The need to reduce operational risk will lead to degradation of the concept of "overqualification" when hiring

The quality of personnel processes is not the strongest side of the internal processes of the bulk of financial intermediaries issuing loans “before payday”, who, according to Pelevin, have grown “like coffins after a leader” in the last few years with the connivance of the mega-regulator.

There is usually an imbalance between personnel and ultimately financial planning. Has anyone watched The Man Who Changed Everything? And after all, "they correctly state ...", changes in personnel processes can change the economy of the entire industry.

And what to expect from personnel processes in the conditions of permanent depression, simplification of the structure of the economy in the country of victorious "wild state capitalism" accompanying its active contraction when valued in reserve currencies?

The correct answer is that the labor market has an established and continuous process of supplying applicants with such a fictional characteristic as "overqualification", most applicants for a relatively small number of fairly primitive, both conditionally and directly, essentially offline operator positions where automation is still did not reach the business process with its "sticky tentacles of progress."

And here it is just right to remember that in human nature there is something that is reflected in proverbs and sayings, such as: "he who does nothing is not mistaken", "for one beaten two unbeaten give."

However, in practical terms, every mistake has a price, and also, as comrade. I. Stalin, "name and surname". In the regulatory norms, the error is hidden under the impersonal name "operational risks" (RR) and is numerically assessed when calculating the mandatory standards of financial intermediaries.

For calculation purposes, the OR acts as a hypothetical and calculated value, but not as actual losses, which in practice can be absolutely any, since they are very, very individual. But for the financial system of the country as a whole, this assumption may even be based on some kind of historical calculations and on very large numbers, taking into account the values ​​from known facts. But of course not. For this there is an “elder brother from Basel” who tells us “how we should”, and the Russian central bank can only speed up or delay the implementation of its recommendations.

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Also, in the model, we lay a tendency that changes in automation and digitalization of power supply systems lead to a rather sharp stratification of the required specialists in terms of qualifications over a short time horizon. The average skill levels are practically washed out, the functions of which are primarily automated. There remains, on the one hand, the need for unskilled operators who enter information into systems from paper, on the other hand, for highly qualified specialists: "writers", developers, testers, software customizers.

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