Optoelectronics, LEDs and Lasers - Master's Degree in Photonics MegaFaculty of ITMO University

We continue to talk about the programs of the faculty, projects of students and graduates, as well as laboratory equipment - X-ray lasers and electron microscopes.

Photo by Andrew "FastLizard4" Adams / Flickr.com

LED technology and optoelectronics

Optoelectronics underlies communication systems, solar panels, solid-state lamps, medical and navigation devices. Laser technology plays a key role here.

On this topic, an industrial master's program " LED technologies and optoelectronics " has been opened at ITMO University . It forms a set of skills that allows you to work and build a scientific career in a variety of fields of activity related to this field.

How is the training going... The program is based on the courses "Photonics" and "Modern trends in the development of optoelectronics". The first one is devoted to the physical foundations and principles of operation of devices, the second one introduces students to the problems of optoelectronics. Key subjects - "Solar photovoltaics", "Semiconductor lasers and devices based on them" and "LED nanotechnology". The courses are taught here by specialists from specialized enterprises.

In addition to theory, students, of course, implement practical projects and carry out laboratory work - they take place in a training laboratory . At the beginning of the year, on Habré, we conducted a photo tour along it , where we gave examples of commercial projects, you can take part in them.

Students also implement projectson the basis of the International Scientific Center ( ISC ) of functional materials and optoelectronic devices. It includes six international laboratories with the best equipment. For example, there is a Tescan MIRA-3 scanning electron microscope for imaging with a resolution of up to 1.2 nm. Another device, the European XFEL, is the world's largest X-ray free electron laser. He helps to solve problems in the field of fundamental and applied science, as well as medicine.

Faculty of Laser Photonics and Optoelectronics © ITMO University

Where graduates work... Many of them get jobs in specialized organizations and partner companies of ITMO University. This is the GS Group holding company that produces equipment for digital TV, or Connector Optics, a manufacturer of epitaxial wafers for high-speed vertical-emitting lasers (VCSELs) and photodiodes. Masters work at the Hevel and Clover Group of Companies, where they develop solar cells and LEDs. Some graduates continue their research and enroll in postgraduate studies at ITMO University and other technical universities.

Information technologies in thermal physics

They study energy and resource-saving technologies, methods of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and managing thermal processes. The faculty also deals with renewable energy - semiconductor energy converters, heat pumps and other installations.

Training . The basic disciplines are thermal physics and thermodynamics. The program also touches upon computer technology, mathematical modeling and energy efficiency of processes.

Where do graduates work . The faculty cooperates with a large number of companies involved in the field of liquefied natural gas, its storage and transportation. Also, students are employed at optical and mechanical enterprises. Among them - "LOMO", Central Research Institute "Electropribor", "Electroavtomatika" and other companies... Students for practice and staff.

“Among employing companies there are both“ heavyweights ”that are part of the structures of Rosatom, Gazprom, Novatek with jobs, and small companies that offer employees fast career growth and a flexible system of remuneration that depends on efficiency. specialist. Students who are looking for a suitable place of work can already choose what suits them best - stability or quick victories and ups ”

- Andrey Nikitin, Dean of the Faculty of Low-Temperature Energy

How to proceed

For admission to the magistracy in the areas of "LED technology and optoelectronics" and "Information technology in thermal physics" you need:

You can always write or call the staff of the magistracy department - they will help you sort out the formalities and give answers to questions about the educational process.

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