Habr PRO webcast # 5. Technoauthor: expert vs writer

Vodka and champagne, fire and ice, physics and lyrics, expertise and narrative - any technical author finds himself in a territory where two opposite directions collide: technical and literary. How much do they conflict? Where do their boundaries begin and where do they end? How do you find the right balance between these two directions and write cool technical text that can win the competition ? We decided to talk about all this with three experienced habraauthors and, together with our partners from SBTG.ru, organized a creative evening for them, where they will talk about how to create articles for Habr. Details are under the cut.

The complexity of any technical text lies in the fact that you need to combine technical knowledge with the ability to present it beautifully. The winners of last year's IT-articles contest "TechnoText" Valery Shunkov (amartology), Dmitry Sokolov (haqreu) and Mikhail Kumachev (ceridan). We learn from them:

  • Is it possible to β€œignite” only with technical knowledge?
  • Are there any tricks that can compensate for the lack of writing skills?
  • What are the difficulties faced by an expert who wants to write not documentation for ten experts, but a text for a wide audience? And what mistakes can he make?
  • Will an author from a non-tech sphere be able to become popular on a technical resource? Have you met such examples on HabrΓ©?
  • What do I need to convert to Techno Authors?
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You can ask your questions and take part in the discussion online: the webcast will be broadcast on August 6 at 19:00 on VK , Facebook , YouTube and below in this post. And yes, if you already have an interesting article, then do not hesitate, send it to the Technotext contest.

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