Azure RTOS. Part 1: overview and launch (STM32 + CubeIDE + HAL)

At the recent Microsoft Build 2020 , Azure RTOS was repeatedly mentioned as a dedicated hard real-time OS for microcontrollers.

In this material, we will consistently figure out what kind of operating system it is, what place it occupies in Microsoft products for embedded systems, and also install the OS scheduler on one of the STM32 microcontrollers.

For those who are not interested in the review, but need the practical part, go straight to it.

What is this anyway?

A microcontroller is a specialized microcircuit that combines a microprocessor, memory and peripherals in one package. Unlike a "big" computer, it has limited amounts of this very memory: typical values ​​for both RAM and ROM are tens to hundreds of kilobytes.

As a rule, the microcontroller does not have an MMU (although there are exceptions, but these are exactly the exceptions that would be more correctly attributed to a completely different category of systems-on-a-chip), that is, there is no hardware support for the virtual memory mechanism, which does not allow the use of "full-fledged" OS even when expanding the built-in memory with external microcircuits.

, , IDE, . , , .. , , . , , , = = , , , (""). . , ThreadX, , β€” .

, . , , 128 ROM 64 RAM – . , "" , USB , , , "" .

, ""? - . . , , , . , "" .

, . , MMU ucLinux – "" Linux MMU ( , , ). , , ucLinux.


Microsoft "" , Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC, . Windows 10 IoT Enterprise ( ) . , Windows 10 IoT Core, UWP, : Raspberry Pi 2.

Windows Embedded Compact, , - . Compact – , "" Windows, . 2013- , , , .

Microsoft , , . , , .

.Net Micro Framework, C#. , – . , "Archive", 2018- . .Net Micro Framework C#, , . C# "" , β€” ( ). .Net Micro Framework.

C#:, , ucLinux, , : , .

2019 Microsoft Express Logic, Microsoft Azure RTOS, X-WARE IoT Platform. Azure RTOS ThreadX , Azure IoT Hub Azure IoT Central. Azure RTOS Azure .

Azure RTOS :

  • ThreadX, , , , ;
  • TCP/IP NetX/NetX Duo;
  • FAT FileX;
  • USB Host/Device/OTG USBX;
  • GUI: GUIX (GUIX Studio);
  • - FileX: LevelX;
  • TraceX;
  • SDK Azure IoT NetX Duo – Azure.

: Azure Sphere. β€” . ( SoC) Linux, .

, , , .

, . , , - .

. – .


  • Windows Embedded Compact β€” ;
  • Azure RTOS/ThreadX β€” ;
  • Azure Sphere β€” , (Azure Sphere OS) , .

, , , , .

, , , . "" , , , .. .

, , , , : , .

ThreadX ? ThreadX : . , 100 .

, Azure RTOS β€” Microsoft. , ( ) Azure Sphere, , .

Azure RTOS

, ( 6 ). , , , , , , , .

Azure RTOS, , . , , ?

  • . 2 ROM. .
  • , , .
  • ( 100 ), ( 120 ), , "".
  • IDE .
  • (Preemption threshold) β€” N , N, .. 0 (N β€” 1) , N (.. N ) . , . .
  • (Event chaining) β€” , , (, ).
  • (Priority inheritance) β€” . β€” , .
  • ;
  • (Modules). ThreadX "" "", . " " . , .
  • . . , .. β€” . , .. , .

ThreadX FreeRTOS , , .

Azure RTOS β€” . .

  • , , , , , , ;
  • . 2020 , , issue, Microchip, NXP, Renesas, ST, Qualcomm;
  • .


ThreadX STM32

Azure RTOS :

, ThreadX . ThreadX , , . , , , , , ( - C++, ).

ThreadX, , . , " " - , , .

STM32F4Discovery, , , STM32F103C8T6.

STM32F4Discovery , ST-Link, , (STM32F407VGT6) .


Windows 10 ( , 7).

STM32 HAL β€” API STM32. "", "" HAL. , HAL, "", . HAL , .

STM32CubeIDE β€” IDE STMicroelectronics .

ThreadX c GitHub. , , "" , : "Clone", "Download zip". UPD (. ): , , . , , Git , , , :

git clone
git checkout f8e91d4

threadx threadx-master.

STM32F4Discovery Mini-USB , "ST Link" . .

STM32CubeIDE. Workspace β€” .

, Start New STM32 Project.

1 STM32F4DISCOVERY, 2 ( ) Next (3):

, . threadx_test, , , .

"Copy only necessary files..." Finish.


Project Explorer, . threadx_test.ioc ( ):

Clock Configuration , :

, SYSCLK = 168 , SysTick.

Pinout & Configuration, Connectivity, USB_OTG_FS (1) (2), (3) Reset_State (4).

USB OTG, HAL_Delay, , , . ThreadX, HAL ThreadX, . , USB OTG.

System Core SYS TIM7 Timebase Source Serial Wire Debug:

SysTick Timer ThreadX.

PA0, . User Manual , :

, . , . System Core β€” GPIO:

System Core β€” NVIC EXTI0:

Priority group "4 bits...":

! EXTI line0 interrupt Preemption priority 15 ( ). , , RTOS, , RTOS. .

, . , ThreadX , .

, Code Generation, Pendable request for system serivice, System tick timer, ThreadX Cortex-M4, :


threadx-master threadx_test\Middlewares workspace. Project Explorer F5 , :

threadx_test Properties. C/C++ General β€” Paths and Symbols. Add


, :

, , ( cortex_m0, 3, 4, 7)


! Source Location , Source folders on build path :

  • /threadx_test/Core
  • /threadx_test/Drivers
  • /threadx_test/Middlewares

- β€” .

Apply and Close .

Middlewares/threadx-master/ports Project Explorer :

  • cortex_m0
  • cortex_m3
  • cortex_m7
  • cortex_m4/gnu/src/tx_vector_table_sample.S ( )

/ , Properties Exclude resource from build:


( ):

  • Middlewares/threadx-master/cmake
  • Middlewares/threadx-master/docs
  • Middlewares/threadx-master/samples

, :

  • Middlewares/threadx-master/common
  • Middlewares/threadx-master/ports/cortex_m4


  ._user_heap_stack :
    . = ALIGN(8);
    PROVIDE ( end = . );
    PROVIDE ( _end = . );
    . = . + _Min_Heap_Size;
    . = . + _Min_Stack_Size;
    . = ALIGN(8);
  } >RAM

(, )

    . = ALIGN(8);

    __RAM_segment_used_end__ = .;

ThreadX . .


Project Explorer Middlewares/threadx-master/ports/cortex_m4/gnu/src tx_initialize_low_level_sample.S.

SYSTEM_CLOCK      =   6000000

6000000 168000000 SYSCLK.


100 1000. 100 1000 : ThreadX, .



/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
#include "tx_api.h"
/* USER CODE END Includes */

  /* USER CODE END 2 */

  /* Infinite loop */
  while (1)

    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
  /* USER CODE END 3 */




.global  Default_Handler

.global _vectors




Core/Src/ demo_threadx.c .

#include "tx_api.h"
#include "main.h"

/*    -   */
#define DEMO_STACK_SIZE         1024

/*   ,       -,   */
#define DEMO_BYTE_POOL_SIZE     10240

/*  - */
#define THREAD_COUNT 4

/*  ,        (thread control block) */
TX_THREAD               thread_x[THREAD_COUNT];

/* ,      */
TX_BYTE_POOL            byte_pool_0;

/*    */
TX_EVENT_FLAGS_GROUP    evt_group;

/*     TX_BYTE_POOL */
UCHAR                   memory_area[DEMO_BYTE_POOL_SIZE];

/*   ()   N */
#define EVT_KEYPRESS_THREAD(n) (1 << n)

/*       */

/*      */
static struct
    GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx;
    uint16_t GPIO_Pin;
    uint32_t blink_delay_ms;
    char thread_name[10];
} BoardLedsSettings[THREAD_COUNT] =
    { LD3_GPIO_Port, LD3_Pin, 250,  "orange" },
    { LD4_GPIO_Port, LD4_Pin, 500,  "green" },
    { LD5_GPIO_Port, LD5_Pin, 750,  "red" },
    { LD6_GPIO_Port, LD6_Pin, 1000, "blue" }

/* Callback   () */
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
    if(GPIO_Pin == GPIO_PIN_0)
        for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++) tx_event_flags_set(&evt_group, EVT_KEYPRESS_THREAD(i), TX_OR);

/* -worker   4  */
void thread_entry(ULONG thread_input)
    /*       */
    uint8_t led_state = GPIO_PIN_RESET;
    uint32_t cur_delay_ms = BoardLedsSettings[thread_input].blink_delay_ms;
    ULONG actual_flags_ptr;
        HAL_GPIO_WritePin(BoardLedsSettings[thread_input].GPIOx, BoardLedsSettings[thread_input].GPIO_Pin, led_state);
        led_state = !led_state;
        if (TX_SUCCESS == tx_event_flags_get(&evt_group, EVT_KEYPRESS_THREAD(thread_input),
            TX_AND_CLEAR, &actual_flags_ptr, cur_delay_ms))
            /*    " ".   */
            HAL_GPIO_WritePin(BoardLedsSettings[thread_input].GPIOx, BoardLedsSettings[thread_input].GPIO_Pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET);
            /* ,   ,    */
            /*    ,  ,         () */
            tx_event_flags_get(&evt_group, EVT_KEYPRESS_THREAD(thread_input), TX_AND_CLEAR, &actual_flags_ptr, TX_NO_WAIT);
            /*        */
            led_state = GPIO_PIN_SET;
            /*   */
            cur_delay_ms = (cur_delay_ms == BoardLedsSettings[thread_input].blink_delay_ms) ?
                cur_delay_ms * 2 : BoardLedsSettings[thread_input].blink_delay_ms;

/*   */
void tx_application_define(void *first_unused_memory)
    CHAR    *pointer = TX_NULL;

    /*  byte memory pool,          */
    tx_byte_pool_create(&byte_pool_0, "byte pool", memory_area, DEMO_BYTE_POOL_SIZE);

    /*    */
    tx_event_flags_create(&evt_group, "event group");

    /*    4 ,            BoardLedsSettings */
    for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++)
        /*     i */
        tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (void **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT);
        /*   i */
        tx_thread_create(&thread_x[i], BoardLedsSettings[i].thread_name, thread_entry, i, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE,
            1, 1, TX_NO_TIME_SLICE, TX_AUTO_START);

4 , , , . . β€” . .

Project β€” Build All , .

Run β€” Debug Configurations, STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ New Configuration:

( ST-LINK ) Debug. .


F8, , . .

β€” " " RTOS. 4 , β€” , . RTOS (UPD: . ).

, RTOS. ( -callback HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback() ), . .

, , , . . , ( , ), . β€” .

(thread_entry), "" , (, , , ) BoardLedsSettings. : , , .

RTOS . , . , , . , , , . 1 .

tx_thread_create() . , , . , , ThreadX . (byte_pool_0),

tx_byte_pool_create(&byte_pool_0, "byte pool", memory_area, DEMO_BYTE_POOL_SIZE);

tx_byte_allocate(&byte_pool_0, (void **) &pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE, TX_NO_WAIT);

(pointer) :

tx_thread_create(&thread_x[i], BoardLedsSettings[i].thread_name, thread_entry, i, pointer, DEMO_STACK_SIZE,


  • , , , . . ThreadX , .
  • TX_NO_TIME_SLICE time-slice . , , .
  • , .
  • ThreadX . . .

tx_application_define(), . , .

Azure RTOS () , FileX, NetX .. β€” .

, ThreadX , . Microsoft , Azure RTOS Microsoft β€” .

β€” , . sergant (at)

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