Time tracking with balance calculation

Automation of working time accounting processes increases the efficiency of the company, simplifies labor discipline control and payroll calculation, and eliminates the influence of the human factor. However, tough time tracking algorithms can cause negative reactions from employees. Controlling discipline and maintaining a comfortable climate in the team allows the accounting of working hours with the calculation of the balance - according to the flexible schedule algorithm.

With this approach, an employee can independently plan his time, having the opportunity to come later or leave earlier, without disrupting the work schedule. The time spent on personal affairs can be worked out later.


Time tracking with balance calculation will be a convenient solution for enterprises and institutions with weekly, shift and sliding schedules, in which small deviations are permissible, subject to accounting and working off.

For companies where work is carried out on the basis of piecework wages or the development of a total monthly rate, accounting of working hours using a flexible schedule algorithm is also suitable.

Accounting algorithms

The company regulates the mandatory time of the employee's presence at the workplace, the total time of rest breaks during the day and the working time interval — during which the employee can work the allotted time.

The fact of entering the working and non-working premises is registered by the system. For example, when an employee enters the canteen, the system records the exit from the working area and the entrance to the non-working area. Thus, the time spent in the smoking room, dining room, recreation area is counted as non-working. Based on the data on inputs and outputs, the system calculates the employee's working time, taking into account the work schedule and permissible deviations, and generates a timesheet.

For example, with a working day from 9:00 to 17:45 and a lunch break of 45 minutes, an employee can come 15 minutes later - at 9:15 and leave 15 minutes earlier - at 17:30. The employee can work the time spent on arriving later and leaving earlier within the specified deviations. The time allotted for lunch can be used by the employee in parts.

The flexible scheduling algorithm allows you to set different accounting periods for working out time spent for personal purposes - for example, an employee must compensate for this time on the same day or within a month. By agreement with the administration, the unworked time for the reporting period may be covered by a voucher.

Work schedules

Accounting for working hours with the calculation of the balance can be carried out on the basis of weekly and shift schedules, piecework and the development of a monthly norm of working time. Accounting on a weekly schedule allows you to specify an unlimited number of work intervals during the day. For example, each employee can be assigned the start and end time of the working day, indicating any number of possible breaks. It is possible to specify special time intervals for each of the days of the week: for example, on Friday, employees can end their working day earlier.

The shift schedule parameters also provide the ability to specify an unlimited number of work intervals during a work shift. The ability to specify the day of the start of the shift and the number of days in the employee shift allows you to organize any shift work scheme. For example, work schedule 3/3 indicating the day the shift starts.

The parameters of the shift schedule allow organizing the accounting of night shifts, when the working interval "goes through 0-00", as well as specifying different intervals for different days of the week.

Weekly and shift accounting schemes allow you to enter the permissible deviation from the standard working time. If a deviation from the schedule is committed within acceptable intervals, it can be worked out or closed by supporting documents. In this case, the timesheet is formed without taking into account deviations and complies with legal norms and requirements.

In companies where wages are paid on a piece rate basis, a simplified calculation schedule may be used. In this case, any time an employee is on the territory of the organization is working time. The actual time of the employee's presence for each day is entered in the timesheet.

At enterprises where payment is made on the fact of working out the monthly norm of working time, a positive and negative balance is recorded during the working days of the entire accounting period. Balancing is carried out at the end of the accounting period.

Building a timesheet

In the case of a positive balance of working time, the timesheet is filled in according to the monthly rate (for example, in the case of a standard monthly rate of 40 hours per week or 160 per month, the timesheet will set a daily rate of 8 hours per day).

With a negative balance, violations must be worked out or covered with vouchers. In this case, the time sheet is formed without taking into account minor deviations. For example, with permitted delays of 10 minutes and violations only within these limits, not 7 hours 50 minutes, but 8 hours will be entered in the employee's time sheet.

Since the timesheet is formed according to the standard T-13 form and complies with the norms and requirements of Russian labor legislation, it can be exported to 1C for payroll without changes

Flexible accounting of working time in PERCo systems allows you to control the balance of hours worked and automatically generate the correct report card of the URV within the framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Employees can monitor the current balance on their own.

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