Successful launch. Two communication satellites. Launches 2020: 59th, 53rd successful, 9th from Russia

Vyacheslav Ermolin, July 31, 2020

Current launch statistics


Launch of two telecommunication satellites "Express-80" and "Express-103", manufactured by ISS for FSUE "Space Communication". Satellites for geostationary orbit operations.


Modern communication of any kind for a huge country via satellites. There is no official motto.

Time and place of launch:

July 30, 2020 21:25:19 UTC.

Launcher No. 39, launch pad No. 200,

Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.

Launch vehicle :

Configuration "Proton-M / Briz-M" (GRAU index 8K82M) is a three-stage launch vehicle of a heavy class with a Upper Stage Briz-M for launching geostationary payloads.


"Express-80" and "Express-103" geostationary telecommunication satellites. Based on the Express-1000N platform.

For fixed and mobile services, digital broadcasting and high-speed Internet access.

«-80» 16 -, 20- Ku- L-. «-103» 16 -, 20- Ku- L-.


: 54 900 16 689 , 0,68° 23 56 09 .

: «-80» 80° .. «-103» 96,5° .. (103° ..— ).


  • 9- 2020 . .
  • 1- ( ) «-» 2020 .
  • 110- «-». 10 .
  • 99- «- «-».
  • «», .
  • Communication equipment manufactured by the Italian company Thales Alenia Space Italy.
  • Launch cost of the launch vehicle is $ 65 million (sales price).
  • The cost of one kilogram of payload per LEO is $ 2,750.

Link to high quality image

Article from the NSF portal to launch

Patches and logos of the mission

Legend to the "header"

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