PHP Digest # 185 (July 20 - August 3, 2020)

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: PHP 8 Alpha 3, PhpStorm 2020.2, a new operator ?->, another discussion of attribute syntax and other PHP Internals news, an overview of the type system in PHP, a portion of useful tools, videos, streams and much more.

Enjoy reading!

News and releases

PHP Internals

  • [RFC] Shorter Attribute Syntax Change β€” PHP 8 . .

    : << >>, @@, .

    @@ , RFC . , #[ ] Rust, .

    , PHP 8.1, - 8.0 4 . PHP 8.0, << >>, #[], @@, PHP 8.1 .

    : @[Attribute], PHPDoc /** @@MyAttribute */, β€” @ @@, @ .

    , @@, - , T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM , - β€” PHP 8 Alpha 3 .
  • check [RFC] Treat namespaced names as single token β€” PHP 8 . , , namespace app\function { class Foo {} } .

    , , :
    use /** Try comments */ \FullyQualified \ /* in this ugly way */ SometTotallyDifferentTrait /** also after */;
  • check [RFC] Saner string to number comparisons β€” .

    PHP 8, == , .

    0 == 'foobar' false.

    <=>, ==, !=, >, >=, < <=, switch, in_array(), sort() .
  • check [RFC] Nullsafe operator β€” PHP 8 nullsafe: ?->.

    C null.

    , :
    private function getUserCountry(): ?string
        $session = $this->sessionStorage->getSession();
        if (null === $session) {
            return null;
        $user = $session->getUser();
        if (null === $user) {
            return null;
        if (null === $user->address) {
            return null;
        return $user->address->country;
    $country = $this->sessionStorage->getSession()?->getUser()?->address?->country;

  • check [RFC] Allow trailing comma in closure use lists β€” use PHP 8 , .
    $f = function (
    ) use (
        $muchLongerVar3, //      
    ) {
  • check [RFC] Named Arguments β€” PHP 8 !

    , .

    htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 , ini_get("default_charset"), false);

    htmlspecialchars($string, double_encode: false);
  • [RFC] Renamed Parameters β€” . RFC.

    function callBar(Foo $internalName:externalName) {
    $x = new Foo();
    callBar(externalName: $x);

    - Swift. , @@NameAlias.
  • cross [RFC] Make constructors and destructors return void β€” .




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