Let's see what was interesting around Ruby in the second half of July.
New items and news
GoodJob 1.0.0 is a multithreaded ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails based on PostgreSQL .
Apache Arrow Ruby 1.0.0 is the official Apache gem with bindings for Apache Arrow .
2021 Fukuoka Ruby Award Competition - The Fukuoka Ruby Award 2021 has been announced . Yukihiro Matsumoto is
participating in the evaluation of works . The main prize is 1 million yen! RubyWorld 2020 - it was decided to hold the RubyWorld 2020 conference online one day on December 17th. RubyConfBY 2020 - an online Ruby conference was held in Minsk. RedMonk Programming Languages ββRating: June 2020
- Ruby moved up to 7th place.
Interactive Top Programming Languages ββIEEE Spectrum - Ruby climbed to 11th place.
Meet RBS! Unobtrusive static typing for Ruby 3 . The new Ruby 3 is planning to add unobtrusive static typing. The old familiar ruby ββcode will remain unchanged. Types can be specified in separate files in the declarative RBS language . RBS is based on Steep , which you can try now with versions 2.6 and higher.
Introducing GoodJob , the second generation ActiveJob backend.
Review Hey is a new email service from Basecamp .
View and listen
RWpod 28 episode 08 season - Stimulus.js, Egis, Deimos, Puppeteer recorder, RecordRTC.js, Super Expressive, Bumblebee and others
RWpod 29 episode 08 season - 2021 Fukuoka Ruby Award Competition, GoodJob, Rollout :: UI, Futurism, React Guitar etc.
Learning Ruby with Hasus Casteio - changing values ββwithin blocks.
Learning Ruby with Hasus Casteio - An overview of the Rails file structure.
Learning Ruby with Hasus Casteio - Ruby Method Types.
Quick Stream: the mystery of "unary" operators .
Let's Build for Ruby & Rails Developers - Part 1.
Let's Build for Ruby & Rails Developers - Part 2. Data Modeling and Gems.
Let's Build for Ruby & Rails Developers - Part 3. Configuration and Initial Setup.
Basecamp Live: The Ops team talks about HEY - talk about what it was like to start HEY and a little about teamwork.
Two weeks - Basecamp released their new HEY email service on June 15th. It was supposed to be a quiet, controlled product launch, but what followed was what CEO Jason Fried called "chaotic, exciting, horrible."
Q and HEY, Part 2 - Basecamp co-founders Jason Freed and David Heinemeier Hansson recently hosted a livestream where they answered questions about the HEY service.
Ruby on Rails progressive web applications .
WebAuthn in Ruby with Gonzalo Rodriguez and Braulio Martinez .
Futurism, Jumpstart and Javascript Dependencies .
Home construction and programs, translations and Bridgetown .
New versions
RubyMine 2020.2 - JetBrains IDE for Ruby.
Alchemy CMS 5.0.0 is an open source CMS engine based on Ruby on Rails .
Thinking Sphinx 5.0.0 is a library for integrating ActiveRecord with Sphinx full text search .
Stitches 4.0.0 is a Ruby on Rails add-on to simplify microservice development.
Plaid-ruby 11.0.0 is the official API client for the Plaid financial service .
Facebook Messenger 2.0.0 is a gem for creating bots for Facebook Messenger .
Learn-co 4.0.0- command line interface for learn.co .
BookingSync Portal - Rails-engine to simplify the creation of BookingSync portal applications .
Google Ads Client Library for Ruby 6.0.0 is a client library for the Google Ads API .
Rails Event Store 1.1.0 is a library for publishing, storing and retrieving events.
Unicorn 5.6.0 is an HTTP server for Rack applications.
Psych 3.2.0 is Ruby's built-in YAML parser.
Strong Migrations 0.7.0 - catching unsafe migrations during development.
Mongo 2.13.0 - driver for NoSQL database MongoDB .
Aerospike Ruby Client 2.13.0 - client for Aerospike NoSQL DBMS .
Influxdb-client-ruby 1.6.0 - client for InfluxDB DBMS .
Spree Auth (Devise) 4.2.0 - Devise based authentication for the Spree ecommerce platform...
Puppet Strings 2.5.0 is a documentation generator for Puppet administration tools .
Bson 4.10.0 is an implementation of the BSON specification .
Rubocop-rails 2.7.0 is a RuboCop extension for testing Ruby on Rails applications .
Active_type 1.4.0 - support for the Tableless pattern, syntactically similar to ActiveRecord .
Angularjs-rails 1.8.0 is a wrapper for using AngularJs in Ruby on Rails applications .
Jasmine 3.6.0 - JavaScript tests with syntax similar to RSpec .
Mini_racer 0.3.0- embed V8 in Ruby-based Node.js .
ImageInfo 1.2.0 - gem for getting image parameters by url.
Fastimage 2.2.0 is another gem for getting image parameters by url.
Rollout 2.5.0 is a state switch (on / off) based on Redis .
Knapsack Pro 2.1.0 - splitting tests across multiple CI servers and load balancing.
Cfndsl 1.2.0 - DSL for AWS Cloudformation templates .
Nexmo 7.2.0 is a client for the Nexmo communication platform .
Pennyworth 9.3.0 - Command ExpansionAlfred on MacOS .
Imgix 3.3.0 is a client for generating image urls using the ImgIx service .
Docraptor 1.4.0 is a client for converting HTML to PDF or Xlsx using the DocRaptor service .
Sensu-plugins-filesystem-checks 2.1.0 - check the file system for Sensu monitoring .
Pedump 0.6.0 - getting a dump of win32 PE binaries.
Slack Ruby client 0.15.0 is a client for Slack .
To study
GitLab: How We Migrated Application Servers from Unicorn to Puma .
An introduction to Ruby for Javascript developers .
Understanding Webpacker in Rails 6 .
An introduction to Stimulus.js .
Autocompletion with StimulusJS .
Delving into Bundler - to execute `bundle exec` or not? that is the question .
Glass half nil?
"Back to the Future" or how to test time-based logic in Rails .
Create a password-protected conference line with Twilio and Ruby .
Building a solid foundation on Rails connections .
Deploy your Rails 6 applications .
Be careful with casting methods .
An introduction to Ruby Procs and Lambdas (and what's the difference) .
Improving the reliability of RSpec tests .
HEY breaks down on the power of Apple's monopoly .
Marketplace with Stripe Connect .
Ruby Digest 2020 from 01.07 to 15.07 .