How to increase the system administrator's income by 4 times in three years

How to increase the system administrator's income by 4 times in three years? Vanya contacted me with this question 2 years ago.

He had plans for a family, a mortgage and a car, and I have 25 years of experience in the IT industry. He is now a Senior SRE at a food company.

A sysadmin for ₽50 thousand became an SRE engineer for ₽220 thousand in 2 years! On a holiday, I am sharing with you the secret of the training program.

  • Understand how digital business works. Why do people happily carry money for one service, while another product does not come out as a plus. From a technical point of view, there are characteristics that directly affect success.
  • Examine how the development, delivery and operation of software affects customer satisfaction. Business again! Because money is paid not for knowing the tools, but for participating in the creation of the company's income.
  • Find out why DevOps outperforms good old ITIL in the job market. Build a basic picture of process management practices.
  • Learn how hardware and operating system work. The program runs on specific hardware, even if it is called a cloud.
  • Get a picture of the architecture of modern products. Why did they come up with microservices and what are the boundaries of their use.
  • Learn to choose tools for solving a problem. First, set an application target. Then, knowing the principles above, choose the most suitable tool.

A dear specialist understands three of the 6 points. The stars know five.

Vanya learned the basics with me and learned to choose an employer. Or maybe he was just lucky?

Happy System Administrator Day! Get a solid salary 99.999% of the time!

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