Niche cases for telephony with a Virtual PBX connection

A virtual PBX allows you to solve a variety of tasks in various areas and areas of business. Let's look at a few examples of how companies organize communication with clients using VPBX tools.

Case 1. Trading company with a wholesale department and an online store


organize the processing of calls from customers from all over Russia, with the possibility of a free call and ordering a call back through an automatic form on the website for a customer of an online store.

The site has two common multichannel city numbers with two different greetings and 8800 for customers from regions.

Calls to 8800 and a landline number go to the sales department of five people. In the wholesale department, the algorithm for receiving calls "All at once" is set up, the employees have their desk phones set up, and they call at the same time, since it is important for the company that any call is processed as quickly as possible.

Calls to the online store are handled by a separate employee. If the company still misses a call, a notification about the missed call is sent to the e-mail or Telegram messenger of the sales department, and they call back.

The company's website has a callback widget tied to the VPBX, customers order a callback, and managers call them back.

Case 2. Several different businesses and branch structure


organize telephony with settings for the branch business structure with the ability to remotely control calls. Connecting a menu with short numbers for different branches, business areas and organizing call control with recording conversations through the Mobile application.

The entrepreneur has two different businesses: a household appliance repair shop and two plumbing stores. Two city numbers with different greetings are connected: one for the workshop and one for the shops.

When calling the number of stores, the client is asked to choose which store to connect to: β€œTo connect to the store at 12, Glory Avenue, press 1, to connect to the store at ul. Lenin, 28 press 2 ".

Although the repair and trade businesses are not connected in any way, it is convenient for an entrepreneur to control them at one point, to monitor the work of telephony of both companies through the virtual PBX mobile application to view call statistics and listen to call recordings.

The business owner, through the MegaFon Virtual PBX mobile application, monitors call statistics for employees and departments, and listens to the call recording if necessary.

Case 3. Three small online stores, one employee answers calls


organize the service of calls from three stores, in a situation when one Administrator will answer all calls. At the same time, when receiving a call, the Administrator must understand exactly where the client is calling.

Three small shops, one selling healthy food, one yoga, and one exotic teas. Each store has its own greeting number, but all calls go to the same manager's IP desk phone.

On the screen of the IP phone, the manager sees which of the stores the customer is calling. This allows you to prepare for a conversation before picking up the handset.

If necessary, the manager can leave the workplace, in this case calls will be redirected to his mobile phone.

Case 4. Processing of applications from the population by the city administration


organize telephony in the administration of a small town on the issues of receiving and processing applications from the population for services. Automate the registration of applications through integration with the city administration's application accounting systems and optimize the operators' call times.

The city administration accepts applications from the population for the maintenance of communications in houses and apartments. When you call a general multichannel number, a voice robotic assistant answers, through which you can automatically create a request or check the status of a previously created request by answering several questions, and also check the address. If the voice assistant cannot resolve the issue, it automatically redirects the call to the contact center group of agents.

Case 5. Medicine. Organization of telephony in a polyclinic with quality control tools for operators


to organize telephony in the clinic, which will allow setting up effective processes for assessing the quality of employees' work on phones.

It is important for the clinic to maintain a high level of service, as prescribed by the methodological recommendations for organizing telephony in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 421 dated June 28, 2013.

High employee ratings help to further motivate personnel, thereby maintaining and increasing the level of service.

The polyclinic connected MegaFon's VATS with a landline number and installed an IP-phone at each workplace. When you call a common multichannel number, the client hears a voice greeting, and the call goes to a group of operators. If employees do not answer the call, the call is transferred to duty shifts. Polyclinic administrators, through their Personal Account, monitor call statistics and listen to employees' conversations in order to assess the quality of service and monitor the implementation of KPIs by the number of processed, missed calls, errors made and customer service in general.

Case 6. A small beauty salon. One secretary takes all calls and records all clients in CRM YCLIENTS


automate the processing of calls, orders and customer data through the integration of telephony with a CRM system in a beauty salon.

The company has connected MegaFon's VATS with a landline number. There is a greeting on the number: "Hello, you have called the image laboratory." After that, the call goes to the secretary on the phone.

Since the integration with YCLIENTS is configured, with each call, a client card with a name and other data will pop up on the secretary's computer screen. Before picking up the phone, the secretary knows who is calling, and can also understand with what question. And if a customer calls for the first time, a customer and order card is automatically created in CRM YCLIENTS.

The peculiarity of calls to a beauty salon is that sometimes there is not a single call in an hour, and sometimes several at once. In the VPBX settings, the secretary is set up as the only employee in the department, so if the secretary is talking, clients "stand up" in the queue waiting for the manager's response and listen to music. If the secretary does not answer for a long time, at the 20th second the client is asked to press 1 and order a call back. As soon as the secretary ends the conversation, he is automatically called. β€œNow you will be connected to the subscriber,” he hears in the receiver, after which the Virtual PBX dials up to the client.

If a client calls after hours, the call is sent to an answering machine, which asks the client to go to the site and sign up for the service at a convenient time through the form on the site.

Case 7. Car service with shop and car wash


organize telephony with a single number for different business units and with different working hours.

The company has many areas of activity: car repair, maintenance, auto parts store, car wash. A virtual PBX with a landline number is connected. Having called the number, the client hears a greeting, after which he gets into the voice IVR-menu, where he is asked to choose what issue he calls: "To connect to a car service press 1, to a car wash - 2, to connect with an operator, stay on the line" ... Calls go to the mobile phones of the respective divisions. Only a car wash is open 24 hours a day, so calls are sent there immediately after hours.

If for some reason one of the departments does not pick up the phone, a minute later the call goes directly to the mobile phone of the owner of the car service. It is important for the company not to lose a single client!

Case 8. Real estate agency


organize telephony for a company that has employees with traveling work on its staff - courier services, online stores, delivery services, real estate agencies.

The company has an advertising number 8800, calls to which are handled by a secretary. The work uses amoCRM. Realtors hardly ever visit the office, they go to objects, each of them has a certain area of ​​the city. All of them use corporate SIM-cards, their mobile numbers are indicated in the advertisement.

If the employee is driving and cannot answer the call, the call is forwarded to the secretary in the office. If a regular customer calls the office, his call is automatically redirected to the manager assigned to him.

The secretary can transfer the client's call to the realtor using a short number.

All calls, incoming and outgoing, are recorded. The manager regularly listens to the calls of managers, monitors the quality of their work, and gives advice on individual

conversations. Successful demonstration calls are downloaded and stored for training beginners.

Case 9. Advertising agency on the ground floor


organize telephone communication on the basement floor or in other conditions in which, as a rule, it is not possible to use mobile communication.

Advertising agency managers make a lot of outgoing calls. Mobile phones on the basement floor are almost never picked up, but managers work at the computer and make calls directly from the browser through amoCRM. In addition, the office has a portable SIP-DECT phone connected to the Virtual PBX via the Internet, which also allows you to make calls.

Case 10. Using SMS

We will separately describe several cases of using SMS business cards and SMS apologies.


organize automatic sending of SMS messages with managers' contacts or other information.

The company selling tires and wheels sends an SMS apology for the missed call with a code word for a discount. The goal is to avoid a situation in which a potential customer does not get through to the company and tries to place an order from a competing store.

The beauty salon sends contacts to the administrator, who can be contacted in case of any problems.

The car service sends its coordinates to SMS so that the client can immediately build a route.

Let's move on to conclusions

In the article, we have described the main niche cases that reveal the possibilities of telephony, provided that a Virtual PBX is connected. According to statistics, 30% of missed calls without using control tools are ignored. When connecting to a Virtual PBX, employees and customers receive an easy-to-use service, and business - the growth of a loyal customer base.

More information on how MegaFon's Virtual PBX works can be found in the Knowledge Base .

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