Why most US companies never go into business

If you take the widest range of all profitable niches in the US, you will find that there is a clear growth barrier. In freight transportation, these are 5-6 cars in a company, at a dentist's 4-5 clients a day, in a construction site 3-4 simultaneous projects, and so on.


This is especially noticeable in the United States, where the financial and service pie is spread fairly evenly across territories and industries. However, the quantitative indicator does not change from state to state.

- I collected complete databases of companies in the freight transport markets and dental clinics. And my data coincides with the statistics data in general.


Here is an example of my collected statistics on

Trucks : Of the 1,500,000 trucking companies in the US, only 25,000 have more than 6 trucks.

Why, in my opinion, is this happening?

It's pretty simple. The company grows as long as the owner can handle the internal processes on his own. And it stops at the moment when further growth is possible only through delegation, hiring personnel, replacing oneself with a business process.

Can these often financially successful businesses be called BUSINESS?

No, it's self-employment. For the key here is the person, not the process.

There are many answers to this simple explanation.

Why are there a lot of companies, but they do not strive to install CRM systems for themselves? Because the owner keeps everything in his head, he has no one to coordinate this with and build funnels.

Why are poor sites and new ones not in demand? Because more often than not, a business is based on reviews, its base and networking, and not on marketing.

Good or bad?

This is good for the economy as a whole. Since limiting the growth of an economic unit (company) leads to an even distribution of the economy. People (self-employed company owners) have sufficient income and there are many of them. At the same time, they are "tied" to the company, as it is self-employment. Squirrel in the wheel. They create around themselves a sufficient number of related jobs. The economy is differentiable, which means it is stable. Everyone wins.

How to break through if you want to build your company?

Again, simple. I am telling you the recipe. This is my personal opinion, do not judge strictly:

Imagine a river on the bank of which fishermen sit from horizon to horizon. Experienced, have been in prison for a long time. There are a lot of fish, it is distributed in the river and everyone slowly catches himself. The lures are the same, the length of the rods and tackle is the same. And here you are, the BEGINNER, sit next to you Throw it away. And don't catch it. There are bites, but you can't catch it like that.

The reason is commonplace

To the right and left of you are fishermen with the same tackle. Your floats are at the same level from the shore, and everything seems to be the same. But the fish comes up and looks at you all and, having tried your bait, dumps over to one of them. There are simply places that are lured: ratings in yelp, AngelList, Houzzz, Google higher, personal recommendations from their friends and others. Most likely you will become one of them. It's just a matter of time.

How to make a leap if there is such a need?

Stop standing in the same row with them. You should not be compared to others. Your rod should be cast further or be of a different design. But at the same time, it should be interesting to fish in the river. The creation of such a “modification” is the answer to the question about “successful and quick start” in America. Those who manage to create a difference in the "old" and rich in customers market and show their uniqueness by standing out from others wins.

The search for this uniqueness and its packaging is the main task of a young company that wants to take its piece of the market and wants to do it quickly.

Something like this.

PS If we take our example in construction, then an ordinary company can conduct 4-5 projects simultaneously. This is due to many factors. About which I, if it is interesting, will tell you somehow. We set ourselves the goal of reaching 25 projects “in production”, while having the tools and the ability to scale up to 100. Standard “traditional” solutions cannot achieve this in terms of marketing, sales and organization of production. We had to radically change the location, sales approach, process management and internal client-contractor relations in order to build the most technological company in the processes, in the most expensive, largest and most complex market on this planet in the SF Bay Area.

I will write the story of how the system was invented that made it possible to overtake even the eminent competitors in the city a little later.

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