How video games help you upgrade real skills and find your dream job: transcript

On July 14, our Instagram account and YouTube hosted a live broadcast with the CTO of GameAcademy, a company that helps pump real work skills through video games.

Andrey told how their algorithm works and whether it is possible to upgrade to a cooler position by playing DOTA.

We share with you the transcript of the broadcast.


My name is Andrey Chernyavsky. I am a graduate of the CMC MSU, 2005, Department of Quantum Informatics. He taught there for a long time. My life is connected with science, this is my endless love. I am engaged in quantum informatics, also neuroscience at the Scientific Center of Neurology, and, in addition, data analysis and development of training courses for the Game Academy project, formally - the CTO of this project. I would like to tell you about our project.

The project is dedicated to games, as you might guess from the title and from my background - everyone will probably recognize Fallout, which will be discussed today.

Game Academy's mission is difficult startup terms for me, but to understand what the project's mission is, it is important to help people who play good games become more successful, happy, satisfied with real life. It's not even just a mission, it's our dream, our desire.

The project has two related parts. The first part is to help a person understand himself, using how and what he plays: game accounts, achievements, and other questions. The second thing is learning softskills through games.

Often, games are created specifically for the purpose of teaching some skills - educational games, mobile applications, self-instruction manuals, etc. - but this is not what we need. We use our favorite games: if a person loves something, then we must help him to play a little differently and thereby develop. I'll tell you more about this, how we do it, why it works, why it's cool - when I answer questions.

Any games are full of conventions and simplifications to increase replayability, the cost of a mistake is about zero.

Skills in the game do not give bonuses in real situations, and can often be harmful and dangerous. In games we do what is fun, in life we ​​have to do what is needed. Microcontrols in StarCraft do nothing to control people. It is possible to be a champion in a snowboard simulator, but it will not affect your real snowboarding skill in any way.

Great comment. We thought about this a lot.

To give one example, there is a university-based company in Spain that makes an app to link games to skills. They have one scientific article (though I have a lot of criticism of it). I tried their service, which connects to a Steam account - it tells you what games you've played recently and what skills you've kind of trained. I was playing Fallout 4 then (to be honest - I'm not a fan of this part, I love the previous ones, especially 1 and 2); they wrote to me that, it turns out, after playing for 10 hours in Fallout 4, I trained problem solving, analytical thinking and all that. True, I did not understand how F4 trained my analytical thinking.

That is, indeed, usually it is impossible to clearly link the game with the development of a certain skill. It is necessary to divide skills into soft skills and hard skills, as is done in English.

There are no clear concepts here, but everyone roughly understands what this means. Hard are specific skills: for example, playing the guitar, carving wood, hitting the ball hard in football (I only have the first skill of these). Soft is a very broad concept: decision making, emotional intelligence, “traits”, motivation.

Games are much more strongly related to soft; they rarely develop hard skills. Certain things can be trained with VR, for example. At the Center for Neurology, virtual reality helmets are used for rehabilitation after strokes, this can be classified as soft, although we are not talking about that entirely. If you think about something more specific, for example, you can take EVE Online. As many joke, this is an "Excel simulator" - working with tables can be called hardskill.

But, nevertheless, I would absolutely not begin to carry out a clear line of "games-skills". We have a different model, it is noticeably more complicated, and there are many things that cannot be clearly called skills, but the games characterize well.

What skills could a person develop after 5000 hours of DOTA?

Yes, that's an insane amount of time. There is a “theory of ten thousand hours”: it is assumed that it takes so much time to become a real master in some business - that is, it turns out half the way.

We found that esport games are difficult to work with, and to analyze what a person develops by playing them, you need to look deeper into how they play. After all, you can play for a huge amount of time, but it's still bad to do it. Or you can focus on team play, or have a good reaction.

Our approach, in contrast, for example, to our Spanish colleagues, to whom we sincerely wish success and with whom we would like to cooperate in the future, assumes a strict selection of those things in which there is a sufficiently high degree of confidence. I will talk about this later, but now - I will give one example that I really like and which helped me myself.

Here is my VaultTec cap. It has an inscription: HARD WORK IS HAPPY WORK. I agree with this 100%. When was I incredibly happy with my job? For example, when I was doing my dissertation and sat almost awake for a week, like a nutcase, over the code for the analysis of quantum entanglement, trying to translate it to the first version of CUDA, which was terribly inconvenient, it was very difficult, and I was extremely interested. For the dissertation, it was not at all important, and there was no deadline, but I still hardly slept, worked and got crazy pleasure.

I hope everyone has had something like this at work. There was another quantum computing project that I sat on for two weeks and slept for 4 hours maximum; at the same time, it was possible to do three times less than what I did. Or - working on data at Game Academy. When I started to do this, it was an activity on the level of "I'll try to help" - but then I sat awake again, linking different jobs, machine learning, statistics. It was very difficult, but it was incredible pleasure.

Why am I telling this? Many write about "how to find a calling." It is important to understand the following: usually a person in his life has already done something that was related to his calling. He's already done this. Often they are looking for such moments in childhood or somewhere else. In addition, a person falls into a stream (although I do not like the word "stream"): in such a state, he does not need external motivation, he will sit and do it inseparably. But this is how we constantly play games: it seems that we want to sleep and eat, but you sit and play, I have had this many times with Fallout, Arcanum and other RPG games. It's the same at work.

I call this "core motivations" - things that in themselves are super-motivating for a person, for which he will sit awake.

What are good games for you?

It's hard to define, but I would say this: there are certain games (mobile, F2P) that I call the "dopamine pit". One of my acquaintances who deals with them, said: “Well, yes, I understand that we practically sell nicotine. Move your finger a little - bright colors, ringing, the brain perceives it, dopamine gurgles. " These are not good games.

For me, good games are games that have real difficulties and are difficult to beat. There are many examples: for example, Stellaris or Europa Universalis 4. There are such rules that it will be difficult for any person to master them. Or, for example, Dark Souls - of course, there are people with super-reactions, and it's easy for them to play, but most of them spend a lot of effort on it. This also applies to core motivations.

One day when I was doing data for Game Academy, I suddenly discovered that I did not play at all - not at night, not during the day, not a single game. And I thought it was strange: I love to play, what's going on? I remembered that when I was engaged in my other scientific projects, I also did not play.

I started to wonder why, and I found the obvious answer: my favorite single-player RPGs contain exactly the things that I love about work. There are two of them. First, character development: if I reach the level cap, I quit the game, because I need to constantly develop - and in my scientific works there is always development, training, I feel that I am growing. Secondly, the treasure hunt: in RPGs, you are always looking for chests in which a new super sword may appear, and in science, data analysis, the same. This is my style. I don't take standard methods, I take a difficult problem, try it in different ways, and sit over it all night long until I come across a solution.

These are the things that drive the flow - both in play and in work. They can be analyzed through games. And, besides this, to distinguish hard skills from soft skills, but at the same time do not get attached to the word "skills" and try to look wider.

In competitive games, roles are divided into carrier, support, technical players. Do you follow these research roles?

We haven't touched competitive games yet, we will work more closely with them in the future. There are certain dependencies: we asked people why they play at night, what keeps them in the game, and the voiced motivations coincided with their roles. For example, the support likes to help people in life, but if a person writes that the “competence” itself is important to him, then the role he occupies is not important for him.

When we started doing polls and analyzing skills, I made a funny discovery for myself: it seemed to me that character development and loot were important for all players of single-coil RPGs, but it turned out that the atmosphere or scenario was more important for many. Everyone plays differently, and we try to analyze that.

How does the level of intelligence depend on genres, what does the high and low level of players indicate?

I tried to use genres in data analysis, but it does not work. "Genre" is a very conditional division. Take, for example, my favorite RPGs: there are action-RPGs, there are story-driven ones, there are old-school ones with wildly complex mechanics, there is Fallout 4, which is also considered an RPG conditionally (even Fallout 3 is much simpler in terms of mechanics than the first parts). Or strategies: these include both very simple games and the series from Paradox.

As I said, we try to highlight the tough things that we are confident about. Further there will be questions in which I will tell you how we look for them.

Is there a strong statistical correlation between profession and favorite games?

I will tell you how my work began. The founder of the project, Irina, is a close friend of my close friend, she called me to discuss it. I thought - cool, I love games, I thought about it myself, I noticed this myself for a long time, it would be great to look at modern machine learning at the same time (I was doing ML before only in 2004-06). It was possible to collect, using open old data from Steam, a fairly large database with information about what and how many players played and what professions they have. In the process, I tried new machine learning, neural networks, SVMs, decision trees, boosting.

There were not much more IT-related professions, but still more. I began to think about how to approach this, discussed with people. I was advised to use classical statistics; this, of course, is many times more difficult than ML. Banal exact tests were used; here the beauty is that you can get completely strict dependencies and concrete, and not abstract, correlations. They were received, which made me very happy. When you work with real data related to people (for example, in neuroscience), it is very difficult to get something statistically significant, but here it was possible.

We managed to get quite strong correlations between IT professions and certain games: for example, complex tower defense. It was funny to discuss this with people later: I have many familiar programmers, especially system programmers, and it turned out that many of them play Defense Grid ("my favorite game, we play with the whole department!"). I tried it out - it really requires algorithmic thinking. Other puzzles have come across, and there are certain ideas on how to expand and deepen this study; in general, correlations are indeed statistically significant. If interested, you can talk about the accuracy of the results.

Another question mentioned the Total War series. The second important result of our work is the correlation between the Total War / XCOM series and managerial positions. It was interesting: I really like both of these episodes, but I never got to play them well, no matter how much I tried. Then I decided to sit down at XCOM for a day (not just like that, but for a project!). Again, I didn't really succeed, but I carefully wrote down what exactly strains me in this game and why it is difficult for me to play it. I called Irina - she is a manager herself, she has a PhD in management - and described his observations. She replied, "Oh, you just described my life."

For example, one of the fundamentals of playing XCOM is dealing with risk. When you play RPGs, you usually don't have to calculate risks on a level more difficult than the usual choice of two evils. In XCOM, there are always many probabilities - including global ones, which are not immediately noticeable and are postponed (and in RPG - only “took the wrong sword, they killed you, rebooted”). You need to be able to evaluate them. If you've played XCOM, you know how a tactical move works: each unit has two actions that can be spent on movement; in an amicable way, you need to spend one (you never know what lies ahead), but it's boring! Balancing things and taking into account motivation is a pretty managerial thing. The correlation is strong, and discussions with specific people have shown that it is true.

There are various scientific works on the connection between professions, skills and games. Unfortunately, most papers contain statistical errors, as in many areas of science.

You may have heard about research in psychology, when they took 200 works of top psychologists from top journals and tried to repeat the experiments, and were able to repeat only three out of ten. And in medicine such figures are found - in general, there are problems in working with statistics. Maybe someone has read the book "Imperfect Accident" by Leonard Mlodinov - it is beautifully told about how our brain is stupid with probabilities, with a bunch of experiments.

When I work with statistics myself, I already feel when my brain starts trying to lie. You look at the data - there must be something, you do the analysis - there is nothing. Instead of calming down and accepting the result (or collecting more data), you start thinking - maybe you need to look differently? Similar things happen in ML. They take a test sample - which must be tested once and forgotten, and analyzed statistics - oh, there was an error there, I didn't think.

Serious work is still there. For example, it has been proven that 3D Action (many people play it) trains what is called hand-eye coordination, as well as quick decision-making. I took a course on decision making, and here it is important to note that fast and slow decision making are two completely different soft skills.

? Steam , ?

We analyze not only on Steam. We already had several MVPs with different operating principles. At first we made an automated system based on the found correlations, but it gave little information. Then we tried the opposite approach with auditing, and it gave us a lot of insights and increased understanding. We analyzed games and interviewed the person himself about what keeps him playing games at night, about his life situation, and so on. The basic idea is that you can't tell a person 100% by their Steam profile, it doesn't work. A person must analyze himself, look inside himself. Until the moment when it dawned on me “why am I not playing during the project?” I never once thought that what keeps me in games is the same as in work. Most of the people we talk to don't think about it either.

How can you find out what motivates you from playing games on Steam and channel that motivation into work tasks? This is some kind of work. You need to really analyze the games; our platform helps in this - now we are making a new version that will provide insights on things that we have found, on other people's work, on our statistics, on the analysis of audits and communication with people. But the main thing here is to determine what you really want to do no matter what, what you are ready to replace walks and sleep with; find key points, understand and articulate for yourself. Our platform is aimed at this - now this process is in the form of personal coaching, then the process will be automated to the maximum. She will help determine which professions are suitable, how to come to a result.

Is there a strong statistical correlation with occupations?

Yes, as I said, it exists. Absolute joy. One of the important points here is the P-value correction, that is, the correction of statistical significance on a set of tests (who knows the statistics, it’s clear), because a lot of things are checked. Here different games with different types of professions are compared, and you need to take into account the statistical significance, divide different estimates. In many works this is completely forgotten, but here - which is very cool - even with the complete strictness of the statistical significance correction, everything was really significant, and there are indeed results. As in those correlations for programmers and managers that I gave.

How does the ability to play complex games like SpaceChem and Stellaris better show intelligence than education?

I'll give you one example. I have a very close person, he has 9 classes of education. It is clear that in society this is scorned. But since childhood, he always played good games, the first Fallout took place, for example. It was always clear that he was fine with his intellect, despite the 9 grades. Now he is doing well, he has a successful business. I'm sure this is not the only example (in fact, I know more examples).

If you take SpaceChem, this is another game that strongly correlates with IT. On Steam, you can find reviews on it, like "I come home from work as a programmer, I'm programming this chemical plant again." And Stellaris and other Paradox games simply cannot be played without a well-developed working memory. There are a lot of rules, and if you don't keep them in mind, everything collapses. If in some game - in Stellaris, or even in Skyrim - a person has played 500 hours, certain conclusions can be drawn from this. Skyrim does not have online, all quests can be redone in 100 hours, which means that a person comes up with something creative himself, shows non-standard thinking. Such connections also exist, and people inclined to creative professions often play certain games for a huge number of hours, inventing something on their own. These include Stardew Valley or Cities:Skylines - I played them and just went through, but they can come up with beautiful geometry of the city, for example, make their own maps or something else unusual.

The scientific side: how is the data collected, how is it analyzed, why are the creators of the platform confident in what they are telling?

Data collection is a trade secret. I can say that we were lucky to collect them.

Analysis - pure statistics, plus research papers. We try to make the approach as rigorous as possible for a startup. I really want to write works - I hope that we will have time for this.

What games are recommended in order to boost, for example, self-confidence?

Important question. The audience we started with (we will certainly expand in the future) is a pretty difficult audience, gamers. They are often in low-paying jobs that can be automated. Often when you communicate with a person or question him, you get the impression that his main difficulty is not that he is not able to do something, but that he is insecure. Even if a person plays the same games from Paradox, which are objectively difficult, he still says “yes, I can’t do anything, where should I go”. Uncertainty is one of the key points. Now I cannot recommend certain games, but we are approaching this in a comprehensive manner. One of the tasks of our platform is to help people objectively see their advantages. I really hope that it will work out.

Will you analyze game streamers?

We had an interesting experiment when Irina and HR analyzed a Fortnite streamer, noticed some skills, but in general, these are plans for the future.

There are various layers of game information. The simplest is the XBOX / PS Live / Steam accounts themselves, hours of play, achievements, reviews, and this is now the focus. Plus - polls that a person fills in more widely; here everything is a little more complicated. The next layer is the in-game behavior of a person, here it is much more complicated. We are aiming at this, but more serious approaches are needed here. Although there are already examples - for example, a company that analyzes DotA players and offers training tips.

Tell about people who play one game (for example, action), they get bored with it, they go to the next (for example, a race) and so on, they do not finish any of them and gradually return in a circle.

Interest Ask. Made me think about it. It also happens in people's lives that they constantly give up everything.

I think concentration should be trained here. Now there are generally problems with her - because of phones and other things. I myself sometimes find it difficult to concentrate, including on one game. I think this skill can also be trained through games, assuming that concentration comes to "flow" and to pleasure.

Let's move on to the second part - upgrading sofstkills, I love this no less than the analysis of games. Before this project, I did it on purpose once, and it helped me in my life.

In RPGs, I usually played as warriors, very rarely - as mages (if it's fantasy); everything is straightforward, usually like "lawful good". But I tried to get out of this old pattern, and in the next session in Enderal (mod for Skyrim, free, of excellent quality) I decided to play as a character as close to me as possible. I started playing as an assassin, and it was an incredible experience. I did it consciously, analyzing my feelings. Initially, I thought - God, why did I take it, now I would decide everything for a warrior. And then it turned out that there are many cool possibilities, you can go through in different ways, sometimes even better than a warrior.

My brain remembered this feeling of leaving the comfort zone, thanks to which I played great, and after that I began to crawl out of it much more often in life. Do not even get out, but now in many situations I have an idea: maybe now I should try to do it in a completely different way? It helped me a lot in science, now I understand better the problems that are not close to me, especially in Game Academy - I seem to be not a startup, but a scientist, and I remain one, but problems need to be solved in all areas.

We started to move on and think about what else we can teach people. They began to analyze what skills will be important for the work of the future. By the way, employers pay more attention to softskills. For example, I looked at one analytical article on the topic of what employers want from programmers - there, of course, languages ​​were given, but communication skills are ahead of them by a large margin.

The most important skill found in many policy reviews is decision making; I think it's pointless to argue here. Before I dug into this, I did not even imagine that it could be pumped: the ability to make decisions is either there or not. And I myself took them badly, hung up, often - for a long time, even in games.

The creation of the character is delayed for three days, finally - I am finishing; Damn, it didn't work out, I start reading the tips for creating, I immediately get spoilers - in general, it's unpleasant, the pleasure is crumbling. But then I began to study this issue; I love teaching, I taught for a long time. I began to think about how to improve decision making. There are certain tips: for example, try to come up with a third option by combining the two available. This is useful.

But you need to remember that in order for the advice to be really useful, it needs to be used. He must become a habit, correlate with everyday life. This is where games help. If you think about it, how many decisions do we make a day in our life? This refers to the significant decisions that make us think, and not those that we do not even notice (according to estimates, there may be 35 thousand of them). There are not many of them. But there are a lot of them in the game - for example, every turn in Civilization is a bunch of solutions. And the advice can be applied to each of them. According to my observations, it takes a week or two for advice to become a habit in life, if you use it regularly, but in games it takes several hours. Games have a very high density of decisions; moreover, emotions cause memorization.

We had a bootcamp with two types of training. In the beginning, I made a website with simple decision-making tasks - that also worked, people went through it. Then we decided to make a stream, invited guests on every topic related to decision-making.

I spent almost a year and a half doing a good course in decision making, looking after my mistakes in decisions, behind the mistakes of other people; there were streams, we discussed these topics with people related to these issues, we went through exercises (either me or them).

I'll cover one of my favorite decision-making exercises. If you notice that you are faced with the task of making a decision, you need to think about what you want to get from this decision. If there are no goals, you can even toss a coin. It is very good to formulate goals, making a kind of vision - it is generally useful to have it in life: to imagine where you are moving, what you want, what you are.

We had an interesting stream on the topic of vision, by the way. And here RPGs are great help. When I played Fallout: New Vegas, I came up with an image of a character, his backstory, life principles and goals - and then suddenly it turned out that the decision on character generation is resolved not in a whole day, as is usually the case with me, but in five minutes. I made every decision I encountered in the game from the point of view of the goals of my character - and all decisions were made elementary. The main thing here is that the brain remembers this, and you get used to thinking about goals when making decisions; moreover, the brain also remembers how much easier decisions are made if there is a goal. Naturally, our teaching method is not limited to games. You need to play - then apply in life, play again - apply again. Games give a habit, it becomes easy to apply in life,and it really helps. To be honest, I was very nervous until I saw positive reviews - I always try to teach people, it is very important for me that they learn something. In the reviews, people wrote that it became more fun for them to play, they stopped reading spoilers, they started coming up with a bunch of crazy stories inside games - I especially remember one story from RimWorld. And in life, our advice turned out to be useful, our students apply them. It is important not to forget that without a game component, the application of such tips takes five times longer, and often people do not have the patience to apply them.they started coming up with a bunch of crazy stories inside the games - I especially remember one story from RimWorld. And in life, our advice turned out to be useful, our students apply them. It is important not to forget that without a game component, the application of such tips takes five times longer, and often people do not have the patience to apply them.they started coming up with a bunch of crazy stories inside the games - I especially remember one story from RimWorld. And in life, our advice turned out to be useful, our students apply them. It is important not to forget that without a game component, the application of such tips takes five times longer, and often people do not have the patience to apply them.

Games as an employee questionnaire. Why is the questionnaire easy to cheat, but not the game?

Indeed, a person can be analyzed by profile. I like that too. You can't fool the game - unless you give your account to some service where achievements are knocked out for money, but this is already some kind of madness. If a person has played a thousand hours and received certain achievements - most likely it was, whereas questionnaires often deceive people subconsciously, trying to show themselves to be someone else. Of course, good questionnaires are designed to reveal deception, but this does not always work. Even in our polls, we get a lot of porridge. And in games, if he played, then he played.

About the model. A model is constantly being built in the works: "games - skills", "skills - work". In the part where the "games-skills", we figured out: there is not everything just, these are not quite skills - these are motivations, they need to be built. It is very interesting, when doing data analysis and trying to build this model, it is crazy fun. It is clear that it is not finished yet, there is still a lot of interesting work ahead, we cooperate with different people, with scientists, we have wonderful coaches. We are currently planning to interact with a person who is engaged in leadership in a company with many people from BioWare. Obviously, the model is much more complex. And the part where "skills-work", too. Here is an example: which skills are inherent in startups, which are in developers.

For example, how do you say that a person is a programmer? We know that he must have this semi-soft-semi-hard skill - algorithmic thinking, it can be revealed by games. And in soft skills? If you work in science, then you can generally sit alone, do your projects and not communicate with anyone - communication is not needed, persistence is also not particularly needed, since deadlines in science are rare. But in a startup, everything is completely different: communication is important, deadlines, constant crises, stress resistance is needed. By the way, games can be used to determine resistance to stress - I've always paid attention to the fact that people who play various horror games, for example, usually tolerate stress better. Or an ordinary commercial developer - for him, too, a different set of requirements. A large company, reports, meetings, accuracy is needed, communication is also needed.

That is, the model is not that simple. What is needed here is not “work”, but “context of work”; Every profession has contexts, and getting those contexts is insanely interesting data mining tasks.

How does career guidance work?

I will tell you about our dream - how I see the project after a certain time, and what path I would like to give to the person who came to us.

The first is introspection: to help through games, through the way a person plays, it is much better to understand yourself. Set a vision, understand where you want to go, understand core motivations. I sincerely believe that if a person in life is engaged in something that does not belong to his main motivation and main happiness, then this is some kind of wrong life.

Although it is not necessary that the motivation lies precisely in his work. For example, if core motivation lies in a person's family, then he can work for its benefit and also get great pleasure from it.

I really want to help people. It was always my hobby, I knew how to do it, I knew some tricks. But in games it is much easier to do this - to help, put, formulate what a person clearly does not want, understand what a person is strong in, and then help the user to form a path to these things. For the development of skills, for doing exercises in life and in games, for specific things - for example, for passing some courses. Our dream is to make it look like a skill tree in games, with different skills and fulfillment of requirements for their acquisition. When this stage is passed, when you can clearly say what skills a person has, you can help the person find a dream job. There are many requests from employers for different things; for example, I recently talked with a friend on VMC, he has his own IT business - he said,how difficult it is to find a manager programmer, a team lead in programming. There are a lot of programmers themselves and it is difficult to choose a good programmer among them, but it is even more difficult to find a person who, with a programmer base, has managerial and communication skills. Games can certainly help here.

By the way, we need two people for the project. One is a data scientist; the work is absolutely creative, there is a huge field for activity, a lot of tasks, a lot of work. Example task: there are names of professions and there are databases with these professions, but the names do not correlate (the same programmer can be called in any way - programmer, coder, software engineer, and so on). Processing job descriptions and vacancies with NLP can help here. Then from everything that is - from insights, data, it will be necessary to form rules, a rule-based-system that will give people useful information that they will read. There is a lot of work, incredibly interesting work - I would continue to do it myself, but there is not enough time for everything. Therefore, we really need a person who is interested in working with data, ML, statistics; by the way, my friend will help with statistics,he is a statistics guru. And, of course, our additional requirement - love of games, erudition in games, as well as general erudition - we must understand what is connected with what, what professions and jobs are. You need to know Python, have experience, and love data. This state of treasure hunting should be familiar, when you look at the data plate and think - maybe try this, maybe it will be statistically significant here. I just did this today, with data on players in EVE Online. At first, it seemed like nothing, but then I still found something meaningful.when you look at the data plate and think - maybe try this, maybe it will be statistically significant here. I just did this today, with data on players in EVE Online. At first, it seemed like nothing, but then I still found something meaningful.when you look at the data plate and think - maybe try this, maybe it will be statistically significant here. I just did this today, with data on players in EVE Online. At first, it seemed like nothing, but then I still found something meaningful.

The second person we are looking for is a full stack programmer. Again, we only want game fans who want games to help people.

Moreover, I have a dream. The hyper-rendering of games with "dopamine pits" that is happening now makes me very upset. I remember my deep shock when I learned that “it” is not only on mobile platforms. Once they gave me a PlayStation 3 with GTA5 - I started playing, I liked it, I got a difficult mission. I failed it several times and saw a window: "press the button to skip." And how is this to be understood? After all, this is a series in which there are difficult tasks that bring great joy when successful - remember the helicopter mission in Vice City. My sincere dream is that Game Academy will develop and be able to prove the usefulness of games, and this will affect game development - the demand for good games will increase, and more of them will be released.

The important point is that attempts to do "edutainment" usually stumble upon the fact that the creators cannot strike a balance: the people who teach are usually not versed in games, and vice versa, and it is a complete mess. It brings me insane joy that in our course, at least, we managed to combine: it is interesting to play games, and there is benefit.

All in all, we need a full stack programmer who likes this. We work with a very cool product designer, we have views, we have a wireframe - and this needs to be implemented, with an emphasis on the frontend. The design will be, the backend will be mostly on me and on the data scientist, but you need to combine this. We need a person with experience in completed projects - to have projects with deployment and users.

But, again, we are a startup, we are few, if anything, the task can be outsourced, and we need people in the team who are passionate about games and want games to help people.

If you want to share your experience of how you managed to develop something in yourself with the help of games, write to Game Academy mail, or to my mail. We are glad to any cooperation: maybe someone wants to work with us; many people like our projects, many help with the community and other things. I myself began by simply wanting to help this team. We are also glad to any live discussion about games. A particularly interesting moment is what games you play at night, what exactly keeps you in them and prevents you from going to sleep, and - do you feel that the same things keep you in life. If someone is interested in unsubscribing about their experience, I will be very happy.

What happened before

  1. , Senior Software Engineer Facebook — ,
  2. , ML- — , Data Scientist
  3. , EO LastBackend — , 15 .
  4. , Vue.js core team member, GoogleDevExpret — GitLab, Vue Staff-engineer.
  5. , DeviceLock — .
  6. , RUVDS — . 1. 2.
  7. , - . — .
  8. , Senior Digital Analyst McKinsey Digital Labs — Google, .
  9. «» , Duke Nukem 3D, SiN, Blood — , .
  10. , - 12- — ,

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