible to use the automatic license plate recognition system when organizing a motor vehicle checkpoint.

On the territory of the object, signs about the ongoing video surveillance are mounted. Video cameras and burglar alarm sensors are used for detection and evaluation.

The presence of additional inputs / outputs for the controllers for connecting video cameras, sensors and alarm devices ensures the hardware interaction of all devices of the integrated security system. For example, when a fire alarm is triggered, the doors are automatically unlocked. Cameras with face recognition are capable of transmitting directly to the controller information about the identity of the person passing by, and the controller decides whether to allow or deny access.

Integration of the access control system with video surveillance and security and fire alarm systems ensures the coordinated operation of the integrated security system and allows monitoring the situation and controlling all system devices in the interface of the access control software. To implement detection, assessment and response, security personnel can quickly receive information about alarm events and remotely assess the situation on the monitor screen.

For example, when a fire detector is triggered, data from the nearest video camera is automatically displayed on the monitor. The employee can assess whether a fire is actually occurring or is a false alarm. This will allow you to quickly take action without wasting time checking the event on the spot.

To expand the functionality of the ACS it can be integrated with external verification devices: pyrometers, breathalyzers, scales, antiseptic dispensers. Alcohol testing allows to prevent access of drunken employees. The access control system can notify security services online about positive results for alcohol, which allows you to quickly respond to incidents and conduct an examination on time. Subsequently, in the access control system, the operator has the opportunity to generate reports on the results of alcohol testing to obtain information about violators of the regime and their number among employees. To prevent theft, it is possible to organize access with confirmation from the scale as an external verification device.

In the context of the fight against coronavirus infection, access control systems are becoming more and more widespread, allowing integration with pyrometers - devices that measure body temperature and contactless antiseptic dispensers. In such systems, access to the object is allowed only at normal body temperature and only after the use of a disinfectant liquid. To implement contactless identification, ACS turnstiles are integrated with face recognition terminals and barcode scanners.

To simplify the installation of external verification devices, special stands and brackets are used: for example, a bracket for installing a barcode scanner, a stand for a breathalyzer or a face recognition terminal.

Integration with document management and personnel records systems

To automate the recording of working time and control of labor discipline, ACS can be integrated with ERP systems, in particular with 1C. Time recording is performed based on input-output events registered by the system controllers and transmitted from the access control system to 1C. During integration, lists of departments, organizations, positions, names of employees, work schedules, events and classifiers are synchronized.

Employees' working hours can be tracked using access control equipment - turnstiles or locks with readers, as well as using special time attendance terminals: stationary or mobile. Stationary terminals are used at facilities where there is no need to install turnstiles, or in case of removal of workplaces from the checkpoint. Mobile registration terminals, for the organization of which a smartphone with an NFC module is used, are used at remote facilities where it is impossible or impractical to install stationary terminals.

The territory of the enterprise is divided into work areas (offices, workshops,) and non-work areas (cafe, smoking room). Based on the data on the entrances and exits of employees to working and non-working zones, the system builds a timesheet, which is transmitted to 1C for correct payroll.

Integration with ticket systems

Integration of ACS with ticket systems is widely used at transport and sports and entertainment facilities. Obtaining the access controller SDK simplifies the integration with ticketing systems and allows the controller to be used in paid access systems: fitness centers, museums, theaters, amusement parks and many other facilities.

At objects of mass stay of people, the ticket system can work in conjunction with an access control system based on face recognition. When purchasing a ticket, the customer's photo is transferred to the system's database and further acts as an identifier. When buying tickets online, identification can be done by taking a selfie. Such solutions help to minimize contact between employees and site visitors and prevent the sale of counterfeit tickets.

At airports, passengers can be checked through the simultaneous recognition of faces, documents and the barcode of the boarding pass. This solution greatly simplifies the verification process: the system decides on access to the boarding zone and opens the turnstile without the participation of airport staff. Integration of the ticket system with the access control system allows storing passage events in the controller's memory and generating reports on the specified parameters.

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